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Bug #69983 get_browser fails with user agent of null
Submitted: 2015-07-02 21:11 UTC Modified: 2015-07-03 23:59 UTC
From: php7testing at prodpartners dot com Assigned: Kalle (profile)
Status: Closed Package: Unknown/Other Function
PHP Version: 7.0.0alpha2 OS: *
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
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From: php7testing at prodpartners dot com
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 [2015-07-02 21:11 UTC] php7testing at prodpartners dot com
get browser issues a warning on 7.0 alpha 2 when user-agent string is null - works fine on 5.6.8.

get_browser works with user-agent string of $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']

Warning: get_browser(): HTTP_USER_AGENT variable is not set, cannot determine user agent name in /usr/local/apache2/htdocs/php7testing/browscap_test.php on line 2

Test script:
	$browser=get_browser(NULL, true);


bug69983.phpt (last revision 2015-07-03 18:42 UTC by

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 [2015-07-03 02:59 UTC]
-Status: Open +Status: Feedback
 [2015-07-03 02:59 UTC]
$ /home/huixinchen/local/php56/bin/php -dbrowscap=/tmp/browscap.ini /tmp/1.php

Warning: get_browser(): HTTP_USER_AGENT variable is not set, cannot determine user agent name in /tmp/1.php on line 2

I get same warning in 5.6, did I misunderstand you?
 [2015-07-03 11:46 UTC] php7testing at prodpartners dot com
-Status: Feedback +Status: Open
 [2015-07-03 11:46 UTC] php7testing at prodpartners dot com
Using the code snippet in this report:

With 5.6.8 I do not get a warning and I get the following output from print_r:

Array ( [browser_name_regex] => ~^mozilla/5\.0 \(.*windows nt 6\.1.*\) gecko.* firefox/38\.0.*$~ [browser_name_pattern] => Mozilla/5.0 (*Windows NT 6.1*) Gecko* Firefox/38.0* [parent] => Firefox 38.0 [platform] => Win7 [comment] => Firefox 38.0 [browser] => Firefox [version] => 38.0 [device_type] => Desktop [ismobiledevice] => [istablet] => ) 

With 7.0 Alpha 2 I get the warning listed in this bug report and I do not get any output from print_r.

The tests are run on the same machine.  To change versions I stop php-fpm, run make install for the version that I want, and then start php-fpm.
 [2015-07-03 14:17 UTC]
you can check $_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"] by dumping it before calling get_browse, this probably relates to some issue of your configuration in nginx fastcgi params
 [2015-07-03 14:19 UTC]
-Status: Open +Status: Feedback
 [2015-07-03 14:19 UTC]
you can check $_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"] by dumping it before calling get_browse, this probably relates to some issue of your configuration in nginx fastcgi params
 [2015-07-03 16:17 UTC] php7testing at prodpartners dot com
-Status: Feedback +Status: Open
 [2015-07-03 16:17 UTC] php7testing at prodpartners dot com
Perhaps I did not make it clear.  The problem only exists when you use a value of NULL for the user agent parameter.  It works when I provide $_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"] for that parameter. 

I don't think that the problem has anything to do with the fastcgi configuration because of two reasons:
1) I am using Apache 2.4 and php-fpm not nginx
2) It works with the same configuration on the same machine under 5.6.8

The following is the output when I first echo $_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"] and then call get_browser(NULL, true).  I included 2 "<br>" after echoing $_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"] to delineate that output from that of get_browser.

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:38.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/38.0

Warning: get_browser(): HTTP_USER_AGENT variable is not set, cannot determine user agent name in /usr/local/apache2/htdocs/php7testing/browscap_test.php on line 3

The main reason that I am bringing this up is that PHP 7 behavior is different from 5.6 and from the documentation.  I am trying to help eliminate problems for others making the transition from 5.X to 7.
 [2015-07-03 16:41 UTC]
-Summary: get_browser fails on 7.0 with user agent of null works on 5.6.8 +Summary: get_browser fails on 7.0 with user agent of null works on 5.6.10 -Status: Open +Status: Verified -Package: *General Issues +Package: Unknown/Other Function -Operating System: Centos 7 +Operating System: * -Assigned To: +Assigned To: cmb
 [2015-07-03 16:41 UTC]
I can confirm this issue for PHP 7.0.0-alpha2 with the CLI server
on Windows. Works fine with PHP 5.6.10, though. I'll do some
 [2015-07-03 17:29 UTC]
-Assigned To: cmb +Assigned To: laruence
 [2015-07-03 17:29 UTC]
There seems to be a logic error in the detection of the user
agent[1]. zend_is_auto_global_str(ZEND_STRL("_SERVER"))) yields 1,
and so the error is triggered.

Is it supposed to be

@laruence: Can you please have a look at the issue?

[1] <>
 [2015-07-03 18:42 UTC]
The following patch has been added/updated:

Patch Name: bug69983.phpt
Revision:   1435948945
 [2015-07-03 22:50 UTC]
-Assigned To: laruence +Assigned To: cmb
 [2015-07-03 22:50 UTC]
Christoph, I think its the conditional that is wrong, instead of || after the zend_is_auto_global() call, use &&, like other places where the same code is used seems right, but so far I cannot properly test since I only got CLI available.

(Assigned it to you, to notice this comment)
 [2015-07-03 23:59 UTC]
-Summary: get_browser fails on 7.0 with user agent of null works on 5.6.10 +Summary: get_browser fails with user agent of null -Assigned To: cmb +Assigned To: Kalle
 [2015-07-03 23:59 UTC]
Thanks for having a look, Kalle. Frankly, I can't tell, what's the
correct solution. This goes too deep into the innards of the
engine, and is well beyond my (current) comprehension. The
relevant commit is da7d94c[1], and indeed that suggests that the
|| should be a &&, and with this change the test script also

> I cannot properly test since I only got CLI

The attached phpt runs with the built-in webserver, and is
supposed to pass with PHP 5.6.x, but to fail for master.

> (Assigned it to you, to notice this comment)

Generally a good idea, as the bug tracker doesn't send mails to
all involved parties automatically (maybe something that could be
improved). However, I have explicitly subscribed to this ticket,
and I'll try to follow the discussion anyway. :)

[1] <>
 [2015-07-04 03:10 UTC]
Automatic comment on behalf of laruence
Log: Fixed bug #69983 (get_browser fails with user agent of null)
 [2015-07-04 03:10 UTC]
-Status: Verified +Status: Closed
 [2015-07-07 23:36 UTC]
Automatic comment on behalf of laruence
Log: Fixed bug #69983 (get_browser fails with user agent of null)
 [2016-07-20 11:38 UTC]
Automatic comment on behalf of laruence
Log: Fixed bug #69983 (get_browser fails with user agent of null)
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