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Bug #61822 asXML($filename) url-decodes $filename
Submitted: 2012-04-23 02:16 UTC Modified: 2020-03-21 18:37 UTC
Avg. Score:4.0 ± 0.5
Reproduced:7 of 7 (100.0%)
Same Version:0 (0.0%)
Same OS:3 (42.9%)
From: Aldo at WebVyz dot com Assigned:
Status: Verified Package: *XML functions
PHP Version: * OS: Linux
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
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Bug Type:
From: Aldo at WebVyz dot com
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 [2012-04-23 02:16 UTC] Aldo at WebVyz dot com
I was saving a SimpleXML object and kept getting errors that the file could not be written. Upon further examination, I discovered that the directory containg an url-encoded slash (%2F) and while the directory existed as an encoded string (e.g. 'dir1%2Fdir2/file.xml') asXML was explicitly unencoding it and attempting to write to a different directory (which does not exist, e.g. 'dir1/dir2.xml'). No amounts of double-encoding the filename succeeded in creating the file successfully (same error) so I had to resort to file_put_contents("{$dirname}/file.xml", $sXML->saveXML());

Test script:
$sXML = new SimpleXMLElement('<result />');
$filename = 'dir1%2Fdir2/result.xml';
file_put_contents($filename, $sXML->asXML()); // works as expected
$sXML->asXML($filename); // fails; no such file/directory

Expected result:
Filename arguments given to asXML should be accepted without url-decoding

Actual result:
filenames are being url-decoded, which is not what I want or expect


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AllCommentsChangesGit/SVN commitsRelated reports
 [2014-07-15 11:53 UTC]
-Status: Open +Status: Verified -PHP Version: 5.3.10 +PHP Version: *
 [2020-03-21 18:37 UTC]
-Package: SimpleXML related +Package: *XML functions
 [2020-03-21 18:37 UTC]
This is a general issue with our libxml2 bindings; for instance,
DOMDocument::saveHTMLFile() shows the same behavior:

$filename = 'dir1%2Fdir2/result.xml';
$doc = new DOMDocument();

Warning: DOMDocument::saveHTMLFile(dir1/dir2/result.xml): failed to open stream: No such file or directory
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Last updated: Sun Jan 19 03:01:30 2025 UTC