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Sec Bug #81122 SSRF bypass in FILTER_VALIDATE_URL
Submitted: 2021-06-10 02:37 UTC Modified: 2021-07-16 22:03 UTC
From: vi at hackberry dot xyz Assigned: cmb (profile)
Status: Closed Package: URL related
PHP Version: 8.0.7 OS: All
Private report: No CVE-ID: 2021-21705
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From: vi at hackberry dot xyz
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 [2021-06-10 02:37 UTC] vi at hackberry dot xyz
In reports and, it is suggested to use FILTER_VALIDATE_URL but I have found a bypass that allows bypassing FILTER_VALIDATE_URL check. 

Test script:
echo filter_var("\", FILTER_VALIDATE_URL)

Expected result:
Should not validate as a valid URL given the URL.

Actual result:
Validates URL as valid. This payload in file_get_contents and parse_url would treat as host.


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 [2021-06-10 03:12 UTC]
-Status: Open +Status: Feedback
 [2021-06-10 03:12 UTC]
This seems to be a valid URL with username "" and password "\". parse_url() parses it like that. Not sure why is is a problem?
 [2021-06-10 06:02 UTC] vi at hackberry dot xyz
-Status: Feedback +Status: Open
 [2021-06-10 06:02 UTC] vi at hackberry dot xyz
Consider the following code:

if(filter_var($_GET['url'], FILTER_VALIDATE_URL)) {
    header("location: ".$_GET['url']);

Now if you visit https://localhost/?url=\
The browser will redirect to This can be used to bypass any open redirect mitigations as well as introduce a discripency since from PHP's perspective, the host is here but for the browser, host is

Now consider an SSRF protection which uses parse_url to check for as host:

if(filter_var($_GET['url'], FILTER_VALIDATE_URL)) {
    if("" === parse_url($_GET['url'])['host']) {
        header("location: ".$_GET['url']);

The above will pass for the payload\ but browser will redirect to

Now another case where file_get_contents is used over username and password provided by a user:

$username = $_GET['user'];
$password = $_GET['pass'];
$loginurl = 'https://' . $username . ':' . $password . '';

if(filter_var($loginurl, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL)) {
    echo file_get_contents($loginurl);

For the username as '' and password as '/', the request will be sent to since ':' will indicate start of port. But port will end with '/' that indicates the start of path. 

Another case where we allow `\` in the password:


would return 

     "scheme" => "https",
     "host" => "",
     "user" => "user",
     "pass" => "_pass",

and the following:


would return 

    "scheme" => "https",
    "host" => "",
    "user" => "user",
    "pass" => "\",

Another case I noticed, 


would return false which is completely unexpected as '\' should have escaped '/' resulting in:

    "scheme" => "https",
    "host" => "",
    "path" => "/",
 [2021-06-10 09:44 UTC]
> This seems to be a valid URL with username "" and
> password "\".

According to RFC 3986[1], it is not.

    userinfo      = *( unreserved / pct-encoded / sub-delims / ":" )
    unreserved    = ALPHA / DIGIT / "-" / "." / "_" / "~"
    sub-delims    = "!" / "$" / "&" / "'" / "(" / ")"
                  / "*" / "+" / "," / ";" / "="

The backslash would have to be percent encoded.  Since it is not,
apparently browsers interpret :\ as slash, here.

[1] <>
 [2021-06-13 19:18 UTC]
@cmb so should we add validation for the password part too?
 [2021-06-13 21:51 UTC]
-Assigned To: +Assigned To: cmb
 [2021-06-13 21:51 UTC]
Yes.  I'll provide a patch on Monday.
 [2021-06-14 11:30 UTC]
-Assigned To: cmb +Assigned To: stas
 [2021-06-14 11:30 UTC]
Formatted patch for PHP-7.3 and up:

When merging that into master the SKIPIF section of the test case
should be replaced with:


> parse_url("\/")

This is actually


since "\/" isn't a valid escape sequence.
 [2021-06-16 10:41 UTC] vi at hackberry dot xyz
While fixing this, also take the following case in consideration:

=> [
     "scheme" => "https",
     "host" => "",
     "port" => 80,
     "path" => "/",

Here \/ becomes a path separator making 80 a port number which I think is due to / getting escaped by backslash.
Tested on PHP 8.0.7
 [2021-06-16 16:10 UTC]

Yes, that is an invalid URI (according to RFC 3986), and
parse_url() fails to parse it properly; I don't even consider this
as bug[1].  The fact that FILTER_VALIDATE_URL claims the URL to be
valid is a bug, but given that it is apparently interpreted as

by browsers, I don't think this is a security issue.

[1] <>
 [2021-06-21 05:03 UTC]
-CVE-ID: +CVE-ID: 2021-21705
 [2021-06-28 04:41 UTC]
Automatic comment on behalf of cmb69 (author) and smalyshev (committer)
Log: Fix #81122: SSRF bypass in FILTER_VALIDATE_URL
 [2021-06-28 04:41 UTC]
-Status: Assigned +Status: Closed
 [2021-07-16 01:26 UTC] kfoubert at sitecrafting dot com
This change might have caused an issue with validating against elastic search url and other similar URLs.

Elastic Search URL:
https://collections_name:[45 character string]

Does this qualify as a valid URL?

The search page works fine on PHP 7.3.27 but no longer works with PHP 7.3.29, which Pantheon has switched to.

The FILTER_VALIDATE_URL is in the PHP Elastic Search composer package. The code below is now adding an unneeded http://

 * @param string $host
 * @return string
private function prependMissingScheme($host)
    if (!filter_var($host, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL)) {
        $host = 'http://' . $host;

    return $host;
 [2021-07-16 03:40 UTC] vi at hackberry dot xyz
According to RFC 2396 (, https://collections_name:[45 character string] is not a valid URL. Because the : character in the host separates the port from host in hostport. (See the section 3.2.2)

3.2.2. Server-based Naming Authority

   URL schemes that involve the direct use of an IP-based protocol to a
   specified server on the Internet use a common syntax for the server
   component of the URI's scheme-specific data:


   where <userinfo> may consist of a user name and, optionally, scheme-
   specific information about how to gain authorization to access the
   server.  The parts "<userinfo>@" and ":<port>" may be omitted.

      server        = [ [ userinfo "@" ] hostport ]

   The user information, if present, is followed by a commercial at-sign

      userinfo      = *( unreserved | escaped |
                         ";" | ":" | "&" | "=" | "+" | "$" | "," )

   Some URL schemes use the format "user:password" in the userinfo
   field. This practice is NOT RECOMMENDED, because the passing of
   authentication information in clear text (such as URI) has proven to
   be a security risk in almost every case where it has been used.

   The host is a domain name of a network host, or its IPv4 address as a
   set of four decimal digit groups separated by ".".  Literal IPv6
   addresses are not supported.

      hostport      = host [ ":" port ]
      host          = hostname | IPv4address
      hostname      = *( domainlabel "." ) toplabel [ "." ]
      domainlabel   = alphanum | alphanum *( alphanum | "-" ) alphanum
      toplabel      = alpha | alpha *( alphanum | "-" ) alphanum
 [2021-07-16 19:27 UTC] kfoubert at sitecrafting dot com
To clarify the actual URL being validated is basic authentication. Is that a valid URL?

 [2021-07-16 19:31 UTC] kfoubert at sitecrafting dot com
Here's a better explanation, the actual URL being validated is basic authentication. Is that a valid URL?

Pattern (which I think matches the previous description hackberry provided)

here's what the elastic search url looks like, with no password.

For PHP 7.3.29, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL  is returning false. I'm guessing it should return true.
 [2021-07-16 19:34 UTC]
-Assigned To: stas +Assigned To: cmb
 [2021-07-16 19:34 UTC]
@cmb could you check?
 [2021-07-16 19:35 UTC]
I suspect a particular password may contain characters that are not allowed in the URL. That would make it an invalid URL.
 [2021-07-16 20:58 UTC]
> Elastic Search URL:
> https://collections_name:[45 character string]
> Does this qualify as a valid URL?

No, because verbatim spaces are not allowed in an URL.  Unless you
provide a verbatim URL, *nobody* can tell.
 [2021-07-16 21:18 UTC]
Just for the sake of clarity, please do not post any of the actual passwords here, please generate a fake one that demonstrates the problem instead.
 [2021-07-16 21:51 UTC] kfoubert at sitecrafting dot com
To: stas and cmb

here's what the elastic search url looks like, with no password (i made sure previous posts had no password). It's basic authentication. 


The password contains a caret character and an exclamation mark, everything else is alphanumberic.

I also placed an issue for Elasticsearch-PHP for older versions, since their most recent releases don't use FILTER_VALIDATE_URL. 

Thank you!
 [2021-07-16 22:02 UTC]
Exclamation mark is fine, but caret is not:

 Other characters are excluded because gateways and other transport
   agents are known to sometimes modify such characters, or they are
   used as delimiters.

   unwise      = "{" | "}" | "|" | "\" | "^" | "[" | "]" | "`"
 [2021-07-16 22:03 UTC]
> The password contains a caret character and an exclamation mark,
> everything else is alphanumberic. 

According to RFC 3986[1], a caret is not valid in the password
which is a part of the userinfo:

    userinfo      = *( unreserved / pct-encoded / sub-delims / ":" )
    unreserved    = ALPHA / DIGIT / "-" / "." / "_" / "~"
    sub-delims    = "!" / "$" / "&" / "'" / "(" / ")"
                  / "*" / "+" / "," / ";" / "="

The caret would need to be percent-encoded as %5E.

[1] <>
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