Patch patch.79914 for PDO MySQL Bug #79914
Patch version 2020-08-08 03:32 UTC
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Patch Revisions:
diff -up origin/php-7.1.11/ext/pdo_mysql/mysql_driver.c new/php-7.1.11/ext/pdo_mysql/mysql_driver.c
--- origin/php-7.1.11/ext/pdo_mysql/mysql_driver.c 2017-10-25 15:04:36.000000000 +0800
+++ new/php-7.1.11/ext/pdo_mysql/mysql_driver.c 2020-08-08 08:44:30.000000000 +0800
@@ -42,6 +42,55 @@
# define pdo_mysql_init(persistent) mysql_init(NULL)
+/* {{{ _pdo_mysql_stmt_error */
+int _pdo_mysql_stmt_error(pdo_dbh_t *dbh, pdo_stmt_t *stmt, const char *file, int line)
+ pdo_mysql_db_handle *H = (pdo_mysql_db_handle *)dbh->driver_data;
+ pdo_error_type *pdo_err;
+ pdo_mysql_error_info *einfo;
+ pdo_mysql_stmt *S = NULL;
+ PDO_DBG_ENTER("_pdo_mysql_stmt_error");
+ PDO_DBG_INF_FMT("file=%s line=%d", file, line);
+ S = (pdo_mysql_stmt*)stmt->driver_data;
+ pdo_err = &stmt->error_code;
+ einfo = &S->einfo;
+ einfo->errcode = mysql_errno(H->server);
+ einfo->file = file;
+ einfo->line = line;
+ if (einfo->errcode) {
+ if (einfo->errcode == 2014) {
+ einfo->errmsg = pestrdup(
+ "Cannot execute queries while other unbuffered queries are active. "
+ "Consider using PDOStatement::fetchAll(). Alternatively, if your code "
+ "is only ever going to run against mysql, you may enable query "
+ "buffering by setting the PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_USE_BUFFERED_QUERY attribute.",
+ dbh->is_persistent);
+ } else if (einfo->errcode == 2057) {
+ einfo->errmsg = pestrdup(
+ "A stored procedure returning result sets of different size was called. "
+ "This is not supported by libmysql",
+ dbh->is_persistent);
+ } else {
+ einfo->errmsg = pestrdup(mysql_error(H->server), dbh->is_persistent);
+ }
+ } else { /* no error */
+ strcpy(*pdo_err, PDO_ERR_NONE);
+ }
+ strcpy(*pdo_err, mysql_sqlstate(H->server));
+ PDO_DBG_INF("Throwing exception");
+ zend_throw_exception_ex(php_pdo_get_exception(), einfo->errcode, "SQLSTATE[%s] [%d] %s",
+ *pdo_err, einfo->errcode, einfo->errmsg);
+ PDO_DBG_RETURN(einfo->errcode);
/* {{{ _pdo_mysql_error */
int _pdo_mysql_error(pdo_dbh_t *dbh, pdo_stmt_t *stmt, const char *file, int line)
diff -up origin/php-7.1.11/ext/pdo_mysql/mysql_statement.c new/php-7.1.11/ext/pdo_mysql/mysql_statement.c
--- origin/php-7.1.11/ext/pdo_mysql/mysql_statement.c 2017-10-25 15:04:36.000000000 +0800
+++ new/php-7.1.11/ext/pdo_mysql/mysql_statement.c 2020-08-08 08:45:15.000000000 +0800
@@ -119,10 +119,19 @@ static void pdo_mysql_stmt_set_row_count
zend_long row_count;
pdo_mysql_stmt *S = stmt->driver_data;
+ pdo_mysql_db_handle *H = S->H;
row_count = (zend_long) mysql_stmt_affected_rows(S->stmt);
if (row_count != (zend_long)-1) {
stmt->row_count = row_count;
- }
+ }else {
+ if (!H->buffered) {
+ S->result = mysql_use_result(H->server);
+ } else {
+ S->result = mysql_store_result(H->server);
+ }
+ pdo_mysql_error_stmt_emulate_false(stmt);
+ }
/* }}} */
diff -up origin/php-7.1.11/ext/pdo_mysql/php_pdo_mysql_int.h new/php-7.1.11/ext/pdo_mysql/php_pdo_mysql_int.h
--- origin/php-7.1.11/ext/pdo_mysql/php_pdo_mysql_int.h 2017-10-25 15:04:36.000000000 +0800
+++ new/php-7.1.11/ext/pdo_mysql/php_pdo_mysql_int.h 2020-08-08 08:43:59.000000000 +0800
@@ -150,10 +150,12 @@ typedef struct {
} pdo_mysql_stmt;
extern pdo_driver_t pdo_mysql_driver;
+extern int _pdo_mysql_stmt_error(pdo_dbh_t *dbh, pdo_stmt_t *stmt, const char *file, int line);
extern int _pdo_mysql_error(pdo_dbh_t *dbh, pdo_stmt_t *stmt, const char *file, int line);
#define pdo_mysql_error(s) _pdo_mysql_error(s, NULL, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define pdo_mysql_error_stmt(s) _pdo_mysql_error(stmt->dbh, stmt, __FILE__, __LINE__)
+#define pdo_mysql_error_stmt_emulate_false(s) _pdo_mysql_stmt_error(stmt->dbh, stmt, __FILE__, __LINE__)
extern struct pdo_stmt_methods mysql_stmt_methods;
Common subdirectories: origin/php-7.1.11/ext/pdo_mysql/tests and new/php-7.1.11/ext/pdo_mysql/tests