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Bug #985 php3_oci73.dll cannot be loaded
Submitted: 1998-12-10 10:19 UTC Modified: 1999-01-04 11:17 UTC
From: anavarrete at cos dot ch Assigned:
Status: Closed Package: Oracle related
PHP Version: 3.0.5 OS: Windows NT 4.0
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
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From: anavarrete at cos dot ch
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 [1998-12-10 10:19 UTC] anavarrete at cos dot ch
Hello PHP-Team!
I got the ""-File from your ftp-server and put it into my cgi-bin directory of Apache 1.3 for Windows. First I tried out an ODBC-Connection to the Oracle-Server. This feature works just fine.
Now I should be able to connect direct to the Database (OCI), because of performance-tests.
(php3 and Oracle8 on Linux are working great!)
The sample-script to log on to Oracle:

  $id = ora_logon("test@orcl", "test");
  if ($id==0) {
    echo ("Connection failed.");
  else {
    echo ("Connection ok.");

Warning: Invalid library (maybe not a PHP3 library) 'php3_oci73.dll' in (null) on line 15

Note: If a library such as "php3_calendar.dll" has been loaded, there is no
error message about the *.dll .

Thanks for your effort!

Alex Navarrete 

I have installed Oracle 7.3 Client (with Oracle Call Interface
I use a dedicated Oracle8 Server.
I can reach the Server via SQL*Plus3.3.
But the error message  is still the same.
I also tried out the ociw32.dll file without success.

I took the following distribution and it works just fine.


The "php3_oci73.dll" was wrong.


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 [1999-01-04 11:17 UTC] anavarrete at cos dot c
This module has been working for others.  If you have oracle 8 and not 7.3, it will not work.  If you
do not have oracle 7.3 installed (trying to connect to another server with oracle) you must install the client
dll's for oracle (php doesn't come with them).  Please advise if any of this solves your problem, or not, and I
will reopen and look into it.
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