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Return to Bug #69342
Patch changelog revision 2015-04-04 00:05 UTC by
revision 2015-04-03 23:28 UTC by

Patch changelog for Documentation problem Bug #69342

Patch version 2015-04-04 00:05 UTC

Return to Bug #69342 | Download this patch
This patch renders other patches obsolete

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Patch Revisions:


Index: en/reference/apache/functions/apache-get-modules.xml
--- en/reference/apache/functions/apache-get-modules.xml	(revision 336352)
+++ en/reference/apache/functions/apache-get-modules.xml	(working copy)
@@ -24,32 +24,6 @@
- <refsect1 role="changelog">
-  &reftitle.changelog;
-  <para>
-   <informaltable>
-    <tgroup cols="2">
-     <thead>
-      <row>
-       <entry>&Version;</entry>
-       <entry>&Description;</entry>
-      </row>
-     </thead>
-     <tbody>
-      <row>
-       <entry>5.0.0</entry>
-       <entry>
-        Became available when using Apache 1, or the PHP  Apache 2 
-        <emphasis>filter</emphasis> API. Before this time, it was only 
-        available when using the Apache 2 <emphasis>handler</emphasis> API.
-       </entry>
-      </row>
-     </tbody>
-    </tgroup>
-   </informaltable>
-  </para>
- </refsect1>
  <refsect1 role="examples">
Index: en/reference/array/functions/array-search.xml
--- en/reference/array/functions/array-search.xml	(revision 336352)
+++ en/reference/array/functions/array-search.xml	(working copy)
@@ -94,13 +94,6 @@
         are passed to it.
-      <row>
-       <entry>4.2.0</entry>
-       <entry>
-        Prior to PHP 4.2.0, <function>array_search</function> returns &null;
-        on failure instead of &false;.
-       </entry>
-      </row>
Index: en/reference/classobj/functions/is-a.xml
--- en/reference/classobj/functions/is-a.xml	(revision 336352)
+++ en/reference/classobj/functions/is-a.xml	(working copy)
@@ -82,15 +82,6 @@
         no longer throw <constant>E_STRICT</constant> warnings.
-      <row>
-       <entry>5.0.0</entry>
-       <entry>
-        This function became deprecated in favour of the 
-        <link linkend="language.operators.type">instanceof</link> 
-        operator. Calling this function will result in an 
-        <constant>E_STRICT</constant> warning.
-       </entry>
-      </row>
Index: en/reference/curl/functions/curl-setopt.xml
--- en/reference/curl/functions/curl-setopt.xml	(revision 336352)
+++ en/reference/curl/functions/curl-setopt.xml	(working copy)
@@ -1526,20 +1526,6 @@
-      <row>
-       <entry>5.0.0</entry>
-       <entry>
-        Introduced <constant>CURLOPT_FTP_USE_EPRT</constant>,
-        <constant>CURLOPT_NOSIGNAL</constant>,
-        <constant>CURLOPT_UNRESTRICTED_AUTH</constant>,
-        <constant>CURLOPT_BUFFERSIZE</constant>,
-        <constant>CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH</constant>,
-        <constant>CURLOPT_PROXYPORT</constant>,
-        <constant>CURLOPT_PROXYTYPE</constant>,
-        <constant>CURLOPT_SSLCERTTYPE</constant>, and
-        <constant>CURLOPT_HTTP200ALIASES</constant>.
-       </entry>
-      </row>
Index: en/reference/datetime/functions/strtotime.xml
--- en/reference/datetime/functions/strtotime.xml	(revision 336352)
+++ en/reference/datetime/functions/strtotime.xml	(working copy)
@@ -126,12 +126,6 @@
         correctly computed from current time.
-      <row>
-       <entry>5.0.0</entry>
-       <entry>
-        Microseconds began to be allowed, but they are ignored.
-       </entry>
-      </row>
Index: en/reference/dba/functions/dba-fetch.xml
--- en/reference/dba/functions/dba-fetch.xml	(revision 336352)
+++ en/reference/dba/functions/dba-fetch.xml	(working copy)
@@ -72,30 +72,6 @@
- <refsect1 role="changelog">
-  &reftitle.changelog;
-  <para>
-   <informaltable>
-    <tgroup cols="2">
-     <thead>
-      <row>
-       <entry>&Version;</entry>
-       <entry>&Description;</entry>
-      </row>
-     </thead>
-     <tbody>
-      <row>
-       <entry>4.3.0</entry>
-       <entry>
-        The <parameter>skip</parameter> parameter is available to support 
-        cdb's capability of multiple keys having the same name.
-       </entry>
-      </row>
-     </tbody>
-    </tgroup>
-   </informaltable>
-  </para>
- </refsect1>
  <refsect1 role="seealso">
Index: en/reference/dba/functions/dba-open.xml
--- en/reference/dba/functions/dba-open.xml	(revision 336352)
+++ en/reference/dba/functions/dba-open.xml	(working copy)
@@ -169,33 +169,6 @@
    Returns a positive handle on success&return.falseforfailure;.
- <refsect1 role="changelog">
-  &reftitle.changelog;
-  <para>
-   <informaltable>
-    <tgroup cols="2">
-     <thead>
-      <row>
-       <entry>&Version;</entry>
-       <entry>&Description;</entry>
-      </row>
-     </thead>
-     <tbody>
-      <row>
-       <entry>4.3.0</entry>
-       <entry>
-        It's possible to open database files over network connection. However
-        in cases a socket connection will be used (as with http or ftp) the
-        connection will be locked instead of the resource itself. This is important 
-        to know since in such cases locking is simply ignored on the resource 
-        and other solutions have to be found.
-       </entry>
-      </row>
-     </tbody>
-    </tgroup>
-   </informaltable>
-  </para>
- </refsect1>
  <refsect1 role="seealso">
Index: en/reference/dir/functions/opendir.xml
--- en/reference/dir/functions/opendir.xml	(revision 336352)
+++ en/reference/dir/functions/opendir.xml	(working copy)
@@ -65,39 +65,6 @@
- <refsect1 role="changelog">
-  &reftitle.changelog;
-  <para>
-   <informaltable>
-    <tgroup cols="2">
-     <thead>
-      <row>
-       <entry>&Version;</entry>
-       <entry>&Description;</entry>
-      </row>
-     </thead>
-     <tbody>
-      <row>
-       <entry>5.0.0</entry>
-       <entry>
-        <parameter>path</parameter> supports the <literal>ftp://</literal> 
-        URL wrapper.
-       </entry>
-      </row>
-      <row>
-       <entry>4.3.0</entry>
-       <entry>
-        <parameter>path</parameter> can also be any URL which supports 
-        directory listing, however only the <literal>file://</literal>
-        URL wrapper supports this in PHP 4
-       </entry>
-      </row>
-     </tbody>
-    </tgroup>
-   </informaltable>
-  </para>
- </refsect1>
  <refsect1 role="examples">
Index: en/reference/errorfunc/functions/error-reporting.xml
--- en/reference/errorfunc/functions/error-reporting.xml	(revision 336352)
+++ en/reference/errorfunc/functions/error-reporting.xml	(working copy)
@@ -81,10 +81,6 @@
        <entry><constant>E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR</constant> introduced.</entry>
-      <row>
-       <entry>5.0.0</entry>
-       <entry><constant>E_STRICT</constant> introduced (not part of <constant>E_ALL</constant>).</entry>
-      </row>
Index: en/reference/exif/functions/exif-read-data.xml
--- en/reference/exif/functions/exif-read-data.xml	(revision 336352)
+++ en/reference/exif/functions/exif-read-data.xml	(working copy)
@@ -173,57 +173,6 @@
    <function>exif_read_data</function> will return &false;.
- <refsect1 role="changelog">
-  &reftitle.changelog;
-  <para>
-   <informaltable>
-    <tgroup cols="2">
-     <thead>
-      <row>
-       <entry>&Version;</entry>
-       <entry>&Description;</entry>
-      </row>
-     </thead>
-     <tbody>
-      <row>
-       <entry>4.3.0</entry>
-       <entry>
-        Can read all embedded <acronym>IFD</acronym> data including arrays 
-        (returned as such). Also the size of an embedded thumbnail is 
-        returned in a <literal>THUMBNAIL</literal> subarray, and can 
-        return thumbnails in <acronym>TIFF</acronym> format.  Also, there is 
-        no longer a maximum length for returned values (not until the memory 
-        limit has been reached)
-       </entry>
-      </row>
-      <row>
-       <entry>4.3.0</entry>
-       <entry>
-        If PHP has  <link linkend="ref.mbstring">mbstring</link> support,
-        the user comment can automatically change encoding.  Also, if the
-        user comment uses <literal>Unicode</literal> or <literal>JIS</literal> encoding this encoding will 
-        automatically be changed according to the exif ini settings in 
-        &php.ini;
-       </entry>
-      </row>
-      <row>
-       <entry>4.3.0</entry>
-       <entry>
-        If the image contains any <literal>IFD0</literal> data then
-        <literal>COMPUTED</literal> contains the entry
-        <literal>ByteOrderMotorola</literal> which is 0 for
-        <literal>little-endian</literal> (intel) and 1 for
-        <literal>big-endian</literal> (motorola) byte order.  Also,
-        <literal>COMPUTED</literal> and <literal>UserComment</literal> no 
-        longer only contain the first copyright entry if the datatype was 
-        wrong.
-       </entry>
-      </row>
-     </tbody>
-    </tgroup>
-   </informaltable>
-  </para>
- </refsect1>
  <refsect1 role="examples">
Index: en/reference/filesystem/functions/copy.xml
--- en/reference/filesystem/functions/copy.xml	(revision 336352)
+++ en/reference/filesystem/functions/copy.xml	(working copy)
@@ -88,14 +88,6 @@
         Added context support.
-      <row>
-       <entry>4.3.0</entry>
-       <entry>
-        Both <parameter>source</parameter> and <parameter>dest</parameter>
-        may now be URLs if the "fopen wrappers" have been enabled.
-        See <function>fopen</function> for more details.
-       </entry>
-      </row>
Index: en/reference/filesystem/functions/dirname.xml
--- en/reference/filesystem/functions/dirname.xml	(revision 336352)
+++ en/reference/filesystem/functions/dirname.xml	(working copy)
@@ -50,30 +50,6 @@
- <refsect1 role="changelog">
-  &reftitle.changelog;
-  <para>
-   <informaltable>
-    <tgroup cols="2">
-     <thead>
-      <row>
-       <entry>&Version;</entry>
-       <entry>&Description;</entry>
-      </row>
-     </thead>
-     <tbody>
-      <row>
-       <entry>5.0.0</entry>
-       <entry>
-        <function>dirname</function> is now binary safe
-       </entry>
-      </row>
-     </tbody>
-    </tgroup>
-   </informaltable>
-  </para>
- </refsect1>
  <refsect1 role="examples">
Index: en/reference/filesystem/functions/fgetcsv.xml
--- en/reference/filesystem/functions/fgetcsv.xml	(revision 336352)
+++ en/reference/filesystem/functions/fgetcsv.xml	(working copy)
@@ -128,12 +128,6 @@
-      <row>
-       <entry>4.3.5</entry>
-       <entry>
-        <function>fgetcsv</function> is now binary safe
-       </entry>
-      </row>
Index: en/reference/filesystem/functions/fgets.xml
--- en/reference/filesystem/functions/fgets.xml	(revision 336352)
+++ en/reference/filesystem/functions/fgets.xml	(working copy)
@@ -63,30 +63,6 @@
- <refsect1 role="changelog">
-  &reftitle.changelog;
-  <para>
-   <informaltable>
-    <tgroup cols="2">
-     <thead>
-      <row>
-       <entry>&Version;</entry>
-       <entry>&Description;</entry>
-      </row>
-     </thead>
-     <tbody>
-      <row>
-       <entry>4.3.0</entry>
-       <entry>
-        <function>fgets</function> is now binary safe
-       </entry>
-      </row>
-     </tbody>
-    </tgroup>
-   </informaltable>
-  </para>
- </refsect1>
  <refsect1 role="examples">
Index: en/reference/filesystem/functions/file.xml
--- en/reference/filesystem/functions/file.xml	(revision 336352)
+++ en/reference/filesystem/functions/file.xml	(working copy)
@@ -114,30 +114,6 @@
- <refsect1 role="changelog">
-  &reftitle.changelog;
-  <para>
-   <informaltable>
-    <tgroup cols="2">
-     <thead>
-      <row>
-       <entry>&Version;</entry>
-       <entry>&Description;</entry>
-      </row>
-     </thead>
-     <tbody>
-      <row>
-       <entry>4.3.0</entry>
-       <entry>
-        <function>file</function> became binary safe
-       </entry>
-      </row>
-     </tbody>
-    </tgroup>
-   </informaltable>
-  </para>
- </refsect1>
  <refsect1 role="examples">
Index: en/reference/filesystem/functions/fopen.xml
--- en/reference/filesystem/functions/fopen.xml	(revision 336352)
+++ en/reference/filesystem/functions/fopen.xml	(working copy)
@@ -300,16 +300,6 @@
-      <row>
-       <entry>4.3.2</entry>
-       <entry>
-        As of PHP 4.3.2, the default mode is set to binary for all platforms
-        that distinguish between binary and text mode.  If you are having
-        problems with your scripts after upgrading, try using the
-        <literal>'t'</literal> flag as a workaround until you have made your
-        script more portable as mentioned before
-       </entry>
-      </row>
Index: en/reference/filesystem/functions/parse-ini-file.xml
--- en/reference/filesystem/functions/parse-ini-file.xml	(revision 336352)
+++ en/reference/filesystem/functions/parse-ini-file.xml	(working copy)
@@ -107,19 +107,6 @@
         evaluated as hexadecimals.
-      <row>
-       <entry>5.0.0</entry>
-       <entry>
-        Values enclosed in double quotes can contain new lines.
-       </entry>
-      </row>
-      <row>
-       <entry>4.2.1</entry>
-       <entry>
-        This function is now affected by &safemode;
-        and <link linkend="">open_basedir</link>.
-       </entry>
-      </row>
Index: en/reference/filesystem/functions/rename.xml
--- en/reference/filesystem/functions/rename.xml	(revision 336352)
+++ en/reference/filesystem/functions/rename.xml	(working copy)
@@ -83,26 +83,6 @@
-      <row>
-       <entry>5.0.0</entry>
-       <entry>
-        <function>rename</function> can now also be used with
-        <emphasis>some</emphasis> URL wrappers.  Refer to <xref
-        linkend="wrappers"/> for a listing of which wrappers
-        support <function>rename</function>.
-       </entry>
-      </row>
-      <row>
-       <entry>4.3.3</entry>
-       <entry>
-        <function>rename</function> may now be able to rename files across
-        partitions on *nix based systems, provided the appropriate permissions
-        are held. Warnings may be generated if the destination filesystem
-        doesn't permit <literal>chown()</literal> or
-        <literal>chmod()</literal> system calls to be made on files —
-        for example, if the destination filesystem is a FAT filesystem.
-       </entry>
-      </row>
Index: en/reference/filesystem/functions/rmdir.xml
--- en/reference/filesystem/functions/rmdir.xml	(revision 336352)
+++ en/reference/filesystem/functions/rmdir.xml	(working copy)
@@ -49,33 +49,6 @@
- <refsect1 role="changelog">
-  &reftitle.changelog;
-  <para>
-   <informaltable>
-    <tgroup cols="2">
-     <thead>
-      <row>
-       <entry>&Version;</entry>
-       <entry>&Description;</entry>
-      </row>
-     </thead>
-     <tbody>
-      <row>
-       <entry>5.0.0</entry>
-       <entry>
-        As of PHP 5.0.0 <function>rmdir</function> can also be used with
-        <emphasis>some</emphasis> URL wrappers.  Refer to <xref
-        linkend="wrappers"/> for a listing of which wrappers support
-        <function>rmdir</function>.
-       </entry>
-      </row>
-     </tbody>
-    </tgroup>
-   </informaltable>
-  </para>
- </refsect1>
  <refsect1 role="examples">
Index: en/reference/filesystem/functions/tempnam.xml
--- en/reference/filesystem/functions/tempnam.xml	(revision 336352)
+++ en/reference/filesystem/functions/tempnam.xml	(working copy)
@@ -58,35 +58,6 @@
- <refsect1 role="changelog">
-  &reftitle.changelog;
-  <para>
-   <informaltable>
-    <tgroup cols="2">
-     <thead>
-      <row>
-       <entry>&Version;</entry>
-       <entry>&Description;</entry>
-      </row>
-     </thead>
-     <tbody>
-      <row>
-       <entry>4.0.3</entry>
-       <entry>
-        This function's behavior changed in 4.0.3. The temporary file is also
-        created to avoid a race condition where the file might appear in the
-        filesystem between the time the string was generated and before
-        the script gets around to creating the file. Note, that you need
-        to remove the file in case you need it no more, it is not done
-        automatically.
-       </entry>
-      </row>
-     </tbody>
-    </tgroup>
-   </informaltable>
-  </para>
- </refsect1>
  <refsect1 role="examples">
Index: en/reference/filesystem/functions/unlink.xml
--- en/reference/filesystem/functions/unlink.xml	(revision 336352)
+++ en/reference/filesystem/functions/unlink.xml	(working copy)
@@ -49,33 +49,6 @@
- <refsect1 role="changelog">
-  &reftitle.changelog;
-  <para>
-   <informaltable>
-    <tgroup cols="2">
-     <thead>
-      <row>
-       <entry>&Version;</entry>
-       <entry>&Description;</entry>
-      </row>
-     </thead>
-     <tbody>
-      <row>
-       <entry>5.0.0</entry>
-       <entry>
-        As of PHP 5.0.0 <function>unlink</function> can also be used with
-        <emphasis>some</emphasis> URL wrappers. Refer to <xref
-        linkend="wrappers"/> for a listing of which wrappers support
-        <function>unlink</function>.
-       </entry>
-      </row>
-     </tbody>
-    </tgroup>
-   </informaltable>
-  </para>
- </refsect1>
  <refsect1 role="examples">
Index: en/reference/image/functions/getimagesize.xml
--- en/reference/image/functions/getimagesize.xml	(revision 336352)
+++ en/reference/image/functions/getimagesize.xml	(working copy)
@@ -177,48 +177,6 @@
         <constant>E_NOTICE</constant> from <constant>E_WARNING</constant>.
-      <row>
-       <entry>4.3.2</entry>
-       <entry>
-        Support for <acronym>JPC</acronym>, <acronym>JP2</acronym>,
-        <acronym>JPX</acronym>, <acronym>JB2</acronym>, 
-        <acronym>XBM</acronym>, and <acronym>WBMP</acronym> became available.
-       </entry>
-      </row>
-      <row>
-       <entry>4.3.2</entry>
-       <entry>
-        JPEG 2000 support was added for the <parameter>imageinfo</parameter>
-        parameter.
-       </entry>
-      </row>
-      <row>
-       <entry>4.3.0</entry>
-       <entry>
-        <literal>bits</literal> and <literal>channels</literal> are present
-        for other image types, too.
-       </entry>
-      </row>
-      <row>
-       <entry>4.3.0</entry>
-       <entry>
-        Support for <acronym>SWC</acronym> and <acronym>IFF</acronym> was
-        added.
-       </entry>
-      </row>
-      <row>
-       <entry>4.2.0</entry>
-       <entry>
-        Support for <acronym>TIFF</acronym> was added.
-       </entry>
-      </row>
-      <row>
-       <entry>4.0.6</entry>
-       <entry>
-        Support for <acronym>BMP</acronym> and <acronym>PSD</acronym> was
-        added.
-       </entry>
-      </row>
Index: en/reference/ldap/functions/ldap-list.xml
--- en/reference/ldap/functions/ldap-list.xml	(revision 336352)
+++ en/reference/ldap/functions/ldap-list.xml	(working copy)
@@ -168,31 +168,6 @@
- <refsect1 role="changelog">
-  &reftitle.changelog;
-  <para>
-   <informaltable>
-    <tgroup cols="2">
-     <thead>
-      <row>
-       <entry>&Version;</entry>
-       <entry>&Description;</entry>
-      </row>
-     </thead>
-     <tbody>
-      <row>
-       <entry>4.0.5</entry>
-       <entry>
-        Parallel searches support was added. See 
-        <function>ldap_search</function> for details.
-       </entry>
-      </row>
-     </tbody>
-    </tgroup>
-   </informaltable>
-  </para>
- </refsect1>
  <refsect1 role="examples">
Index: en/reference/ldap/functions/ldap-read.xml
--- en/reference/ldap/functions/ldap-read.xml	(revision 336352)
+++ en/reference/ldap/functions/ldap-read.xml	(working copy)
@@ -167,31 +167,6 @@
- <refsect1 role="changelog">
-  &reftitle.changelog;
-  <para>
-   <informaltable>
-    <tgroup cols="2">
-     <thead>
-      <row>
-       <entry>&Version;</entry>
-       <entry>&Description;</entry>
-      </row>
-     </thead>
-     <tbody>
-      <row>
-       <entry>4.0.5</entry>
-       <entry>
-        Parallel searches support was added.
-        See <function>ldap_search</function> for details.
-       </entry>
-      </row>
-     </tbody>
-    </tgroup>
-   </informaltable>
-  </para>
- </refsect1>
 <!-- Keep this comment at the end of the file
Index: en/reference/mail/functions/mail.xml
--- en/reference/mail/functions/mail.xml	(revision 336352)
+++ en/reference/mail/functions/mail.xml	(working copy)
@@ -169,33 +169,6 @@
- <refsect1 role="changelog">
-  &reftitle.changelog;
-  <para>
-   <informaltable>
-    <tgroup cols="2">
-     <thead>
-      <row>
-       <entry>&Version;</entry>
-       <entry>&Description;</entry>
-      </row>
-     </thead>
-     <tbody>
-      <row>
-       <entry>4.2.3</entry>
-       <entry>
-        The <parameter>additional_parameters</parameter> parameter is disabled in
-        <link linkend="">safe_mode</link> and the
-        <function>mail</function> function will expose a warning message
-        and return &false; when used.
-       </entry>
-      </row>
-     </tbody>
-    </tgroup>
-   </informaltable>
-  </para>
- </refsect1>
  <refsect1 role="examples">
Index: en/reference/mbstring/functions/mb-output-handler.xml
--- en/reference/mbstring/functions/mb-output-handler.xml	(revision 336352)
+++ en/reference/mbstring/functions/mb-output-handler.xml	(working copy)
@@ -53,52 +53,6 @@
- <refsect1 role="changelog">
-  &reftitle.changelog;
-  <para>
-   <informaltable>
-    <tgroup cols="2">
-     <thead>
-      <row>
-       <entry>&Version;</entry>
-       <entry>&Description;</entry>
-      </row>
-     </thead>
-     <tbody>
-      <row>
-       <entry>4.1.0</entry>
-       <entry>
-        <para>
-         This handler now adds the charset HTTP header when the following conditions are met:
-        </para>
-        <para>
-         <itemizedlist>
-          <listitem>
-           <simpara>
-            <literal>Content-Type</literal> has not been set, using <function>header</function>.
-           </simpara>
-          </listitem>
-          <listitem>
-           <simpara>
-            The default MIME type begins with <literal>text/</literal>.
-           </simpara>
-          </listitem>
-          <listitem>
-           <simpara>
-            The <link linkend="ini.mbstring.http-input">mbstring.http_input</link> 
-            setting is something other than <literal>pass</literal>.
-           </simpara>
-          </listitem>
-         </itemizedlist>
-        </para>
-       </entry>
-      </row>
-     </tbody>
-    </tgroup>
-   </informaltable>
-  </para>
- </refsect1>
  <refsect1 role="examples">
Index: en/reference/misc/functions/highlight-file.xml
--- en/reference/misc/functions/highlight-file.xml	(revision 336352)
+++ en/reference/misc/functions/highlight-file.xml	(working copy)
@@ -66,32 +66,6 @@
- <refsect1 role="changelog">
-  &reftitle.changelog;
-  <para>
-   <informaltable>
-    <tgroup cols="2">
-     <thead>
-      <row>
-       <entry>&Version;</entry>
-       <entry>&Description;</entry>
-      </row>
-     </thead>
-     <tbody>
-      <row>
-       <entry>4.2.1</entry>
-       <entry>
-        This function is now also affected by <link
-        linkend="">safe_mode</link> and <link
-        linkend="">open_basedir</link>.
-       </entry>
-      </row>
-     </tbody>
-    </tgroup>
-   </informaltable>
-  </para>
- </refsect1>
  <refsect1 role="notes">
Index: en/reference/mysql/functions/mysql-escape-string.xml
--- en/reference/mysql/functions/mysql-escape-string.xml	(revision 336352)
+++ en/reference/mysql/functions/mysql-escape-string.xml	(working copy)
@@ -77,13 +77,6 @@
         This function now throws an E_DEPRECATED notice.
-      <row>
-       <entry>4.3.0</entry>
-       <entry>
-        This function became deprecated, do not use this function. Instead, 
-        use <function>mysql_real_escape_string</function>.
-       </entry>
-      </row>
Index: en/reference/mysql/functions/mysql-list-tables.xml
--- en/reference/mysql/functions/mysql-list-tables.xml	(revision 336352)
+++ en/reference/mysql/functions/mysql-list-tables.xml	(working copy)
@@ -61,30 +61,6 @@
- <refsect1 role="changelog">
-  &reftitle.changelog;
-  <para>
-   <informaltable>
-    <tgroup cols="2">
-     <thead>
-      <row>
-       <entry>&Version;</entry>
-       <entry>&Description;</entry>
-      </row>
-     </thead>
-     <tbody>
-      <row>
-       <entry>4.3.7</entry>
-       <entry>
-        This function became deprecated.
-       </entry>
-      </row>
-     </tbody>
-    </tgroup>
-   </informaltable>
-  </para>
- </refsect1>
  <refsect1 role="examples">
Index: en/reference/outcontrol/functions/ob-start.xml
--- en/reference/outcontrol/functions/ob-start.xml	(revision 336352)
+++ en/reference/outcontrol/functions/ob-start.xml	(working copy)
@@ -247,13 +247,6 @@
         being sent to the output buffer.
-      <row>
-       <entry>4.3.2</entry>
-       <entry>
-        This function was changed to return &false; in case the passed
-        <parameter>output_callback</parameter> can not be executed.
-       </entry>
-      </row>
Index: en/reference/pcntl/functions/pcntl-signal.xml
--- en/reference/pcntl/functions/pcntl-signal.xml	(revision 336352)
+++ en/reference/pcntl/functions/pcntl-signal.xml	(working copy)
@@ -91,38 +91,6 @@
- <refsect1 role="changelog">
-  &reftitle.changelog;
-  <para>
-   <informaltable>
-    <tgroup cols="2">
-     <thead>
-      <row>
-       <entry>&Version;</entry>
-       <entry>&Description;</entry>
-      </row>
-     </thead>
-     <tbody>
-      <row>
-       <entry>4.3.0</entry>
-       <entry>
-        As of PHP 4.3.0 PCNTL uses ticks as the signal handle callback
-        mechanism, which is much faster than the previous mechanism. This
-        change follows the same semantics as using
-        "<link linkend="control-structures.declare.ticks">user ticks</link>".
-        You must use the <link
-        linkend="control-structures.declare">declare()</link> statement to
-        specify the locations in your program where callbacks are allowed to
-        occur for the signal handler to function properly (as used in the
-        example below).
-       </entry>
-      </row>
-     </tbody>
-    </tgroup>
-   </informaltable>
-  </para>
- </refsect1>
  <refsect1 role="examples">
Index: en/reference/regex/functions/ereg.xml
--- en/reference/regex/functions/ereg.xml	(revision 336352)
+++ en/reference/regex/functions/ereg.xml	(working copy)
@@ -77,35 +77,6 @@
- <refsect1 role="changelog">
-  &reftitle.changelog;
-  <para>
-   <informaltable>
-    <tgroup cols="2">
-     <thead>
-      <row>
-       <entry>&Version;</entry>
-       <entry>&Description;</entry>
-      </row>
-     </thead>
-     <tbody>
-      <row>
-       <entry>4.1.0</entry>
-       <entry>
-        Up to (and including) PHP 4.1.0 <varname>$regs</varname> will be
-        filled with exactly ten elements, even though more or fewer than
-        ten parenthesized substrings may actually have matched. This has
-        no effect on <function>ereg</function>'s ability to match more
-        substrings. If no matches are found, <literal>$regs</literal>
-        will not be altered by <function>ereg</function>.
-       </entry>
-      </row>
-     </tbody>
-    </tgroup>
-   </informaltable>
-  </para>
- </refsect1>
  <refsect1 role="examples">
Index: en/reference/session/functions/session-regenerate-id.xml
--- en/reference/session/functions/session-regenerate-id.xml	(revision 336352)
+++ en/reference/session/functions/session-regenerate-id.xml	(working copy)
@@ -61,14 +61,6 @@
-       <entry>4.3.3</entry>
-       <entry>
-        Since then, if session cookies are enabled, use of
-        <function>session_regenerate_id</function> will also submit a new
-        session cookie with the new session id.
-       </entry>
-      </row>
-      <row>
         Added the <parameter>delete_old_session</parameter> parameter.
Index: en/reference/session/functions/session-start.xml
--- en/reference/session/functions/session-start.xml	(revision 336352)
+++ en/reference/session/functions/session-start.xml	(working copy)
@@ -71,15 +71,6 @@
         Previously &true; was returned.
-      <row>
-       <entry>4.3.3</entry>
-       <entry>
-        As of PHP 4.3.3, calling <function>session_start</function>
-        after the session was previously started will result in an
-        error of level <constant>E_NOTICE</constant>.  Also, the
-        second session start will simply be ignored.
-       </entry>
-      </row>
Index: en/reference/sockets/functions/socket-create-pair.xml
--- en/reference/sockets/functions/socket-create-pair.xml	(revision 336352)
+++ en/reference/sockets/functions/socket-create-pair.xml	(working copy)
@@ -101,13 +101,6 @@
         This function is now re-enabled on Windows platforms.
-      <row>
-       <entry>4.3.0</entry>
-       <entry>
-        This function was due to a bug made unavailable on 
-        Windows platforms.
-       </entry>
-      </row>
Index: en/reference/sockets/functions/socket-recvfrom.xml
--- en/reference/sockets/functions/socket-recvfrom.xml	(revision 336352)
+++ en/reference/sockets/functions/socket-recvfrom.xml	(working copy)
@@ -193,30 +193,6 @@
- <refsect1 role="changelog">
-  &reftitle.changelog;
-  <para>
-   <informaltable>
-    <tgroup cols="2">
-     <thead>
-      <row>
-       <entry>&Version;</entry>
-       <entry>&Description;</entry>
-      </row>
-     </thead>
-     <tbody>
-      <row>
-       <entry>4.3.0</entry>
-       <entry>
-        <function>socket_recvfrom</function> is now binary safe.
-       </entry>
-      </row>
-     </tbody>
-    </tgroup>
-   </informaltable>
-  </para>
- </refsect1>
  <refsect1 role="seealso">
Index: en/reference/stream/functions/stream-set-timeout.xml
--- en/reference/stream/functions/stream-set-timeout.xml	(revision 336352)
+++ en/reference/stream/functions/stream-set-timeout.xml	(working copy)
@@ -65,33 +65,6 @@
- <refsect1 role="changelog">
-  &reftitle.changelog;
-  <para>
-   <informaltable>
-    <tgroup cols="2">
-     <thead>
-      <row>
-       <entry>&Version;</entry>
-       <entry>&Description;</entry>
-      </row>
-     </thead>
-     <tbody>
-      <row>
-       <entry>4.3.0</entry>
-       <entry>
-        As of PHP 4.3, this function can (potentially) work on any kind of
-        stream.  In PHP 4.3, socket based streams are still the only kind
-        supported in the PHP core, although streams from other extensions
-        may support this function.
-       </entry>
-      </row>
-     </tbody>
-    </tgroup>
-   </informaltable>
-  </para>
- </refsect1>
  <refsect1 role="examples">
Index: en/reference/strings/functions/strcoll.xml
--- en/reference/strings/functions/strcoll.xml	(revision 336352)
+++ en/reference/strings/functions/strcoll.xml	(working copy)
@@ -58,30 +58,6 @@
- <refsect1 role="changelog">
-  &reftitle.changelog;
-  <para>
-   <informaltable>
-    <tgroup cols="2">
-     <thead>
-      <row>
-       <entry>&Version;</entry>
-       <entry>&Description;</entry>
-      </row>
-     </thead>
-     <tbody>
-      <row>
-       <entry>4.2.3</entry>
-       <entry>
-        This function now works on win32.
-       </entry>
-      </row>
-     </tbody>
-    </tgroup>
-   </informaltable>
-  </para>
- </refsect1>
  <refsect1 role="seealso">
Index: en/reference/strings/functions/strip-tags.xml
--- en/reference/strings/functions/strip-tags.xml	(revision 336352)
+++ en/reference/strings/functions/strip-tags.xml	(working copy)
@@ -103,12 +103,6 @@
-      <row>
-       <entry>5.0.0</entry>
-       <entry>
-        <function>strip_tags</function> is now binary safe.
-       </entry>
-      </row>
Index: en/reference/strings/functions/stristr.xml
--- en/reference/strings/functions/stristr.xml	(revision 336352)
+++ en/reference/strings/functions/stristr.xml	(working copy)
@@ -85,12 +85,6 @@
         Added the optional parameter <parameter>before_needle</parameter>.
-      <row>
-       <entry>4.3.0</entry>
-       <entry>
-        <function>stristr</function> was made binary safe.
-       </entry>
-      </row>
Index: en/reference/strings/functions/strrchr.xml
--- en/reference/strings/functions/strrchr.xml	(revision 336352)
+++ en/reference/strings/functions/strrchr.xml	(working copy)
@@ -58,30 +58,6 @@
- <refsect1 role="changelog">
-  &reftitle.changelog;
-  <para>
-   <informaltable>
-    <tgroup cols="2">
-     <thead>
-      <row>
-       <entry>&Version;</entry>
-       <entry>&Description;</entry>
-      </row>
-     </thead>
-     <tbody>
-      <row>
-       <entry>4.3.0</entry>
-       <entry>
-        This function is now binary safe.
-       </entry>
-      </row>
-     </tbody>
-    </tgroup>
-   </informaltable>
-  </para>
- </refsect1>
  <refsect1 role="examples">
Index: en/reference/strings/functions/strrpos.xml
--- en/reference/strings/functions/strrpos.xml	(revision 336352)
+++ en/reference/strings/functions/strrpos.xml	(working copy)
@@ -69,31 +69,6 @@
- <refsect1 role="changelog">
-  &reftitle.changelog;
-  <para>
-   <informaltable>
-    <tgroup cols="2">
-     <thead>
-      <row>
-       <entry>&Version;</entry>
-       <entry>&Description;</entry>
-      </row>
-     </thead>
-     <tbody>
-      <row>
-       <entry>5.0.0</entry>
-       <entry>
-        The <parameter>needle</parameter> may now be a string of more than one
-        character.
-       </entry>
-      </row>
-     </tbody>
-    </tgroup>
-   </informaltable>
-  </para>
- </refsect1>
  <refsect1 role="examples">
Index: en/reference/strings/functions/strstr.xml
--- en/reference/strings/functions/strstr.xml	(revision 336352)
+++ en/reference/strings/functions/strstr.xml	(working copy)
@@ -95,12 +95,6 @@
         Added the optional parameter <parameter>before_needle</parameter>.
-      <row>
-       <entry>4.3.0</entry>
-       <entry>
-        <function>strstr</function> was made binary safe.
-       </entry>
-      </row>
Index: en/reference/uodbc/functions/odbc-execute.xml
--- en/reference/uodbc/functions/odbc-execute.xml	(revision 336352)
+++ en/reference/uodbc/functions/odbc-execute.xml	(working copy)
@@ -96,32 +96,6 @@
- <refsect1 role="changelog">
-  &reftitle.changelog;
-  <para>
-   <informaltable>
-    <tgroup cols="2">
-     <thead>
-      <row>
-       <entry>&Version;</entry>
-       <entry>&Description;</entry>
-      </row>
-     </thead>
-     <tbody>
-      <row>
-       <entry>4.2.0</entry>
-       <entry>
-        File reading is now subject to &safemode; and
-        <link linkend="">open-basedir</link> restrictions
-        in <parameter>parameters_array</parameter>.
-       </entry>
-      </row>
-     </tbody>
-    </tgroup>
-   </informaltable>
-  </para>
- </refsect1>
  <refsect1 role="seealso">
PHP Copyright © 2001-2025 The PHP Group
All rights reserved.
Last updated: Tue Mar 18 03:01:29 2025 UTC