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Bug #1467 Bug in installation documentation causes Fatal Error: Unable to open ..
Submitted: 1999-05-29 08:58 UTC Modified: 1999-06-24 08:39 UTC
From: andrew dot back at usa dot net Assigned:
Status: Closed Package: Installation problem
PHP Version: 3.0.8 OS: Windows 95 + Omni httpd 2.02
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
 [1999-05-29 08:58 UTC] andrew dot back at usa dot net
This is a bug in the documentation for installing PHP3 under Windows95 with Omni httpd 2.02

Basically, the general instructions are incorrect. If you put in an entry in the doc_root line of the php3.ini file, ie
as in:

   doc_root = c:\httpd\webpages ;         

you will always get an error message something like:

Fatal error: Unable to open c:\httpd\webpages/ in - on line 0 
No input file specified.

The solution, thanks to the thread by Josevi Spain and  Paul Geraghty is to leave it blank, ie:

doc_root =  ;   

In this case things work ok.


It would be helpful to users to correct this in the installation docs as soon as you can,
 by simply changing the following entry in the file <install-windows95-nt.html>  from:

"Set the 'doc_root' to point to your webservers document_root. ex:
          c:\apache\htdocs or c:\webroot"

to this

"If you are using Omni Httpd, DO NOT do the following step. 
Otherwise, set the 'doc_root' to point to your webservers document_root. ex:
          c:\apache\htdocs or c:\webroot"



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 [1999-06-24 08:39 UTC] sas at cvs dot php dot net
Thanks, fixed in CVS.
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