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Return to Bug #61685
Patch 61685 revision 2012-04-27 22:26 UTC by
Patch unixtojd.patch.txt revision 2012-04-09 21:53 UTC by

Patch unixtojd.patch.txt for Calendar related Bug #61685

Patch version 2012-04-09 21:53 UTC

Return to Bug #61685 | Download this patch
Patch Revisions:


--- ext\calendar\tests\unixtojd.phpt	2012-02-29 11:28:39.000000000 -0800
+++ ext\calendar\tests\unixtojd.phpt	2012-04-09 14:11:33.898263300 -0700
@@ -2,10 +2,36 @@
 <?php include ''; ?>
+// this line has no impact on test output on Windows
+// getenv('TZ') returns 'UTC' here
+// putenv (basic_functions.c) does call tzset() when the env var being put is 'TZ'
+//      -adding a call direct to GetEnvironmentVariableA just before tzset() is called to check the value of 'TZ' returns 'UTC'
+// putting a call to date_default_timezone_set() here doesn't help
+// on Windows, the only thing that gets this test to pass is to put TZ=UTC in --ENV-- section
+// 		-since putenv() is written to call tzset() when env var is TZ, I assume that putenv("TZ=UTC") is intended to work
+//			and should work on all platforms(including Windows).
+// easter_date.phpt passes
+//		-doesn't use --ENV-- section
+//		-uses --INI-- section with date.timezone=UTC
+//		-uses putenv('TZ=UTC')
+// date.timezone=UTC
+//		-if ommitted from easter_date.phpt, outputs DATE_TZ_ERRMSG warning
+//			-easter_date() calls mktime() and localtime()
+//			-whereas unixtojd(1000000000) calls localtime(1000000000)
+//		-if ommitted from unixtojd.phpt, does NOT output DATE_TZ_ERRMSG
+// unixtojd() calls php_localtime_r() which for Pacific timezone systems, returns a time -8 hours
+//		-this incorrect localtime is passed to the julian date conversion (GregorianToSDN) function which works (probably correctly)
+//			but returns -1 day from expected because its input is -1 from expected
 echo unixtojd(40000). "\n";
+// returns -1 day from expected value
 echo unixtojd(1000000000). "\n";
 echo unixtojd(1152459009). "\n";
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