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Bug #71506 inflate_add() does not detect truncated data
Submitted: 2016-02-03 10:54 UTC Modified: 2016-08-02 15:18 UTC
Avg. Score:3.5 ± 0.5
Reproduced:1 of 1 (100.0%)
Same Version:0 (0.0%)
Same OS:0 (0.0%)
From: salsi at icosaedro dot it Assigned:
Status: Analyzed Package: Zlib related
PHP Version: Irrelevant OS: Slackware 14.1
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
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From: salsi at icosaedro dot it
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 [2016-02-03 10:54 UTC] salsi at icosaedro dot it
The inflate_add() function is available as of PHP 7.0.0 and it incrementally decompresses DEFLATE, ZLIB and GZIP compressed data passed chunk by chunk. When GZIP compressed data are feed to this function, it succeeds detecting corrupted data, but it fails to detect trunked data, as the following test script proves.

Test script:
//	$deflateContext = deflate_init(ZLIB_ENCODING_GZIP);
//	$compressed = deflate_add($deflateContext, "Data to compress", ZLIB_NO_FLUSH);
//	$compressed .= deflate_add($deflateContext, ", more data", ZLIB_NO_FLUSH);
//	$compressed .= deflate_add($deflateContext, ", and even more data!", ZLIB_FINISH);
	// Creates GZIP compressed data:
	$plain = "Data to compress, more data, and even more data!";
	$compressed = gzencode($plain);
	echo "Compressed: ", wordwrap(bin2hex($compressed), 2, " ", TRUE), "\n";
	// These tests succeeded with error, as expected:
	// Invalid checksum:
//	$compressed[strlen($compressed)-5] = 'x';
	// --> E_WARNING: inflate_add(): data error
	// Invalid length:
//	$compressed[strlen($compressed)-2] = 'x';
	// --> E_WARNING: inflate_add(): data error
	// Corrupted compressed data:
//	$compressed[strlen($compressed)/2] = 'x';
	// --> E_WARNING: inflate_add(): data error
	// Following test FAILED to detect corrupted data:
	// Trunked lenght field:
//	$compressed = substr($compressed, 0, strlen($compressed)-4);
	// --> Data to compress, more data, and even more data!
	// Trunked Adler32 and lenght fields:
//	$compressed = substr($compressed, 0, strlen($compressed)-8);
	// --> Data to compress, more data, and even more data!
	// Trunked some data, Adler32 and lenght fields:
	$compressed = substr($compressed, 0, strlen($compressed)-12);
	// --> Data to compress, more data, and eve
	echo "Corrupted : ", wordwrap(bin2hex($compressed), 2, " ", TRUE), "\n";
	$inflateContext = inflate_init(ZLIB_ENCODING_GZIP);
	$uncompressed  = inflate_add($inflateContext, $compressed, ZLIB_NO_FLUSH);
	$uncompressed .= inflate_add($inflateContext, NULL, ZLIB_FINISH);
	echo $uncompressed;

Expected result:
E_WARNING: inflate_add(): data error

Actual result:
Data to compress, more data, and eve

(note how the original plain string has been trunked, but no error is detected).


Pull Requests


AllCommentsChangesGit/SVN commitsRelated reports
 [2016-08-01 13:38 UTC]
-Assigned To: +Assigned To: rdlowrey
 [2016-08-01 13:38 UTC]
It might be necessary to add something like inflate_close() to
detect the end of the input, so the data could be verified.
 [2016-08-01 13:49 UTC]
-Assigned To: rdlowrey +Assigned To: cmb
 [2016-08-01 13:49 UTC]
> It might be necessary to add something like inflate_close() […]

Ah, there is alread ZLIB_FINISH; should have read the report more
carefully. Will have a look at this issue.
 [2016-08-02 11:44 UTC]
-Summary: inflate_add() does not detect corrupted compressed data +Summary: inflate_add() does not detect truncated data
 [2016-08-02 15:18 UTC]
-Status: Assigned +Status: Analyzed -Assigned To: cmb +Assigned To:
 [2016-08-02 15:18 UTC]
Z(LIB)_FINISH is not meant to signal the end of compression; from
the zlib manual[1] (emphasis mine):

| However if all decompression is to be performed in a *single*
| *step* (a single call of inflate), the parameter flush should be
| set to Z_FINISH.

Actually, zlib signals the end of compression by returning

| inflate() should normally be called until it returns
| Z_STREAM_END or an error.

However, the current API simply resets the stream when
Z_STREAM_END is encountered and calls it a day[2].

One potential solution would be to store the latest result of
calling inflate() in the php_zlib_context[3] and to verify that
when the zlib.inflate resource is destroyed[4], and to report an
error otherwise. However, that would break code using the
seemingly common `inflate_add($ctx, '', ZLIB_FINISH)` at the end,
because that would report Z_BUF_ERROR (as obviously no progress
can be made if no input is added). Furthermore, unless the
resource would be explicitly unassigned, it would be freed at the
end of the request only, so the warning message would not be very
helpful. Maybe even worse, calling inflate_add() with some
unfinished input would result in a warning, even if the result
wouldn't even be used.

All in all, I think the incremental inflate API needs a redesign.

[1] <>
[2] <>
[3} <>
[4] <>
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