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Bug #76464 PEAR installation fails with Phar extension enabled
Submitted: 2018-06-13 00:37 UTC Modified: 2019-05-20 11:06 UTC
From: peterkokot at gmail dot com Assigned:
Status: Wont fix Package: *Compile Issues
PHP Version: master-Git-2018-06-12 (Git) OS: Fedora 28
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
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Bug Type:
From: peterkokot at gmail dot com
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 [2018-06-13 00:37 UTC] peterkokot at gmail dot com
When building PHP with Phar extension enabled the PEAR installation fails.

Test script:
./configure --disable-all \
  --with-pear \
  --enable-xml \
  --enable-libxml \
  --with-openssl \

make && make install

Expected result:
Successful installation without PEAR errors.

Actual result:
Installing PHP CLI binary:        /usr/local/bin/
Installing PHP CLI man page:      /usr/local/php/man/man1/
Installing phpdbg binary:         /usr/local/bin/
Installing phpdbg man page:       /usr/local/php/man/man1/
Installing PHP CGI binary:        /usr/local/bin/
Installing PHP CGI man page:      /usr/local/php/man/man1/
Installing build environment:     /usr/local/lib/php/build/
Installing header files:          /usr/local/include/php/
Installing helper programs:       /usr/local/bin/
  program: phpize
  program: php-config
Installing man pages:             /usr/local/php/man/man1/
  page: phpize.1
  page: php-config.1
Installing PEAR environment:      /usr/local/lib/php/
[PEAR] Archive_Tar: File "docs/Archive_Tar.txt" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "doc", should be one of 
[PEAR] Archive_Tar: File "Archive/Tar.php" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "php", should be one of 
[PEAR] Archive_Tar: Parsing of package.xml from file "/tmp/pear/temp/pearTy1XMJ/package.xml" failed
[PEAR] Console_Getopt: File "tests/bug13140.phpt" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "test", should be one of 
[PEAR] Console_Getopt: File "tests/bug11068.phpt" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "test", should be one of 
[PEAR] Console_Getopt: File "tests/bug10557.phpt" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "test", should be one of 
[PEAR] Console_Getopt: File "tests/001-getopt.phpt" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "test", should be one of 
[PEAR] Console_Getopt: File "Console/Getopt.php" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "php", should be one of 
[PEAR] Console_Getopt: Parsing of package.xml from file "/tmp/pear/temp/pearsEVNLV/package.xml" failed
[PEAR] Structures_Graph: File "LICENSE" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "doc", should be one of 
[PEAR] Structures_Graph: File "tests/" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "test", should be one of 
[PEAR] Structures_Graph: File "tests/BasicGraphTest.php" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "test", should be one of 
[PEAR] Structures_Graph: File "tests/AcyclicTestTest.php" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "test", should be one of 
[PEAR] Structures_Graph: File "tests/TopologicalSorterTest.php" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "test", should be one of 
[PEAR] Structures_Graph: File "tests/BasicGraphTest.php" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "test", should be one of 
[PEAR] Structures_Graph: File "tests/AllTests.php" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "test", should be one of 
[PEAR] Structures_Graph: File "Structures/Graph.php" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "php", should be one of 
[PEAR] Structures_Graph: File "Structures/Graph/Node.php" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "php", should be one of 
[PEAR] Structures_Graph: File "Structures/Graph/Manipulator/TopologicalSorter.php" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "php", should be one of 
[PEAR] Structures_Graph: File "Structures/Graph/Manipulator/AcyclicTest.php" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "php", should be one of 
[PEAR] Structures_Graph: File "docs/tutorials/Structures_Graph/Structures_Graph.pkg" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "doc", should be one of 
[PEAR] Structures_Graph: Parsing of package.xml from file "/tmp/pear/temp/pearLSVWK7/package.xml" failed
[PEAR] XML_Util: File "XML/Util.php" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "php", should be one of 
[PEAR] XML_Util: File "tests/Bug21184Tests.php" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "test", should be one of 
[PEAR] XML_Util: File "tests/Bug21177Tests.php" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "test", should be one of 
[PEAR] XML_Util: File "tests/Bug18343Tests.php" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "test", should be one of 
[PEAR] XML_Util: File "tests/Bug5392Tests.php" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "test", should be one of 
[PEAR] XML_Util: File "tests/Bug4950Tests.php" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "test", should be one of 
[PEAR] XML_Util: File "tests/SplitQualifiedNameTests.php" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "test", should be one of 
[PEAR] XML_Util: File "tests/ReverseEntitiesTests.php" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "test", should be one of 
[PEAR] XML_Util: File "tests/ReplaceEntitiesTests.php" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "test", should be one of 
[PEAR] XML_Util: File "tests/RaiseErrorTests.php" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "test", should be one of 
[PEAR] XML_Util: File "tests/IsValidNameTests.php" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "test", should be one of 
[PEAR] XML_Util: File "tests/GetXmlDeclarationTests.php" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "test", should be one of 
[PEAR] XML_Util: File "tests/GetDocTypeDeclarationTests.php" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "test", should be one of 
[PEAR] XML_Util: File "tests/CreateTagFromArrayTests.php" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "test", should be one of 
[PEAR] XML_Util: File "tests/CreateTagTests.php" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "test", should be one of 
[PEAR] XML_Util: File "tests/CreateStartElementTests.php" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "test", should be one of 
[PEAR] XML_Util: File "tests/CreateEndElementTests.php" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "test", should be one of 
[PEAR] XML_Util: File "tests/CreateCommentTests.php" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "test", should be one of 
[PEAR] XML_Util: File "tests/CreateCDataSectionTests.php" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "test", should be one of 
[PEAR] XML_Util: File "tests/CollapseEmptyTagsTests.php" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "test", should be one of 
[PEAR] XML_Util: File "tests/AttributesToStringTests.php" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "test", should be one of 
[PEAR] XML_Util: File "tests/ApiVersionTests.php" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "test", should be one of 
[PEAR] XML_Util: File "tests/AbstractUnitTests.php" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "test", should be one of 
[PEAR] XML_Util: File "examples/example2.php" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "doc", should be one of 
[PEAR] XML_Util: File "examples/example.php" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "doc", should be one of 
[PEAR] XML_Util: Parsing of package.xml from file "/tmp/pear/temp/pearebRxKj/package.xml" failed
[PEAR] PEAR: File "template.spec" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "data", should be one of 
[PEAR] PEAR: File "System.php" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "php", should be one of 
[PEAR] PEAR: File "README.rst" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "doc", should be one of 
[PEAR] PEAR: File "PEAR.php" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "php", should be one of 
[PEAR] PEAR: File "package.dtd" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "data", should be one of 
[PEAR] PEAR: File "INSTALL" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "doc", should be one of 
[PEAR] PEAR: File "LICENSE" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "doc", should be one of 
[PEAR] PEAR: File "scripts/peclcmd.php" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "php", should be one of 
[PEAR] PEAR: File "scripts/pearcmd.php" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "php", should be one of 
[PEAR] PEAR: File "scripts/" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "script", should be one of 
[PEAR] PEAR: File "scripts/" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "script", should be one of 
[PEAR] PEAR: File "scripts/" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "script", should be one of 
[PEAR] PEAR: File "scripts/pecl.bat" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "script", should be one of 
[PEAR] PEAR: File "scripts/peardev.bat" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "script", should be one of 
[PEAR] PEAR: File "scripts/pear.bat" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "script", should be one of 
[PEAR] PEAR: File "PEAR/XMLParser.php" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "php", should be one of 
[PEAR] PEAR: File "PEAR/Validate.php" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "php", should be one of 
[PEAR] PEAR: File "PEAR/RunTest.php" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "php", should be one of 
[PEAR] PEAR: File "PEAR/REST.php" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "php", should be one of 
[PEAR] PEAR: File "PEAR/Registry.php" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "php", should be one of 
[PEAR] PEAR: File "PEAR/Proxy.php" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "php", should be one of 
[PEAR] PEAR: File "PEAR/Packager.php" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "php", should be one of 
[PEAR] PEAR: File "PEAR/PackageFile.php" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "php", should be one of 
[PEAR] PEAR: File "PEAR/Installer.php" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "php", should be one of 
[PEAR] PEAR: File "PEAR/Frontend.php" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "php", should be one of 
[PEAR] PEAR: File "PEAR/Exception.php" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "php", should be one of 
[PEAR] PEAR: File "PEAR/ErrorStack.php" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "php", should be one of 
[PEAR] PEAR: File "PEAR/Downloader.php" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "php", should be one of 
[PEAR] PEAR: File "PEAR/Dependency2.php" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "php", should be one of 
[PEAR] PEAR: File "PEAR/DependencyDB.php" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "php", should be one of 
[PEAR] PEAR: File "PEAR/Config.php" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "php", should be one of 
[PEAR] PEAR: File "PEAR/Common.php" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "php", should be one of 
[PEAR] PEAR: File "PEAR/Command.php" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "php", should be one of 
[PEAR] PEAR: File "PEAR/ChannelFile.php" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "php", should be one of 
[PEAR] PEAR: File "PEAR/Builder.php" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "php", should be one of 
[PEAR] PEAR: File "PEAR/Validator/PECL.php" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "php", should be one of 
[PEAR] PEAR: File "PEAR/Task/Windowseol.php" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "php", should be one of 
[PEAR] PEAR: File "PEAR/Task/Unixeol.php" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "php", should be one of 
[PEAR] PEAR: File "PEAR/Task/Replace.php" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "php", should be one of 
[PEAR] PEAR: File "PEAR/Task/Postinstallscript.php" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "php", should be one of 
[PEAR] PEAR: File "PEAR/Task/Common.php" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "php", should be one of 
[PEAR] PEAR: File "PEAR/Task/Windowseol/rw.php" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "php", should be one of 
[PEAR] PEAR: File "PEAR/Task/Unixeol/rw.php" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "php", should be one of 
[PEAR] PEAR: File "PEAR/Task/Replace/rw.php" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "php", should be one of 
[PEAR] PEAR: File "PEAR/Task/Postinstallscript/rw.php" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "php", should be one of 
[PEAR] PEAR: File "PEAR/REST/13.php" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "php", should be one of 
[PEAR] PEAR: File "PEAR/REST/11.php" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "php", should be one of 
[PEAR] PEAR: File "PEAR/REST/10.php" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "php", should be one of 
[PEAR] PEAR: File "PEAR/PackageFile/v2.php" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "php", should be one of 
[PEAR] PEAR: File "PEAR/PackageFile/v1.php" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "php", should be one of 
[PEAR] PEAR: File "PEAR/PackageFile/v2/Validator.php" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "php", should be one of 
[PEAR] PEAR: File "PEAR/PackageFile/v2/rw.php" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "php", should be one of 
[PEAR] PEAR: File "PEAR/PackageFile/Parser/v2.php" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "php", should be one of 
[PEAR] PEAR: File "PEAR/PackageFile/Parser/v1.php" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "php", should be one of 
[PEAR] PEAR: File "PEAR/PackageFile/Generator/v2.php" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "php", should be one of 
[PEAR] PEAR: File "PEAR/PackageFile/Generator/v1.php" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "php", should be one of 
[PEAR] PEAR: File "PEAR/Installer/Role.php" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "php", should be one of 
[PEAR] PEAR: File "PEAR/Installer/Role/Www.php" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "php", should be one of 
[PEAR] PEAR: File "PEAR/Installer/Role/Www.xml" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "php", should be one of 
[PEAR] PEAR: File "PEAR/Installer/Role/Test.php" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "php", should be one of 
[PEAR] PEAR: File "PEAR/Installer/Role/Test.xml" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "php", should be one of 
[PEAR] PEAR: File "PEAR/Installer/Role/Src.php" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "php", should be one of 
[PEAR] PEAR: File "PEAR/Installer/Role/Src.xml" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "php", should be one of 
[PEAR] PEAR: File "PEAR/Installer/Role/Script.php" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "php", should be one of 
[PEAR] PEAR: File "PEAR/Installer/Role/Script.xml" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "php", should be one of 
[PEAR] PEAR: File "PEAR/Installer/Role/Php.php" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "php", should be one of 
[PEAR] PEAR: File "PEAR/Installer/Role/Php.xml" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "php", should be one of 
[PEAR] PEAR: File "PEAR/Installer/Role/Man.php" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "php", should be one of 
[PEAR] PEAR: File "PEAR/Installer/Role/Man.xml" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "php", should be one of 
[PEAR] PEAR: File "PEAR/Installer/Role/Ext.php" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "php", should be one of 
[PEAR] PEAR: File "PEAR/Installer/Role/Ext.xml" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "php", should be one of 
[PEAR] PEAR: File "PEAR/Installer/Role/Doc.php" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "php", should be one of 
[PEAR] PEAR: File "PEAR/Installer/Role/Doc.xml" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "php", should be one of 
[PEAR] PEAR: File "PEAR/Installer/Role/Data.php" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "php", should be one of 
[PEAR] PEAR: File "PEAR/Installer/Role/Data.xml" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "php", should be one of 
[PEAR] PEAR: File "PEAR/Installer/Role/Cfg.php" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "php", should be one of 
[PEAR] PEAR: File "PEAR/Installer/Role/Cfg.xml" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "php", should be one of 
[PEAR] PEAR: File "PEAR/Installer/Role/Common.php" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "php", should be one of 
[PEAR] PEAR: File "PEAR/Frontend/CLI.php" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "php", should be one of 
[PEAR] PEAR: File "PEAR/Downloader/Package.php" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "php", should be one of 
[PEAR] PEAR: File "PEAR/Command/Test.php" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "php", should be one of 
[PEAR] PEAR: File "PEAR/Command/Test.xml" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "php", should be one of 
[PEAR] PEAR: File "PEAR/Command/Remote.php" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "php", should be one of 
[PEAR] PEAR: File "PEAR/Command/Remote.xml" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "php", should be one of 
[PEAR] PEAR: File "PEAR/Command/Registry.php" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "php", should be one of 
[PEAR] PEAR: File "PEAR/Command/Registry.xml" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "php", should be one of 
[PEAR] PEAR: File "PEAR/Command/Pickle.php" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "php", should be one of 
[PEAR] PEAR: File "PEAR/Command/Pickle.xml" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "php", should be one of 
[PEAR] PEAR: File "PEAR/Command/Package.php" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "php", should be one of 
[PEAR] PEAR: File "PEAR/Command/Package.xml" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "php", should be one of 
[PEAR] PEAR: File "PEAR/Command/Mirror.php" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "php", should be one of 
[PEAR] PEAR: File "PEAR/Command/Mirror.xml" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "php", should be one of 
[PEAR] PEAR: File "PEAR/Command/Install.php" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "php", should be one of 
[PEAR] PEAR: File "PEAR/Command/Install.xml" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "php", should be one of 
[PEAR] PEAR: File "PEAR/Command/Config.php" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "php", should be one of 
[PEAR] PEAR: File "PEAR/Command/Config.xml" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "php", should be one of 
[PEAR] PEAR: File "PEAR/Command/Common.php" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "php", should be one of 
[PEAR] PEAR: File "PEAR/Command/Channels.php" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "php", should be one of 
[PEAR] PEAR: File "PEAR/Command/Channels.xml" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "php", should be one of 
[PEAR] PEAR: File "PEAR/Command/Build.php" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "php", should be one of 
[PEAR] PEAR: File "PEAR/Command/Build.xml" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "php", should be one of 
[PEAR] PEAR: File "PEAR/Command/Auth.php" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "php", should be one of 
[PEAR] PEAR: File "PEAR/Command/Auth.xml" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "php", should be one of 
[PEAR] PEAR: File "PEAR/ChannelFile/Parser.php" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "php", should be one of 
[PEAR] PEAR: File "OS/Guess.php" in directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "php", should be one of 
[PEAR] PEAR: Parsing of package.xml from file "/tmp/pear/temp/pearAgDfLv/package.xml" failed
/opt/php-src/build/shtool install -c ext/phar/phar.phar /usr/local/bin
ln -s -f phar.phar /usr/local/bin/phar


Pull Requests


AllCommentsChangesGit/SVN commitsRelated reports
 [2019-05-20 11:06 UTC]
-Status: Open +Status: Wont fix
 [2019-05-20 11:06 UTC]
I'm closing this as won't fix. There was something different and not related happening back then. Anyhow, PEAR is also a project where bugs should be reported elsewhere most likely and pull requests sent to that repository.
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All rights reserved.
Last updated: Wed Feb 19 11:01:28 2025 UTC