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Bug #11578 http header order not respected and messages not transmitted
Submitted: 2001-06-20 09:10 UTC Modified: 2002-03-07 00:00 UTC
From: xavier dot galai at free dot fr Assigned:
Status: No Feedback Package: HTTP related
PHP Version: 4.0.5 OS: win32 (nt4 and 2000)
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
 [2001-06-20 09:10 UTC] xavier dot galai at free dot fr

// description : ntlm authentification module

//get the msg wich is contained in the headers of the apache server. 
  function get_msg_auth() {
  	//$msg="no auth scheme//";
    $headers = getallheaders(); 
    while (list($header, $value) = each($headers)) { 
      if ($header == "Authorization") {
    return $msg;

//return to the browser the first step of the ntlm authentification schema.
  function beginntlm() {
    header("HTTP/1.1 401 acc?s refus?"); 
    header("WWW-Authenticate: NTLM"); 

//send the msg2 to the client.
  function putmsg2($msg) {
    header("HTTP/1.1 401 acc?s refus?");
    header("www-authenticate: NTLM ".$msg);

//do the authentification
  function ntlm_auth () {
  $fp = fopen("c:/test.txt","w+");
  fwrite($fp,"msg1 = ");
  fwrite($fp,"\nmsg2 = ");
  //msg2 not in  the script cause it is too big
  fwrite($fp,"\nmsg3 = ");

 // header("location: index.php");


the following code is working(IE only..), i get the correct test.txt but if i uncomment the last line "header(location..=) the redirection is done but the auth header are not correct.. i've used tcpdump to see what is the problem and i've find that the header are not transmitted in the correct order and are modified.... i doesn't know if its the apache fault or the php optimer fault by my compagny really wait for a php version that permit to send and to get the headers correctly..
Thanks a lot
the php used is the binary for win32 with default modules and default php.ini (apache is used)
php is used an module of apache.


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 [2001-06-20 12:14 UTC]
Are you using the Apache module version of PHP on Windows
or the standalone CGI binary version?  And what do you 
mean the headers are in the wrong order?  The order of
HTTP headers is not significant.
 [2001-06-21 01:38 UTC] xavier dot galai at free dot fr
I currently use the module version of php like indicated in my previous description.
I've separed the ""bug"" in two part to be more understandable (i'm not familiar with english)
the first part is with the function header :
if i execute the following code : 
header("HTTP/1.1 401 acces refuse");
header("www-authenticate: Negociate");
header("www-authenticate: NTLM");
(i know this not correct for rfc but IIS work like that..)
and on the network dump i see:
HTTP/1.1 401 unauthorized (not my message !!!)
www-authenticate: NTLM (squizzed the negociate!!)

now the second part of the message : 
during my challenge to obtain ntlm auth 3 messages are exchanged like that : 
c = client ; s = server

1 c -> s GET
2 s -> c http/1.1 401 unauthorized
       www-authenticate : NTLM
3 c -> s authorization: <msg1>
4 s -> c http/1.1 401 unauthorized
       www-authenticate : NTLM <msg2>
5 c -> s authorization: <msg3>

so on the number 2 i do calls to header
on the 3 i call getallheaders (return msg1)
on the 4 i call header
on the 5 i cal getallheaders
i write it to a file (for tests)
i close the file

my first suprise was : on the network layer all is correct : 3 msg, 3 corrects contents and the 3 msg differents.
on the php layer : msg1 is the same that msg 3  !!!
if i do a redirection after have closed the file :
it contains no more messages !!!!!!!!
is the optmizer fault ?????
If i'am not clear i can try to reexplain

 [2001-06-21 09:21 UTC]
By default PHP's header() function will replace the value
of an http header with the value you give it.  If you don't
want it to replace, but instead add a second header with
a different value, use the optional second arg to header() 
to tell PHP not to do this replace.  So your code should be:

header("www-authenticate: Negociate");
header("www-authenticate: NTLM",0);

I don't blame you for not knowing this though.  It isn't
documented anywhere.  I will take care of that now.
 [2001-06-21 09:59 UTC] xavier dot galai at free dot fr
thanks a lot ramus for your help.. the first part of the problem was my fault not the php fault.. but... the second part is always not functionnal...
i can obtain the correct headers and response for the ntlm scheme but.. if i do a header("location : xxxx"); at the END of the program... the value are not written correctly !!
maybe an optimizer miss optimization.....
It strange that on a test without redirection all seems correct but adding instruction after the write and the file was closed and flushed this is not functionnal...
thank a lot and sorry to spam you with my little problem. but it's a mission critical projet for France Telecom Mobile service (ORANGE) and i prefer using php with linux than IIS... i need to prove the possibilities of the open source platform..
 [2001-06-21 17:58 UTC]
Did you try with the 2nd (undocumented before) argument
for header() like Rasmus suggested??
And it still doesn't work? 

 [2001-06-22 01:13 UTC] xavier dot galai at free dot fr
yes i've tried this second undocumented argument and like i've explained it this solve the first part of my problem. but i think that i not explain my problem correctly.
I call some getallheader successivly after have sended my arguments but : it doesn't return that i see on the network and if after have written the content of getallheader if i do a redirection my code doesn't work (maybe the optimizer change the order of the execution ).
 [2002-02-06 01:02 UTC] - Do you have a web site where this sample script you pasted here is running? It would help me analyze this if I could view the headers myself.

I have a very strong suspicion about what is going on. The Location header is not simply another header, but rather it also alters the server response code to be a 300 level response rather than a 200 OK. I believe that the Location header might either be:
1) the only header in the response that is sent, so all of your authentication headers are not sent, or
2) the only header that the HTTP client (browser) bothers to interpret since the response code is a 301 Moved Permanently.

Your feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for helping!
 [2002-02-23 04:10 UTC] xavier dot galai at wanadoo dot fr  

thanks for your interest in my bugsuite... but i'm sorry to tell you that the project was closed (due to no feedback..) and i've currently no samples of my code running.. and i'm in difficult to find the latest sources, i'll look for them and i'll send you via comments later, (maybe today)

thank for your interest.
 [2002-03-07 00:00 UTC] php-bugs at lists dot php dot net
No feedback was provided for this bug for over a month, so it is
being suspended automatically. If you are able to provide the
information that was originally requested, please do so and change
the status of the bug back to "Open".
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