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Bug #67298 $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] does not contain the request's complete URI
Submitted: 2014-05-18 00:51 UTC Modified: -
From: chealer at gmail dot com Assigned:
Status: Open Package: *General Issues
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Private report: No CVE-ID: None
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From: chealer at gmail dot com
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 [2014-05-18 00:51 UTC] chealer at gmail dot com
According to the REQUEST_URI entry of $_SERVER contains "The URI which was given in order to access this page".

As reported in #66978, this is not the case, as the example given just after shows: "for instance, '/index.html'". Actually, REQUEST_URI contains a URI reference.

This bug exists since as far as I can remember. At this point, it is probably a bad idea to simply fix. This should probably be treated as a documentation bug, and just cause the $_SERVER documentation to fix the entry description, adding a warning about the name.

However, having the actual request URI would be useful too, be it through a new "ACTUAL_REQUEST_URI" entry, a function, or something.

Note: this bug is not completely PHP-specific. gives a historical perspective on URI/URL terminology.


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