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Bug #79196 Problem with returning data when using bootstrap-3-typeahead
Submitted: 2020-01-30 09:30 UTC Modified: 2020-01-30 10:02 UTC
From: florencelehr at cnetmail dot net Assigned: cmb (profile)
Status: Not a bug Package: Testing related
PHP Version: 7.4.2 OS: Mac
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
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Bug Type:
From: florencelehr at cnetmail dot net
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 [2020-01-30 09:30 UTC] florencelehr at cnetmail dot net
I have a function in which there is a call to the database - a query in which several fields are returned. When I debug a piece of code in which rows from a database with several fields are returned, then I see rows from a database with several fields. Then the code transfers these lines to the front-end part, which is processed using bootstrap-3-typeahead. Lines with only one field come to the block on the front end - with the first field. Can this problem be caused by some prescribed function in the bootstrap-3-typeahead package itself, or is it my mistake?

Actual result:
On the backend returns:

Name / surname / position / company for which it works / company website / salary

Carl / cross / dental surgeon / big apple / big apple .com / 1.000
Colleen / simonsen / scientist / stm auto parts / stm auto parts .com / 9.000
Jason / curtiss / postsecondary career-technical teacher / big apple / big apple .com / 42.000
Gregory / johnson / college essay writer / college essay writing help company / /33.000
Lara / montgomery / postsecondary career-technical teacher / hanover shoe / hanover shoe .com / 12.000
Glen / bassett / dental surgeon / hanover shoe / hanover shoe .com /22.000
William / williams / computer control operator / stm auto parts / stm auto parts .co / 12.000
Bradley / leon / entomologist / mikro designs / mikro designs . com / 12.000
And on the frontend this is inserted:



Problemwithreturningdatawhenusingbootstrap-3-typeahead (last revision 2020-01-30 09:33 UTC by florencelehr at cnetmail dot net)

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 [2020-01-30 09:33 UTC] florencelehr at cnetmail dot net
The following patch has been added/updated:

Patch Name: Problemwithreturningdatawhenusingbootstrap-3-typeahead
Revision:   1580376805
 [2020-01-30 10:02 UTC]
-Status: Open +Status: Not a bug -Assigned To: +Assigned To: cmb
 [2020-01-30 10:02 UTC]
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