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Bug #13914 echo ip2long($ip) differs from printf ("%u\n", ip2long ($ip));
Submitted: 2001-11-03 11:27 UTC Modified: 2001-11-03 13:38 UTC
From: ravenhead at mail dot ru Assigned:
Status: Closed Package: Output Control
PHP Version: 4.0.6 OS: Windows 2000 SP 2
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
 [2001-11-03 11:27 UTC] ravenhead at mail dot ru
There are two examples in PHP MANUAL of ip2long() usage.
The first one is based on echo output and the second - on printf() function. These are examples with output:

$ip = gethostbyname("");
$out = "The following URLs are equivalent:<br>\n";
$out .= ", http://".$ip."/, and http://".ip2long($ip)."/<br>\n";
echo $out;

The output of above is:
The following URLs are equivalent:,, and http://-791530847/

I was confused on $ip output (i supposed ip-numbers are unsigned integers and cannot contain negative values like -791530847, echoed above). So, i've tryed to run the second example, wich uses printf() function:

$ip = gethostbyname("");
printf ("%u\n", ip2long ($ip));
echo $out;

The output is:

I've changed code different ways, 've restarted machine, Apache server, but the difference remains. So, i've decided it's a bug either of echo or of ip2long() functions.


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 [2001-11-03 13:38 UTC]
This is actually not a bug. PHP only has signed integers (32 bit), that means that an IP address doesn't fit into that.
echo $ipaddy; will show the number, ie. the signed integer. However, the 'special' modifier %u does circumvent this problem, but just outputting the number in unsigned form.

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