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Return to Bug #69090
Patch bug69090.diff revision 2016-11-15 15:37 UTC by
revision 2016-11-15 15:11 UTC by
Patch validate_permission.diff revision 2016-11-15 11:21 UTC by
Patch opcache_bug69090_user_id_keys revision 2016-11-04 10:35 UTC by php-dev at coydogsoftware dot net

Patch opcache_bug69090_user_id_keys for opcache Bug #69090

Patch version 2016-11-04 10:35 UTC

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diff --git a/ext/opcache/ZendAccelerator.c b/ext/opcache/ZendAccelerator.c
index 985a4ef..3522861 100644
--- a/ext/opcache/ZendAccelerator.c
+++ b/ext/opcache/ZendAccelerator.c
@@ -52,6 +52,8 @@
 typedef int uid_t;
 typedef int gid_t;
 #include <io.h>
+#include <Windows.h>
+#include <Lmcons.h> /* username max len */
 #ifndef ZEND_WIN32
@@ -949,8 +951,36 @@ static unsigned int zend_accel_script_checksum(zend_persistent_script *persisten
 char *accel_make_persistent_key_ex(zend_file_handle *file_handle, int path_length, int *key_len TSRMLS_DC)
     int key_length;
+	int key_offset = 0;
+	char *user_id_str = NULL;
+	int user_id_len = 0;
-    /* CWD and include_path don't matter for absolute file names and streams */
+#ifdef ZEND_WIN32
+	/* Windows has no direct equivalent of EUID. SID and RID are roughly
+	 * analagous, but for now simply using the username seems most
+	 * straightforward since we can get max len from UNLEN in Lmcons.h
+	 */
+	int username_len = UNLEN + 1;
+	char username_str[UNLEN + 1]; /* not wide-character compatible */
+	if (GetUserName(username_str, &username_len) == 0) {
+		zend_accel_error(ACCEL_LOG_WARNING, "GetUserName for opcache key  user_id_str failed!");
+		return NULL;
+	} else {
+		user_id_len = username_len - 1; /* subtract terminating zero */
+		user_id_str = username_str;
+	}
+	#define EUID_BUFFSIZE 40 /* hope we never see >128-bit uid_t's */
+	uid_t euid = geteuid();
+	char euid_str[EUID_BUFFSIZE];
+	if (user_id_len = snprintf(euid_str, EUID_BUFFSIZE - 1, "%d", euid) >= EUID_BUFFSIZE) {
+		return NULL;
+	} else {
+		user_id_str = euid_str;
+    }
+	/* CWD and include_path don't matter for absolute file names and streams */
     if (ZCG(accel_directives).use_cwd &&
         !IS_ABSOLUTE_PATH(file_handle->filename, path_length) &&
         !is_stream_path(file_handle->filename)) {
@@ -958,7 +988,6 @@ char *accel_make_persistent_key_ex(zend_file_handle *file_handle, int path_lengt
         int include_path_len = 0;
         const char *parent_script = NULL;
         int parent_script_len = 0;
-        int cur_len = 0;
         int cwd_len;
         char *cwd;
@@ -1027,7 +1056,7 @@ char *accel_make_persistent_key_ex(zend_file_handle *file_handle, int path_lengt
         /* Calculate key length */
-        key_length = cwd_len + path_length + include_path_len + 2;
+		key_length = user_id_len + cwd_len + path_length + include_path_len + 3; /* +3 for delimiter colons */
         if (parent_script_len) {
             key_length += parent_script_len + 1;
@@ -1036,39 +1065,57 @@ char *accel_make_persistent_key_ex(zend_file_handle *file_handle, int path_lengt
          * Note - the include_path must be the last element in the key,
          * since in itself, it may include colons (which we use to separate
          * different components of the key)
-         */
+		 */
 		if ((size_t)key_length >= sizeof(ZCG(key))) {
 			ZCG(key_len) = 0;
 			return NULL;
-		memcpy(ZCG(key), cwd, cwd_len);
-		ZCG(key)[cwd_len] = ':';
-		memcpy(ZCG(key) + cwd_len + 1, file_handle->filename, path_length);
-		ZCG(key)[cwd_len + 1 + path_length] = ':';
-        cur_len = cwd_len + 1 + path_length + 1;
-        if (parent_script_len) {
-			memcpy(ZCG(key) + cur_len, parent_script, parent_script_len);
-            cur_len += parent_script_len;
-			ZCG(key)[cur_len] = ':';
-            cur_len++;
+		/* Key on euid to prevent cross-user cache access bypassing file
+		 * permissions. Prevents filename collision in chroots IFF each
+		 * chroot environment has a different user.
+		 */
+		memcpy(ZCG(key), user_id_str, user_id_len);
+		key_offset += user_id_len;
+		ZCG(key)[key_offset] = ':';
+		key_offset++;
+		memcpy(ZCG(key + key_offset), cwd, cwd_len);
+		key_offset += cwd_len;
+		ZCG(key)[key_offset] = ':';
+		key_offset++;
+		memcpy(ZCG(key) + key_offset, file_handle->filename, path_length);
+		key_offset += path_length;
+		ZCG(key)[key_offset] = ':';
+		key_offset++;
+		if (parent_script_len) {
+			memcpy(ZCG(key) + key_offset, parent_script, parent_script_len);
+			key_offset += parent_script_len;
+			ZCG(key)[key_offset] = ':';
+			key_offset++;
-		memcpy(ZCG(key) + cur_len, include_path, include_path_len);
+		memcpy(ZCG(key) + key_offset, include_path, include_path_len);
 		ZCG(key)[key_length] = '\0';
     } else {
-        /* not use_cwd */
-        key_length = path_length;
+		/* not use_cwd and use_cwd cases where filename is absolute */
+		key_length = user_id_len + 1 + path_length; /* <EUID>:<path> */
 		if ((size_t)key_length >= sizeof(ZCG(key))) {
 			ZCG(key_len) = 0;
 			return NULL;
-		memcpy(ZCG(key), file_handle->filename, key_length + 1);
+		memcpy(ZCG(key), user_id_str, user_id_len);
+		key_offset = user_id_len;
+		ZCG(key)[key_offset] = ':';
+		key_offset++;
+		memcpy(ZCG(key + key_offset), file_handle->filename, key_length + 1);
 	*key_len = ZCG(key_len) = key_length;
+	zend_accel_error(ACCEL_LOG_DEBUG, "make_persistent_key_ex() returning key: %s", ZCG(key));
 	return ZCG(key);
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