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Return to Bug #55475
Patch final_patch_for_5_4_and_HEAD_v2 revision 2011-11-08 09:24 UTC by
Patch is_a_5.4_alternative revision 2011-10-17 13:15 UTC by jbondc at openmv dot com
Patch final_patch_for_5_4_and_HEAD revision 2011-10-13 07:36 UTC by
Patch is_a_with_warning.txt revision 2011-09-25 09:32 UTC by
Patch Is_a_with_allow_string_argument_v3 revision 2011-09-22 23:31 UTC by
Patch Is_a_with_allow_string_argument_v2 revision 2011-09-22 23:26 UTC by
Patch Is_a_with_allow_string_argument revision 2011-09-22 23:24 UTC by
Patch is_class_of.diff revision 2011-09-20 21:32 UTC by
Patch is_class_of.txt revision 2011-09-20 21:25 UTC by
Patch revision 2011-08-25 02:37 UTC by alan at akbkhome dot com
Patch bug55475 revision 2011-08-22 10:30 UTC by

Patch final_patch_for_5_4_and_HEAD_v2 for Scripting Engine problem Bug #55475

Patch version 2011-11-08 09:24 UTC

Return to Bug #55475 | Download this patch
This patch renders other patches obsolete

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Patch Revisions:


Index: ext/standard/tests/class_object/is_a.phpt
--- ext/standard/tests/class_object/is_a.phpt	(revision 0)
+++ ext/standard/tests/class_object/is_a.phpt	(revision 0)
@@ -0,0 +1,378 @@
+is_a and is_subclass_of behaviour (with and without autoload)
+<?php if (version_compare(zend_version(), '2.0.0-dev', '<')) die('skip ZendEngine 2 needed'); ?>
+interface if_a {
+	function f_a();
+interface if_b extends if_a {
+	function f_b();
+class base {
+	function _is_a($sub) {
+		echo "\n>>> With Defined class\n";
+		echo str_pad('is_a( OBJECT:'.get_class($this).', '.$sub.') = ', 60) . (is_a($this, $sub) ? 'yes' : 'no')."\n";
+		echo str_pad('is_a( STRING:'.get_class($this).', '.$sub.') = ', 60). (is_a(get_class($this), $sub) ? 'yes' : 'no')."\n";
+		echo str_pad('is_a( STRING:'.get_class($this).', '.$sub.', true) = ', 60). (is_a(get_class($this), $sub, true) ? 'yes' : 'no')."\n";		
+		echo str_pad('is_subclass_of( OBJECT:'.get_class($this).', '.$sub.') = ', 60).  (is_subclass_of($this, $sub) ? 'yes' : 'no')."\n";
+		echo str_pad('is_subclass_of( STRING:'.get_class($this).', '.$sub.') = ', 60). (is_subclass_of(get_class($this), $sub) ? 'yes' : 'no')."\n";
+		echo str_pad('is_subclass_of( STRING:'.get_class($this).', '.$sub.',false) = ', 60). (is_subclass_of(get_class($this), $sub , false) ? 'yes' : 'no')."\n";
+		// with autoload options..
+		echo ">>> With Undefined\n";
+		echo  str_pad('is_a( STRING:undefB, '.$sub.',true) = ', 60). (is_a('undefB', $sub, true) ? 'yes' : 'no')."\n";
+		echo  str_pad('is_a( STRING:undefB, '.$sub.') = ', 60). (is_a('undefB', $sub) ? 'yes' : 'no')."\n";
+		echo  str_pad('is_subclass_of( STRING:undefB, '.$sub.',false) = ', 60). (is_subclass_of('undefB', $sub, false) ? 'yes' : 'no')."\n";
+		echo  str_pad('is_subclass_of( STRING:undefB, '.$sub.') = ', 60). (is_subclass_of('undefB', $sub) ? 'yes' : 'no')."\n";
+	}
+	function test() {
+		echo $this->_is_a('base');
+		echo $this->_is_a('derived_a');  
+		echo $this->_is_a('if_a'); 
+		echo $this->_is_a('undefA');
+		echo "\n";
+	}
+class derived_a extends base implements if_a {
+	function f_a() {}
+class derived_b extends base implements if_a, if_b {
+	function f_a() {}
+	function f_b() {}
+class derived_c extends derived_a implements if_b {
+	function f_b() {}
+class derived_d extends derived_c {
+$t = new base();
+$t = new derived_a();
+  function __autoload($name)
+  {
+      echo ">>>> In __autoload: ";
+      var_dump($name);
+  }
+echo "NOW WITH AUTOLOAD\n\n";
+$t = new base();
+$t = new derived_a();
+$t = new derived_b();
+>>> With Defined class
+is_a( OBJECT:base, base) =                                  yes
+is_a( STRING:base, base) =                                  no
+is_a( STRING:base, base, true) =                            yes
+is_subclass_of( OBJECT:base, base) =                        no
+is_subclass_of( STRING:base, base) =                        no
+is_subclass_of( STRING:base, base,false) =                  no
+>>> With Undefined
+is_a( STRING:undefB, base,true) =                           no
+is_a( STRING:undefB, base) =                                no
+is_subclass_of( STRING:undefB, base,false) =                no
+is_subclass_of( STRING:undefB, base) =                      no
+>>> With Defined class
+is_a( OBJECT:base, derived_a) =                             no
+is_a( STRING:base, derived_a) =                             no
+is_a( STRING:base, derived_a, true) =                       no
+is_subclass_of( OBJECT:base, derived_a) =                   no
+is_subclass_of( STRING:base, derived_a) =                   no
+is_subclass_of( STRING:base, derived_a,false) =             no
+>>> With Undefined
+is_a( STRING:undefB, derived_a,true) =                      no
+is_a( STRING:undefB, derived_a) =                           no
+is_subclass_of( STRING:undefB, derived_a,false) =           no
+is_subclass_of( STRING:undefB, derived_a) =                 no
+>>> With Defined class
+is_a( OBJECT:base, if_a) =                                  no
+is_a( STRING:base, if_a) =                                  no
+is_a( STRING:base, if_a, true) =                            no
+is_subclass_of( OBJECT:base, if_a) =                        no
+is_subclass_of( STRING:base, if_a) =                        no
+is_subclass_of( STRING:base, if_a,false) =                  no
+>>> With Undefined
+is_a( STRING:undefB, if_a,true) =                           no
+is_a( STRING:undefB, if_a) =                                no
+is_subclass_of( STRING:undefB, if_a,false) =                no
+is_subclass_of( STRING:undefB, if_a) =                      no
+>>> With Defined class
+is_a( OBJECT:base, undefA) =                                no
+is_a( STRING:base, undefA) =                                no
+is_a( STRING:base, undefA, true) =                          no
+is_subclass_of( OBJECT:base, undefA) =                      no
+is_subclass_of( STRING:base, undefA) =                      no
+is_subclass_of( STRING:base, undefA,false) =                no
+>>> With Undefined
+is_a( STRING:undefB, undefA,true) =                         no
+is_a( STRING:undefB, undefA) =                              no
+is_subclass_of( STRING:undefB, undefA,false) =              no
+is_subclass_of( STRING:undefB, undefA) =                    no
+>>> With Defined class
+is_a( OBJECT:derived_a, base) =                             yes
+is_a( STRING:derived_a, base) =                             no
+is_a( STRING:derived_a, base, true) =                       yes
+is_subclass_of( OBJECT:derived_a, base) =                   yes
+is_subclass_of( STRING:derived_a, base) =                   yes
+is_subclass_of( STRING:derived_a, base,false) =             no
+>>> With Undefined
+is_a( STRING:undefB, base,true) =                           no
+is_a( STRING:undefB, base) =                                no
+is_subclass_of( STRING:undefB, base,false) =                no
+is_subclass_of( STRING:undefB, base) =                      no
+>>> With Defined class
+is_a( OBJECT:derived_a, derived_a) =                        yes
+is_a( STRING:derived_a, derived_a) =                        no
+is_a( STRING:derived_a, derived_a, true) =                  yes
+is_subclass_of( OBJECT:derived_a, derived_a) =              no
+is_subclass_of( STRING:derived_a, derived_a) =              no
+is_subclass_of( STRING:derived_a, derived_a,false) =        no
+>>> With Undefined
+is_a( STRING:undefB, derived_a,true) =                      no
+is_a( STRING:undefB, derived_a) =                           no
+is_subclass_of( STRING:undefB, derived_a,false) =           no
+is_subclass_of( STRING:undefB, derived_a) =                 no
+>>> With Defined class
+is_a( OBJECT:derived_a, if_a) =                             yes
+is_a( STRING:derived_a, if_a) =                             no
+is_a( STRING:derived_a, if_a, true) =                       yes
+is_subclass_of( OBJECT:derived_a, if_a) =                   yes
+is_subclass_of( STRING:derived_a, if_a) =                   yes
+is_subclass_of( STRING:derived_a, if_a,false) =             no
+>>> With Undefined
+is_a( STRING:undefB, if_a,true) =                           no
+is_a( STRING:undefB, if_a) =                                no
+is_subclass_of( STRING:undefB, if_a,false) =                no
+is_subclass_of( STRING:undefB, if_a) =                      no
+>>> With Defined class
+is_a( OBJECT:derived_a, undefA) =                           no
+is_a( STRING:derived_a, undefA) =                           no
+is_a( STRING:derived_a, undefA, true) =                     no
+is_subclass_of( OBJECT:derived_a, undefA) =                 no
+is_subclass_of( STRING:derived_a, undefA) =                 no
+is_subclass_of( STRING:derived_a, undefA,false) =           no
+>>> With Undefined
+is_a( STRING:undefB, undefA,true) =                         no
+is_a( STRING:undefB, undefA) =                              no
+is_subclass_of( STRING:undefB, undefA,false) =              no
+is_subclass_of( STRING:undefB, undefA) =                    no
+>>> With Defined class
+is_a( OBJECT:base, base) =                                  yes
+is_a( STRING:base, base) =                                  no
+is_a( STRING:base, base, true) =                            yes
+is_subclass_of( OBJECT:base, base) =                        no
+is_subclass_of( STRING:base, base) =                        no
+is_subclass_of( STRING:base, base,false) =                  no
+>>> With Undefined
+>>>> In __autoload: string(6) "undefB"
+is_a( STRING:undefB, base,true) =                           no
+is_a( STRING:undefB, base) =                                no
+is_subclass_of( STRING:undefB, base,false) =                no
+>>>> In __autoload: string(6) "undefB"
+is_subclass_of( STRING:undefB, base) =                      no
+>>> With Defined class
+is_a( OBJECT:base, derived_a) =                             no
+is_a( STRING:base, derived_a) =                             no
+is_a( STRING:base, derived_a, true) =                       no
+is_subclass_of( OBJECT:base, derived_a) =                   no
+is_subclass_of( STRING:base, derived_a) =                   no
+is_subclass_of( STRING:base, derived_a,false) =             no
+>>> With Undefined
+>>>> In __autoload: string(6) "undefB"
+is_a( STRING:undefB, derived_a,true) =                      no
+is_a( STRING:undefB, derived_a) =                           no
+is_subclass_of( STRING:undefB, derived_a,false) =           no
+>>>> In __autoload: string(6) "undefB"
+is_subclass_of( STRING:undefB, derived_a) =                 no
+>>> With Defined class
+is_a( OBJECT:base, if_a) =                                  no
+is_a( STRING:base, if_a) =                                  no
+is_a( STRING:base, if_a, true) =                            no
+is_subclass_of( OBJECT:base, if_a) =                        no
+is_subclass_of( STRING:base, if_a) =                        no
+is_subclass_of( STRING:base, if_a,false) =                  no
+>>> With Undefined
+>>>> In __autoload: string(6) "undefB"
+is_a( STRING:undefB, if_a,true) =                           no
+is_a( STRING:undefB, if_a) =                                no
+is_subclass_of( STRING:undefB, if_a,false) =                no
+>>>> In __autoload: string(6) "undefB"
+is_subclass_of( STRING:undefB, if_a) =                      no
+>>> With Defined class
+is_a( OBJECT:base, undefA) =                                no
+is_a( STRING:base, undefA) =                                no
+is_a( STRING:base, undefA, true) =                          no
+is_subclass_of( OBJECT:base, undefA) =                      no
+is_subclass_of( STRING:base, undefA) =                      no
+is_subclass_of( STRING:base, undefA,false) =                no
+>>> With Undefined
+>>>> In __autoload: string(6) "undefB"
+is_a( STRING:undefB, undefA,true) =                         no
+is_a( STRING:undefB, undefA) =                              no
+is_subclass_of( STRING:undefB, undefA,false) =              no
+>>>> In __autoload: string(6) "undefB"
+is_subclass_of( STRING:undefB, undefA) =                    no
+>>> With Defined class
+is_a( OBJECT:derived_a, base) =                             yes
+is_a( STRING:derived_a, base) =                             no
+is_a( STRING:derived_a, base, true) =                       yes
+is_subclass_of( OBJECT:derived_a, base) =                   yes
+is_subclass_of( STRING:derived_a, base) =                   yes
+is_subclass_of( STRING:derived_a, base,false) =             no
+>>> With Undefined
+>>>> In __autoload: string(6) "undefB"
+is_a( STRING:undefB, base,true) =                           no
+is_a( STRING:undefB, base) =                                no
+is_subclass_of( STRING:undefB, base,false) =                no
+>>>> In __autoload: string(6) "undefB"
+is_subclass_of( STRING:undefB, base) =                      no
+>>> With Defined class
+is_a( OBJECT:derived_a, derived_a) =                        yes
+is_a( STRING:derived_a, derived_a) =                        no
+is_a( STRING:derived_a, derived_a, true) =                  yes
+is_subclass_of( OBJECT:derived_a, derived_a) =              no
+is_subclass_of( STRING:derived_a, derived_a) =              no
+is_subclass_of( STRING:derived_a, derived_a,false) =        no
+>>> With Undefined
+>>>> In __autoload: string(6) "undefB"
+is_a( STRING:undefB, derived_a,true) =                      no
+is_a( STRING:undefB, derived_a) =                           no
+is_subclass_of( STRING:undefB, derived_a,false) =           no
+>>>> In __autoload: string(6) "undefB"
+is_subclass_of( STRING:undefB, derived_a) =                 no
+>>> With Defined class
+is_a( OBJECT:derived_a, if_a) =                             yes
+is_a( STRING:derived_a, if_a) =                             no
+is_a( STRING:derived_a, if_a, true) =                       yes
+is_subclass_of( OBJECT:derived_a, if_a) =                   yes
+is_subclass_of( STRING:derived_a, if_a) =                   yes
+is_subclass_of( STRING:derived_a, if_a,false) =             no
+>>> With Undefined
+>>>> In __autoload: string(6) "undefB"
+is_a( STRING:undefB, if_a,true) =                           no
+is_a( STRING:undefB, if_a) =                                no
+is_subclass_of( STRING:undefB, if_a,false) =                no
+>>>> In __autoload: string(6) "undefB"
+is_subclass_of( STRING:undefB, if_a) =                      no
+>>> With Defined class
+is_a( OBJECT:derived_a, undefA) =                           no
+is_a( STRING:derived_a, undefA) =                           no
+is_a( STRING:derived_a, undefA, true) =                     no
+is_subclass_of( OBJECT:derived_a, undefA) =                 no
+is_subclass_of( STRING:derived_a, undefA) =                 no
+is_subclass_of( STRING:derived_a, undefA,false) =           no
+>>> With Undefined
+>>>> In __autoload: string(6) "undefB"
+is_a( STRING:undefB, undefA,true) =                         no
+is_a( STRING:undefB, undefA) =                              no
+is_subclass_of( STRING:undefB, undefA,false) =              no
+>>>> In __autoload: string(6) "undefB"
+is_subclass_of( STRING:undefB, undefA) =                    no
+>>> With Defined class
+is_a( OBJECT:derived_b, base) =                             yes
+is_a( STRING:derived_b, base) =                             no
+is_a( STRING:derived_b, base, true) =                       yes
+is_subclass_of( OBJECT:derived_b, base) =                   yes
+is_subclass_of( STRING:derived_b, base) =                   yes
+is_subclass_of( STRING:derived_b, base,false) =             no
+>>> With Undefined
+>>>> In __autoload: string(6) "undefB"
+is_a( STRING:undefB, base,true) =                           no
+is_a( STRING:undefB, base) =                                no
+is_subclass_of( STRING:undefB, base,false) =                no
+>>>> In __autoload: string(6) "undefB"
+is_subclass_of( STRING:undefB, base) =                      no
+>>> With Defined class
+is_a( OBJECT:derived_b, derived_a) =                        no
+is_a( STRING:derived_b, derived_a) =                        no
+is_a( STRING:derived_b, derived_a, true) =                  no
+is_subclass_of( OBJECT:derived_b, derived_a) =              no
+is_subclass_of( STRING:derived_b, derived_a) =              no
+is_subclass_of( STRING:derived_b, derived_a,false) =        no
+>>> With Undefined
+>>>> In __autoload: string(6) "undefB"
+is_a( STRING:undefB, derived_a,true) =                      no
+is_a( STRING:undefB, derived_a) =                           no
+is_subclass_of( STRING:undefB, derived_a,false) =           no
+>>>> In __autoload: string(6) "undefB"
+is_subclass_of( STRING:undefB, derived_a) =                 no
+>>> With Defined class
+is_a( OBJECT:derived_b, if_a) =                             yes
+is_a( STRING:derived_b, if_a) =                             no
+is_a( STRING:derived_b, if_a, true) =                       yes
+is_subclass_of( OBJECT:derived_b, if_a) =                   yes
+is_subclass_of( STRING:derived_b, if_a) =                   yes
+is_subclass_of( STRING:derived_b, if_a,false) =             no
+>>> With Undefined
+>>>> In __autoload: string(6) "undefB"
+is_a( STRING:undefB, if_a,true) =                           no
+is_a( STRING:undefB, if_a) =                                no
+is_subclass_of( STRING:undefB, if_a,false) =                no
+>>>> In __autoload: string(6) "undefB"
+is_subclass_of( STRING:undefB, if_a) =                      no
+>>> With Defined class
+is_a( OBJECT:derived_b, undefA) =                           no
+is_a( STRING:derived_b, undefA) =                           no
+is_a( STRING:derived_b, undefA, true) =                     no
+is_subclass_of( OBJECT:derived_b, undefA) =                 no
+is_subclass_of( STRING:derived_b, undefA) =                 no
+is_subclass_of( STRING:derived_b, undefA,false) =           no
+>>> With Undefined
+>>>> In __autoload: string(6) "undefB"
+is_a( STRING:undefB, undefA,true) =                         no
+is_a( STRING:undefB, undefA) =                              no
+is_subclass_of( STRING:undefB, undefA,false) =              no
+>>>> In __autoload: string(6) "undefB"
+is_subclass_of( STRING:undefB, undefA) =                    no
Index: ext/standard/tests/class_object/is_subclass_of_error_001.phpt
--- ext/standard/tests/class_object/is_subclass_of_error_001.phpt	(revision 318065)
+++ ext/standard/tests/class_object/is_subclass_of_error_001.phpt	(working copy)
@@ -15,9 +15,19 @@
 echo "\n-- Testing is_subclass_of() function with more than expected no. of arguments --\n";
 $object = new stdclass();
 $class_name = 'string_val';
+$allow_string = false;
 $extra_arg = 10;
-var_dump( is_subclass_of($object, $class_name, $extra_arg) );
+var_dump( is_subclass_of($object, $class_name, $allow_string, $extra_arg) );
+//Test is_subclass_of with invalid last argument
+echo "\n-- Testing is_subclass_of() function with more than typo style invalid 3rd argument --\n";
+var_dump( is_subclass_of($object, $class_name, $class_name) );
+//Test is_subclass_of with invalid last argument
+echo "\n-- Testing is_subclass_of() function with more than invalid 3rd argument --\n";
+var_dump( is_subclass_of($object, $class_name, $object) );
 // Testing is_subclass_of with one less than the expected number of arguments
 echo "\n-- Testing is_subclass_of() function with less than expected no. of arguments --\n";
 $object = new stdclass();
@@ -30,11 +40,19 @@
 -- Testing is_subclass_of() function with more than expected no. of arguments --
-Warning: is_subclass_of() expects exactly 2 parameters, 3 given in %s on line 16
+Warning: is_subclass_of() expects at most 3 parameters, 4 given in %s on line 17
+-- Testing is_subclass_of() function with more than typo style invalid 3rd argument --
+-- Testing is_subclass_of() function with more than invalid 3rd argument --
+Warning: is_subclass_of() expects parameter 3 to be boolean, object given in %s on line 26
 -- Testing is_subclass_of() function with less than expected no. of arguments --
-Warning: is_subclass_of() expects exactly 2 parameters, 1 given in %s on line 21
+Warning: is_subclass_of() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given in %s on line 31
Index: ext/standard/tests/class_object/is_a_error_001.phpt
--- ext/standard/tests/class_object/is_a_error_001.phpt	(revision 318065)
+++ ext/standard/tests/class_object/is_a_error_001.phpt	(working copy)
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 error_reporting=E_ALL | E_STRICT | E_DEPRECATED
-/* Prototype  : proto bool is_a(object object, string class_name)
+/* Prototype  : proto bool is_a(object object, string class_name, bool allow_string)
  * Description: Returns true if the object is of this class or has this class as one of its parents 
  * Source code: Zend/zend_builtin_functions.c
  * Alias to functions: 
@@ -12,14 +12,20 @@
 echo "*** Testing is_a() : error conditions ***\n";
 //Test is_a with one more than the expected number of arguments
 echo "\n-- Testing is_a() function with more than expected no. of arguments --\n";
 $object = new stdclass();
 $class_name = 'string_val';
+$allow_string = false;
 $extra_arg = 10;
-var_dump( is_a($object, $class_name, $extra_arg) );
+var_dump( is_a($object, $class_name, $allow_string, $object) );
+//Test is_a with one more than the expected number of arguments
+echo "\n-- Testing is_a() function with non-boolean in last position --\n";
+var_dump( is_a($object, $class_name, $object) );
 // Testing is_a with one less than the expected number of arguments
 echo "\n-- Testing is_a() function with less than expected no. of arguments --\n";
 $object = new stdclass();
@@ -28,15 +34,21 @@
 echo "Done";
 *** Testing is_a() : error conditions ***
 -- Testing is_a() function with more than expected no. of arguments --
-Warning: is_a() expects exactly 2 parameters, 3 given in %s on line 16
+Warning: is_a() expects at most 3 parameters, 4 given in %s on line 17
+-- Testing is_a() function with non-boolean in last position --
+Warning: is_a() expects parameter 3 to be boolean, object given in %s on line 21
 -- Testing is_a() function with less than expected no. of arguments --
-Warning: is_a() expects exactly 2 parameters, 1 given in %s on line 21
+Warning: is_a() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given in %s on line 27
\ No newline at end of file
Index: NEWS
--- NEWS	(revision 318065)
+++ NEWS	(working copy)
@@ -432,6 +432,8 @@
   . Fixed bug #55509 (segfault on x86_64 using more than 2G memory). (Laruence)
   . Fixed bug #55504 (Content-Type header is not parsed correctly on
     HTTP POST request). (Hannes)
+  . Fixed bug #55475 (is_a() triggers autoloader, new optional 3rd argument to
+    is_a and is_subclass_of). (alan_k)    
   . Fixed bug #52461 (Incomplete doctype and missing xmlns). 
     (virsacer at web dot de, Pierre)
Index: Zend/zend_builtin_functions.c
--- Zend/zend_builtin_functions.c	(revision 318065)
+++ Zend/zend_builtin_functions.c	(working copy)
@@ -839,13 +839,20 @@
 	int class_name_len;
 	zend_class_entry *instance_ce;
 	zend_class_entry **ce;
+	zend_bool allow_string = only_subclass;
 	zend_bool retval;
-	if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "zs", &obj, &class_name, &class_name_len) == FAILURE) {
+	if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "zs|b", &obj, &class_name, &class_name_len, &allow_string) == FAILURE) {
-	if (Z_TYPE_P(obj) == IS_STRING) {
+	/*
+	 * allow_string - is_a default is no, is_subclass_of is yes. 
+	 *   if it's allowed, then the autoloader will be called if the class does not exist.
+	 *   default behaviour is different, as 'is_a' used to be used to test mixed return values
+	 *   and there is no easy way to depreciate this.
+	 */
+	if (allow_string && Z_TYPE_P(obj) == IS_STRING) {
 		zend_class_entry **the_ce;
 		if (zend_lookup_class(Z_STRVAL_P(obj), Z_STRLEN_P(obj), &the_ce TSRMLS_CC) == FAILURE) {
@@ -871,7 +878,7 @@
-/* {{{ proto bool is_subclass_of(mixed object, string class_name)
+/* {{{ proto bool is_subclass_of(mixed object_or_string, string class_name [, bool allow_string=true])
    Returns true if the object has this class as one of its parents */
@@ -880,8 +887,8 @@
 /* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto bool is_a(mixed object, string class_name)
-   Returns true if the object is of this class or has this class as one of its parents */
+/* {{{ proto bool is_a(mixed object_or_string, string class_name [, bool allow_string=false])
+   Returns true if the first argument is an object and is this class or has this class as one of its parents, */
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