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Sec Bug #71912 libgd: signedness vulnerability
Submitted: 2016-03-29 03:41 UTC Modified: 2016-04-27 05:55 UTC
From: hji at dyntopia dot com Assigned: stas (profile)
Status: Closed Package: GD related
PHP Version: 5.5.34 OS:
Private report: No CVE-ID: 2016-3074
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Bug Type:
From: hji at dyntopia dot com
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 [2016-03-29 03:41 UTC] hji at dyntopia dot com
A signedness vulnerability (CVE-2016-3074) exist in libgd 2.1.1 which
may result in a heap overflow when processing compressed gd2 data.

The libgd project has been informed; however, since it's bundled with
PHP, you might want to know about this too.

4 bytes representing the chunk index size is stored in a signed integer,
chunkIdx[i].size, by `gdGetInt()' during the parsing of GD2 headers:

|  53 typedef struct {
|  54     int offset;
|  55     int size;
|  56 }
|  57 t_chunk_info;

|  65 static int
|  66 _gd2GetHeader (gdIOCtxPtr in, int *sx, int *sy,
|  67                int *cs, int *vers, int *fmt, int *ncx, int *ncy,
|  68                t_chunk_info ** chunkIdx)
|  69 {
| ...
|  73     t_chunk_info *cidx;
| ...
| 155     if (gd2_compressed (*fmt)) {
| ...
| 163         for (i = 0; i < nc; i++) {
| ...
| 167             if (gdGetInt (&cidx[i].size, in) != 1) {
| 168                 goto fail2;
| 169             };
| 170         };
| 171         *chunkIdx = cidx;
| 172     };
| ...
| 181 }

`gdImageCreateFromGd2Ctx()' and `gdImageCreateFromGd2PartCtx()' then
allocates memory for the compressed data based on the value of the
largest chunk size:

| 371|637     if (gd2_compressed (fmt)) {
| 372|638         /* Find the maximum compressed chunk size. */
| 373|639         compMax = 0;
| 374|640         for (i = 0; (i < nc); i++) {
| 375|641             if (chunkIdx[i].size > compMax) {
| 376|642                 compMax = chunkIdx[i].size;
| 377|643             };
| 378|644         };
| 379|645         compMax++;
| ...|...
| 387|656         compBuf = gdCalloc (compMax, 1);
| ...|...
| 393|661     };

A size of <= 0 results in `compMax' retaining its initial value during
the loop, followed by it being incremented to 1.  Since `compMax' is
used as the nmemb for `gdCalloc()', this leads to a 1*1 byte allocation
for `compBuf'.

This is followed by compressed data being read to `compBuf' based on the
current (potentially negative) chunk size:

| 339 BGD_DECLARE(gdImagePtr) gdImageCreateFromGd2Ctx (gdIOCtxPtr in)
| 340 {
| ...
| 413         if (gd2_compressed (fmt)) {
| 414
| 415             chunkLen = chunkMax;
| 416
| 417             if (!_gd2ReadChunk (chunkIdx[chunkNum].offset,
| 418                                 compBuf,
| 419                                 chunkIdx[chunkNum].size,
| 420                                 (char *) chunkBuf, &chunkLen, in)) {
| 421                 GD2_DBG (printf ("Error reading comproessed chunk\n"));
| 422                 goto fail;
| 423             };
| 424
| 425             chunkPos = 0;
| 426         };
| ...
| 501 }

| 585 BGD_DECLARE(gdImagePtr) gdImageCreateFromGd2PartCtx (gdIOCtx * in, int srcx, int srcy, int w, int h)
| 586 {
| ...
| 713         if (!gd2_compressed (fmt)) {
| ...
| 731         } else {
| 732             chunkNum = cx + cy * ncx;
| 733
| 734             chunkLen = chunkMax;
| 735             if (!_gd2ReadChunk (chunkIdx[chunkNum].offset,
| 736                                 compBuf,
| 737                                 chunkIdx[chunkNum].size,
| 738                                 (char *) chunkBuf, &chunkLen, in)) {
| 739                 printf ("Error reading comproessed chunk\n");
| 740                 goto fail2;
| 741             };
| ...
| 746         };
| ...
| 815 }

The size is subsequently interpreted as a size_t by `fread()' or
`memcpy()', depending on how the image is read:

| 221 static int
| 222 _gd2ReadChunk (int offset, char *compBuf, int compSize, char *chunkBuf,
| 223            uLongf * chunkLen, gdIOCtx * in)
| 224 {
| ...
| 236     if (gdGetBuf (compBuf, compSize, in) != compSize) {
| 237         return FALSE;
| 238     };
| ...
| 251 }

| 211 int gdGetBuf(void *buf, int size, gdIOCtx *ctx)
| 212 {
| 213     return (ctx->getBuf)(ctx, buf, size);
| 214 }

For file contexts:

|  52 BGD_DECLARE(gdIOCtx *) gdNewFileCtx(FILE *f)
|  53 {
| ...
|  67     ctx->ctx.getBuf = fileGetbuf;
| ...
|  76 }
| ...
|  92 static int fileGetbuf(gdIOCtx *ctx, void *buf, int size)
|  93 {
|  94     fileIOCtx *fctx;
|  95     fctx = (fileIOCtx *)ctx;
|  96
|  97     return (fread(buf, 1, size, fctx->f));
|  98 }

And for dynamic contexts:

|  74 BGD_DECLARE(gdIOCtx *) gdNewDynamicCtxEx(int initialSize, void *data, int freeOKFlag)
|  75 {
| ...
|  95     ctx->ctx.getBuf = dynamicGetbuf;
| ...
| 104 }
| ...
| 256 static int dynamicGetbuf(gdIOCtxPtr ctx, void *buf, int len)
| 257 {
| ...
| 280     memcpy(buf, (void *) ((char *)dp->data + dp->pos), rlen);
| ...
| 284 }

Test script:

Actual result:
| $ python --bind-port 5555
| [*] this may take a while
| [*] offset 912 of 10000...
| [+] connected to
| id
| uid=33(www-data) gid=33(www-data) groups=33(www-data)
| uname -a
| Linux wily64 4.2.0-34-generic #39-Ubuntu SMP Thu Mar 10 22:13:01 UTC
| 2016 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
| dpkg -l|grep -E "php5-(fpm|gd)"
| ii  php5-fpm       5.6.11+dfsg-1ubuntu3.1 ...
| ii  php5-gd        5.6.11+dfsg-1ubuntu3.1 ...
| cat upload.php
| <?php
|     imagecreatefromgd2($_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"]);
| ?>

-- Hans Jerry Illikainen


Pull Requests


AllCommentsChangesGit/SVN commitsRelated reports
 [2016-04-18 00:32 UTC]
-Summary: CVE-2016-3074: libgd: signedness vulnerability +Summary: libgd: signedness vulnerability -CVE-ID: +CVE-ID: 2016-3074
 [2016-04-19 05:17 UTC]
-Assigned To: +Assigned To: pajoye
 [2016-04-19 05:27 UTC]
-PHP Version: 7.0.4 +PHP Version: 5.5.34 -Assigned To: pajoye +Assigned To: stas
 [2016-04-19 05:27 UTC]
Happens also in 5.5, so we need to backport from 5.5 up. For now, in security repo as b15f0ecc0f34364fd7ce924b4164be4e8198ff93
 [2016-04-21 14:02 UTC]
Upstream fix in libgd
 [2016-04-27 05:55 UTC]
-Status: Assigned +Status: Closed
 [2016-04-27 05:55 UTC]
The fix for this bug has been committed.

Snapshots of the sources are packaged every three hours; this change
will be in the next snapshot. You can grab the snapshot at

 For Windows:
Thank you for the report, and for helping us make PHP better.

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Last updated: Wed Sep 18 12:01:27 2024 UTC