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Bug #50768 SoapClient parsing error on complex types
Submitted: 2010-01-15 14:54 UTC Modified: -
Avg. Score:4.8 ± 0.4
Reproduced:9 of 9 (100.0%)
Same Version:5 (55.6%)
Same OS:3 (33.3%)
From: alrik dot zachert at erento dot com Assigned:
Status: Open Package: SOAP related
PHP Version: 5.3.1 OS: Ubuntu 9.04
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
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From: alrik dot zachert at erento dot com
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 [2010-01-15 14:54 UTC] alrik dot zachert at erento dot com
the native php soapclient throws a soapfault when passing complex types to a soap-service on php5.3.1 whereas php5.2.6-soapclient works correctly.

both, 5.3.1 and 5.2.6 ran on same machine with same modules enabled and almost same config.

the soapserver provides a test method that accepts exactly one parameter of type TestUser (see below) and returns the modified test object. 

I've tested the soapserver with soapUI and checked the wdsl, it 100%ly valid.

But the client on php5.3.1 troubles. See the actual soap-request (php5.3.1 vs. php5.2.6) below.

I guess it's a parsing error, but i couldn't find any hint in the releasenotes and changelogs.

You can also reproduce the bug??? by using Zend_Soap_Client, since it uses the native one. 

Reproduce code:
<?php /* soap client*/
    class TestUser {
        public $intUserId = 0;
        public $strName   = '';

    $objUser = new TestUser;
    $sc = new SoapClient('path_to_wsdl' , array(
        'classmap' => array (
            'TestUser' => 'TestUser'
    var_dump( $sc->test($objUser) );

<?php /* soap server method */
     * @param TestUser $objUser the test user
     * @return TestUser $objUser the test user
     * @soap
    public function test( TestUser $objUser )
        $objUser->intUserId = 123456789;
        $objUser->strName = 'somename';
        return $objUser;

the wsdl: ==>

<definitions xmlns="" 
		<xsd:schema targetNamespace="urn:SoaptestControllerwsdl">
			<xsd:complexType name="TestUser">
					<xsd:element name="intUserId" type="xsd:integer"/>
					<xsd:element name="strName" type="xsd:string"/>
	<wsdl:message name="testRequest">
		<wsdl:part name="objUser" type="tns:TestUser"/>
	<wsdl:message name="testResponse">
		<wsdl:part name="return" type="tns:TestUser"/>
	<wsdl:portType name="SoaptestControllerPortType">
		<wsdl:operation name="test">
			<wsdl:input message="tns:testRequest"/>
			<wsdl:output message="tns:testResponse"/>
	<wsdl:binding name="SoaptestControllerBinding" type="tns:SoaptestControllerPortType">
		<soap:binding style="rpc" transport=""/>
		<wsdl:operation name="test">
			<soap:operation soapAction="urn:SoaptestControllerwsdl#test" style="rpc"/>
				<soap:body use="encoded" 
				<soap:body use="encoded" 
	<wsdl:service name="SoaptestControllerService">
		<wsdl:port name="SoaptestControllerPort" binding="tns:SoaptestControllerBinding">
			<soap:address location="http://localhost:81/yii/fTest/index.php/soaptest/test/ws/1"/>

Expected result:
the expacted service result:

object(TestUser)#3 (2) {
  string(8) "somename"

the expacted client-request :

...<SOAP-ENV:Body><ns1:test><objUser xsi:type="ns1:TestUser">...</objUser> ...

Actual result:
php5.3.1 =>

Fatal error: Uncaught SoapFault exception: [Client] looks like we got no XML document in /home/alrik/-:13
Stack trace:
#0 [internal function]: SoapClient->__call('test', Array)
#1 /home/alrik/-(13): SoapClient->test(Object(TestUser))
#2 {main}
  thrown in /home/alrik/- on line 13

php5.2.6 service result =>

object(TestUser)#3 (2) {
  string(8) "somename"

php5.3.1 client-request : 

...<SOAP-ENV:Body><ns1:test><param0 xsi:type="SOAP-ENC:Struct">..</param0>...


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 [2011-05-06 16:23 UTC] m dot breiner at brinell dot net
I'm experiencing a similar issue on PHP 5.3.6:
If a SOAP message refers to a complexType that is comprised of an xsd:all, PHP's SOAP implementation seems to require _all_ of the xsd:all's elements (which is not the idea of an xsd:all). I.e., when using e.g. a classmap, if such an element is not declared as a property, a SOAP error is thrown:

SOAP-ERROR: Encoding: object has no 'foo' property in...
 [2012-03-20 04:36 UTC] pkmishra at gmail dot com
Same problem on mac MAMP - PHP 5.3.6.
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