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Bug #59165 bcompiling a file that has the same function name causes failure
Submitted: 2010-04-15 23:50 UTC Modified: 2010-04-16 11:17 UTC
From: alecgorge at gmail dot com Assigned:
Status: Not a bug Package: bcompiler (PECL)
PHP Version: 5.3.2 OS: Windows
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
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From: alecgorge at gmail dot com
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 [2010-04-15 23:50 UTC] alecgorge at gmail dot com
If you try bcompiling a file that has the same function or class names, it gives you a fatal error about redeclaring functions.

I cannot think of a reason this should happen, but if I am missing one, tell me!

Reproduce code:
// bcompile.php

// move to right dir when running in CLI

function bcompileFile ($file) {
	$fhandle = fopen('temp.txt', 'w');
	bcompiler_write_file($fhandle, $file);


Expected result:
no output and temp.txt containing the bcompiled file

Actual result:
H:\bcompiler\php>php -f H:\bcompiler\bcompile.php

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare bcompileFile() (previously declared in H:\bcompiler\bcompile.php:7) in H:\bcompiler\bcompile.php on line 13


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 [2010-04-16 02:09 UTC] alan at akbkhome dot com
Sorry, but your problem does not imply a bug in PECL itself.  For a
list of more appropriate places to ask for help using PECL, please
visit as this bug system is not the
appropriate forum for asking support questions. 

Thank you for your interest in PECL.

bcompiler_write_file($fhandle, $file);
will import the file into the global context - since you are compiling the file you are running - this will be just the same as including it hence redefining the function.

basically do compile the file you are running..
 [2010-04-16 02:10 UTC] alan at akbkhome dot com
that should have said do not...
 [2010-04-16 07:44 UTC] alecgorge at gmail dot com
this is an unexpected behavior isn't documented anywhere, and doesn't make any sense from a users perspective, which I think makes it perfectly valid for a bug report.

if this is for some reason the intended performance, I would love to know why.

you have to at least agree that not importing it into the global scope would make more sense--if possible.
 [2010-04-16 11:17 UTC]
Compiling a file is the same as including it to the global scope. Actually, bcompiler_write_file() works exactly like include() up to the execution stage.

If you want to include some parts of an already included file, you can use bcompuiler_write_class() or bcompiler_write_function().
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