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Bug #7163 Random "Failed opening" errors for both php pages and included/required files
Submitted: 2000-10-12 12:46 UTC Modified: 2001-04-28 15:34 UTC
From: adamh at aristoi dot org Assigned:
Status: Closed Package: iPlanet related
PHP Version: 4.0.3 OS: Solaris 2.6
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
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From: adamh at aristoi dot org
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 [2000-10-12 12:46 UTC] adamh at aristoi dot org
I've read a few bug reports that seem to have been lumped together regarding this bug, but none of the final bug reports seem to stay on the topic of this problem.  Here's what happens:

I compile PHP4 (any version- although the deepest analysis I've done is on 4.0.3) with NSAPI support on a Solaris 2.6 box.  I've enabled it for Netscape Enterprise Server, made the changes to server configuration to load it, and it works.  The problem is, a transient error occurs with files that looks like:

Warning: Failed opening '/export/home/www/azc/htdocs/class/emp/searchresults.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/local/lib/php') in Unknown on line 0

It mostly occurs on the source page I'm attempting to get to, but it does occur with includes within the page as well.  I've tried compiling PHP with a nearly-bare set of modules.  I've had to --enable-libgcc in order to the the shared object to work at all.

I've done some debugging of my own in the source and have identified the base source of the error generated (since that one can come from several spots) as line 2879 in Zend/  Following through the trail that would lead to that error arising, I've dug as deep as the virtual_fopen function in TSRM/tsrm_virtual_cwd.c, but my expertise is limited and I can't put my finger on the exact location of the problem.

Any suggestions or could someone just let me know if they're experiencing this as well?


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 [2000-11-03 20:30 UTC]
 [2001-03-29 09:46 UTC]
Does this happen with 4.0.4pl1? And if it does could you
please try the latest CVS snapshot from ?


 [2001-04-28 15:34 UTC]
No feedback. If this problem persists with PHP 4.0.5 which
will be released next week, please reopen this report.

 [2002-04-08 08:07 UTC] hans at westerlund dot dk
Just encountered the same problem under Netscape-Enterprise/4.1 on Solaris with PHP 4.1.2.
 [2003-02-27 17:52 UTC] davidleach at hotmail dot com
I'm experiencing a similar problem to those listed below, with Nes3.63 and PHP 4.22.  The same errors are being returned intermittently.  It appears that the primary occurence is when NeS is running MT (3 procs).  A restart of the service appears to resolve the problem.  It could also be that killing the child process might resolve the problem, not sure.

The telltale error:

Warning: Failed opening
'/data01/www/...../test.php' for inclusion
(include_path='.:/usr/local/lib/php') in Unknown on line 0

I've done some preliminary analysis using truss - one of the child processes is stuffed, where the other children are fine.  Whenever that ns child gets the request it fails...

any thoughts would be appreciated! 



23558:  read(179, 0x00175DF8, 2048)                     = 308
23558:     G E T   / t e s t . p h p   H T T P / 1 . 0\r\n C o n n
23558:     e c t i o n :   K e e p - A l i v e\r\n U s e r - A g e n t :
23558:     M o z i l l a / 4 . 7 8   [ e n ]   ( X 1 1 ;   U ;   S u n O S
23558:       5 . 9   s u n 4 u )\r\n P r a g m a :   n o - c a c h e\r\n H
23558:     o s t :   l o c a l h o s t : 8 0 8 0\r\n A c c e p t :   i m a
23558:     g e / g i f ,   i m a g e / x - x b i t m a p ,   i m a g e / j
23558:     p e g ,   i m a g e / p j p e g ,   i m a g e / p n g ,   * / *
23558:    \r\n A c c e p t - E n c o d i n g :   g z i p\r\n A c c e p t -
23558:     L a n g u a g e :   e n\r\n A c c e p t - C h a r s e t :   i s
23558:     o - 8 8 5 9 - 1 , * , u t f - 8\r\n\r\n
23558:  fcntl(179, F_GETFD, 0x00000000)                 = 1
23558:  fcntl(179, F_SETFD, 0x00000001)                 = 0
23558:  lwp_sema_wait(0xFCF81E30)                       = 0
23558:          sema type: USYNC_PROCESS  count = 0
23558:  lwp_sema_post(0xFCF81E30)                       = 0
23558:          sema type: USYNC_PROCESS  count = 0
23558:  lwp_mutex_lock(0xFEEF5558)                      = 0
23558:          mutex type: USYNC_THREAD
23558:  lwp_mutex_lock(0xFEEF5558)                      = 0
23558:          mutex type: USYNC_THREAD
23558:  lwp_mutex_wakeup(0xFEEF5558)                    = 0
23558:          mutex type: USYNC_THREAD
23558:  lwp_mutex_wakeup(0xFEEF5558)                    = 0
23558:          mutex type: USYNC_THREAD
23558:  lwp_mutex_lock(0xFEEF5558)                      = 0
23558:          mutex type: USYNC_THREAD
23558:  lwp_sema_post(0xFD371E30)                       = 0
23558:          sema type: USYNC_PROCESS  count = 1
23558:  lwp_sema_wait(0xFD371E30)                       = 0
23558:          sema type: USYNC_PROCESS  count = 0
23558:  lwp_mutex_wakeup(0xFEEF5558)                    = 0
23558:          mutex type: USYNC_THREAD
23558:  lwp_mutex_lock(0xFEEF5558)                      = 0
23558:          mutex type: USYNC_THREAD
23558:  stat("/data/docs/", 0x00A06ED0) = 0
23558:      d=0x01540023 i=506899 m=0100664 l=1  u=102   g=62104 sz=4743
23558:          at = Feb 19 08:37:03 EST 2003  [ 1045604223 ]
23558:          mt = Jan 10 08:58:17 EST 2003  [ 1042149497 ]
23558:          ct = Jan 16 14:09:17 EST 2003  [ 1042686557 ]
23558:      bsz=8192  blks=10    fs=ufs
23558:  lwp_sema_post(0xFCE11E30)                       = 0
23558:          sema type: USYNC_PROCESS  count = 1
23558:  lwp_sema_wait(0xFCE11E30)                       = 0
23558:          sema type: USYNC_PROCESS  count = 0
23558:  setitimer(ITIMER_PROF, 0xFCE11A90, 0x00000000)  = 0
23558:           value:  interval:    0.000000 sec  value:   30.000000 sec
23558:  sigaction(SIGPROF, 0xFCE118E0, 0xFCE119E0)      = 0
23558:      new: hand = 0xFEED7DD0 mask = 0xFFBFFEFF 0x00001FFF 0 0 flags = 0x0008
23558:      old: hand = 0xFEED7DD0 mask = 0xFFBFFEFF 0x00001FFF 0 0 flags = 0x0008
23558:  uname(0xFCE10E70)                               = 1
23558:          sys=SunOS nod=fubar rel=5.8 ver=Generic_108528-17 mch=sun4u
23558:  door_info(8, 0xFCE0F080)                        = 0
23558:  door_call(8, 0xFCE0F068)                        = 0
23558:  resolvepath("/data/docs/", "/data/docs/", 1024) = 45
23558:  stat("/data/docs/", 0xFCE103E0) = 0
23558:      d=0x01540023 i=506880 m=0042775 l=14 u=102   g=62104 sz=2048
23558:          at = Feb 19 08:25:35 EST 2003  [ 1045603535 ]
23558:          mt = Jan 30 16:56:34 EST 2003  [ 1043906194 ]
23558:          ct = Jan 30 16:56:34 EST 2003  [ 1043906194 ]
23558:      bsz=8192  blks=4     fs=lofs
23558:  resolvepath("/data/docs/", "/data/docs/", 1024) = 58
23558:  open("/data/docs/", O_RDONLY) = 331
23558:  close(331)                                      = 0
23558:  send(179, 0x00A07418, 143, 0)                   = 143
23558:     H T T P / 1 . 1   2 0 0   O K\r\n S e r v e r :   N e t s c a p
23558:     e - E n t e r p r i s e / 3 . 6   S P 3\r\n D a t e :   T u e ,
23558:       1 8   F e b   2 0 0 3   2 1 : 3 7 : 0 4   G M T\r\n X - P o w
23558:     e r e d - B y :   P H P / 4 . 2 . 2\r\n C o n t e n t - t y p e
23558:     :   t e x t / h t m l\r\n\r\n
23558:  send(179, 0xFCE0EE78, 193, 0)                   = 193
23558:     < b r   / >\n < b > W a r n i n g < / b > :     F a i l e d   o
23558:     p e n i n g   ' / d a t a / d o c s / b l a h . n e t / d a t a
23558:     / h t m l / t e s t . p h p '   f o r   i n c l u s i o n   ( i
23558:     n c l u d e _ p a t h = ' . : / u s r / l o c a l / l i b / p h
23558:     p ' )   i n   < b > U n k n o w n < / b >   o n   l i n e   < b
23558:     > 0 < / b > < b r   / > \n
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Last updated: Wed Feb 12 19:01:30 2025 UTC