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Bug #9257 Problem with values returned from a select statement
Submitted: 2001-02-14 08:14 UTC Modified: 2001-05-03 03:31 UTC
From: fabionl at baydenet dot com dot br Assigned: jah (profile)
Status: Closed Package: InterBase related
PHP Version: 4.0.4pl1 OS: Linux
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
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From: fabionl at baydenet dot com dot br
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 [2001-02-14 08:14 UTC] fabionl at baydenet dot com dot br
$sele = "select data,hora,historico,valor from saldos ";
$sele .= "where data between '$dataini1' and '$datafin1'";
$q = ibase_prepare($i,$sele);
$result = ibase_execute($q);
while ($row = ibase_fetch_object($result))
  echo $row->VALOR;

saldos is a view and its defined as:
) AS
SELECT data,hora,caixa,valor,historico
  FROM entradas
SELECT data, hora, caixa, (valor*-1) "VALOR", historico
  FROM saidas

The field "valor" in the tables "entradas" and "saidas" is defined as numeric(11,2)...

The problem is that the code above returns for example "10.10" when the value of the field is "10.01"...

it's a really big problem, and i dont know what to do... :(


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 [2001-02-14 18:54 UTC]
Yes, this seems quite bad, and I got today another email
(privately) complaining about a same kind of thing
happening. I'm afraid it takes a few days before I can
really look what's happening, it can take some time (which
I don't have much...). Fortunately, the other bug reporter
gave quite a good hint where exactly in the source the bug seems to be.
 [2001-02-16 08:26 UTC] fabionl at baydenet dot com dot br
ok... really thx...   :)


 [2001-05-03 03:31 UTC]
This should be fixed in CVS now.


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Last updated: Sun Feb 09 15:01:31 2025 UTC