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Bug #9431 httpd processes using excessive cpu
Submitted: 2001-02-23 16:06 UTC Modified: 2002-02-16 00:00 UTC
From: ddil at inetmi dot com Assigned:
Status: No Feedback Package: Performance problem
PHP Version: Linux (redhat 6.2) OS: 4.0.4pl1
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
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From: ddil at inetmi dot com
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 [2001-02-23 16:06 UTC] ddil at inetmi dot com
It seems that after a while of server inactivity, the apache
processes go into a mode where they continue to just use cpu
- the processes become unseable for processing http requests
since they just stay in this state. A server restart is
needed to correct the problem. A process stack listing shows
the process to be within the PHP module at the time:

0x400c2248: chunk_free + 0x270 (404407f4, 8118740, 4042f0f3)
0x400c1fba: __cfree + 0xaa (8118740, 404407f4, 4043da80,
4042f0f3, 624407f4, 6e9f190) + 34
0x4037ebb0: zend_hash_del_key_or_index + 0x1d8 (8111048,
4042f0ea, 9, 8da99e0, 0, 404407f4) + 10
0x4037c0af: zend_unregister_functions + 0x67 (4043da14,
ffffffff, 0, 404407f4, 81329f8)
0x4037c1bb: module_destructor + 0x73 (8132a28, 404407f4,
4000ae60, bffffdc4)
0x4037ec24: zend_hash_destroy + 0x30 (40455760, 404407f4)
0x4037b2f5: zend_shutdown + 0x25 (404407f4)
0x4038a4de: php_module_shutdown + 0x32 (404407f4)
0x4038a4a5: php_module_shutdown_wrapper + 0x15 (40437840,
0x40388817: php_child_exit_handler + 0x1f (80d15b0, 8151c70,
18, 40437940)
0x0806fa61: ap_child_exit_modules + 0x49 (8151c70, 80d15b0)
0x080758d5: clean_child_exit + 0x1d (0)
0x08077587: just_die + 0x1f (a)
0x080775a9: usr1_handler + 0x15 (a, 0, 0, 2b, 2b, bffffdc4) + dc
0x40086c68: sigaction + 0x268 (8126e70, 81479d8, 814dfa8,
6c060002, 2000a0a, c65451e8) + 18
0x080788b7: child_main + 0x1b7 (b, b, 0)
0x08078ebc: make_child + 0x118 (80d15b0, b, 3a8ad8e0,
401581ec, 4053e480, 0) + a0
0x08079236: perform_idle_server_maintenance + 0x2b2
(401581ec, ffffffff, 0, d, 0)
0x08079765: standalone_main + 0x355 (2, bffffdc4, bffffdc4,
40013ed0, 8049c54, 80cc6a4) + 30
0x08079d33: main + 0x357 (2, bffffdc4, bffffdd0, 40013868,
2, 8050600)
0x400809cb: __libc_start_main + 0xff (80799dc, 2, bffffdc4,
804fc60, 80b127c, 4000ae60) + 40000248

PHP configuration options listed below:
./configure --prefix=/usr
--with-config-file-path=/etc/httpd --enable-safe-mode
--with-exec-dir=/usr/sbin --with-system-regex
--disable-debug --with-zlib --with-dbdm --with-db2
--enable-debugger --enable-magic-quotes --enable-track-vars
--enable-sysvsem --enable-sysvshm --enable-track-vars
--with-xml --with-ftp --with-pgsql

glibc version is 2.1.3
php module was compiled with egcs-2.91.66
apache version is 1.3.14
kernel version 2.2.14

We also experienced this problem with PHP version 4.0.2.
After upgrading to the latest PHP, is seems that the problem
is occuring less frequently.


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AllCommentsChangesGit/SVN commitsRelated reports
 [2001-04-29 11:32 UTC]
 [2001-12-12 18:48 UTC]
Could you try 4.1.0 and report the result?
 [2001-12-12 18:48 UTC]
Status = feedback
 [2001-12-12 18:54 UTC]
Sorry my mozilla overwirtes From/OS/PHP Version/Summary again.
 [2002-02-16 00:00 UTC] php-bugs at lists dot php dot net
No feedback was provided for this bug for over a month, so it is
being suspended automatically. If you are able to provide the
information that was originally requested, please do so and change
the status of the bug back to "Open".
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Last updated: Mon Feb 17 05:01:29 2025 UTC