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Bug #55154 SQLite does not support stream wrappers to access to database file
Submitted: 2011-07-07 04:24 UTC Modified: 2011-07-07 11:43 UTC
From: ivan dot enderlin at hoa-project dot net Assigned:
Status: Closed Package: SQLite related
PHP Version: 5.4SVN-2011-07-07 (SVN) OS:
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
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From: ivan dot enderlin at hoa-project dot net
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 [2011-07-07 04:24 UTC] ivan dot enderlin at hoa-project dot net
It seems like SQLite does not considere stream wrappers to access to database file (with \SQLite3 class or PDO driver).

Test script:

 * $ echo "CREATE TABLE t ( x INTEGER PRIMARY KEY ASC, y, z );" |\
 *   sqlite3 -init 0 Foo.sqlite

class W {

    public function stream_open ( $path, $mode, $options, &$openedPath ) {

        return fopen('Foo.sqlite', $mode);

    public function url_stat ( $path, $flags ) {

        return stat('Foo.sqlite');

stream_wrapper_register('sw', 'W');

var_dump(fopen('sw://foo', 'r'));

var_dump(new \SQLite3('Foo.sqlite'));
var_dump(new \SQLite3('sw://foo'));

Expected result:
resource(7) of type (stream)
object(SQLite3)#1 (0) {
object(SQLite3)#2 (0) {

Actual result:
resource(7) of type (stream)
object(SQLite3)#1 (0) {

Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'Unable to open database: unable to open database file' in ….php:27
Stack trace:
#0 ….php(27): SQLite3->__construct('sw://foo')
#1 {main}
  thrown in ….php on line 27


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 [2011-07-07 11:40 UTC]
-Status: Open +Status: Wont fix
 [2011-07-07 11:40 UTC]
The underlying library creates journal files and locking in the same directory as 
the file it's working on. A stream just wouldn't cut it here.
 [2011-07-07 11:43 UTC] ivan dot enderlin at hoa-project dot net
-Status: Wont fix +Status: Closed
 [2011-07-07 11:43 UTC] ivan dot enderlin at hoa-project dot net
I understand. So there is no possible workaround to fix this little issue?
In this case, I change the bug status to “closed”.

 [2014-07-31 18:31 UTC] sun at unleashedmind dot com
> A stream just wouldn't cut it here.

Could you clarify what this was meant to say?

A) "Sorry, it's not impossible to forward a PHP stream (wrapper) to SQLite; incompatible."


B) "Meh, too much of an edge-case; a stream wrapper would have to support plenty of advanced operations, so unlikely to see in the wild; hence, not willing to spend time on this."

I'm asking, because in case of B), a very frequent question and use-case is to use PHPUnit with e.g. (which hides away the complexity of a virtual filesystem), using database URI of e.g.


That is useful in case you need to test multiple database connections for a shared in-memory SQLite database -- in which case ':memory:' doesn't work, since every connection is a new db, and 'file:memdb1?mode=memory&cache=shared' triggers open_basedir restrictions.

In short - if it's technically possible - this would resolve a range of unit testing challenges (without creating artifacts on disk that might not be cleaned up in case of e.g. a fatal error).
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