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Bug #54133 Complex Object nested array problem
Submitted: 2011-03-02 10:56 UTC Modified: 2011-03-02 11:28 UTC
Avg. Score:5.0 ± 0.0
Reproduced:1 of 1 (100.0%)
Same Version:0 (0.0%)
Same OS:0 (0.0%)
From: netfury87 at msn dot com Assigned:
Status: Open Package: SOAP related
PHP Version: 5.3.5 OS: Windows 7
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
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From: netfury87 at msn dot com
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 [2011-03-02 10:56 UTC] netfury87 at msn dot com

I am working with PHP as a SOAP Client and ASP.NET WCF as a Soap Server. The 
following is the Method Call and it's parameters:

 EditSelection (string apiKey, string SelectionID, long[] typeGroupIDs, long[] 
typeIDs, FilterNewData filter, long[] QueryIDs)

The following is the "FilterNewData" Complex object:
long[] 	CountriesIncludeIDs [get, set]
long[] 	CountriesExcludeIDs [get, set]
long[] 	CurrenciesIncludeIDs [get, set]
long[] 	CurrenciesExcludeIDs [get, set]
long[] 	AffiliatesIncludeIDs [get, set]
long[] 	AffiliatesExcludeIDs [get, set]
string 	Gender [get, set]
int 	MinAge [get, set]
int 	MaxAge [get, set]
long[] 	RatingsIncludeIDs [get, set]
long[] 	RatingsExcludeIDs [get, set]

I noticed that if there is a complex object with arrays in it, it returns an 
"Error Fetching http headers" sometimes, and sometimes it doesn't. I have 
noticed that this error comes up when the data in the complex object is actually 
filled. If the object is passed without any data in the arrays, then it works, 
otherwise it doesn't. However, if the contents of the objects are exposed as 
normal parameters (all arrays in the object passed as method parameters), then 
it works fine.

Expected result:
Successfully send the data

Actual result:
"Error Fetching http headers"


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 [2011-03-02 11:28 UTC] netfury87 at msn dot com
I tried sending multiple ids (around 10) in all arrays and the same problem 
occured using no objects but all parameters are arrays.
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