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Doc Bug #50305 DOTNET Warning
Submitted: 2009-11-26 03:02 UTC Modified: 2020-06-16 16:52 UTC
Avg. Score:3.6 ± 1.3
Reproduced:4 of 5 (80.0%)
Same Version:0 (0.0%)
Same OS:0 (0.0%)
From: noon at ms8 dot url dot com dot tw Assigned: cmb (profile)
Status: Closed Package: COM related
PHP Version: 5.3.1 OS: Windows Vista
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
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From: noon at ms8 dot url dot com dot tw
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 [2009-11-26 03:02 UTC] noon at ms8 dot url dot com dot tw
runtime: .Net Framework 3.5

I need to add a button to a windows form. 
When I run the script "$x->Control", it generates warning message as follows:  

Warning: main(): variant->zval: conversion from 0xd ret=-1 in C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.5\ofg.php

Reproduce code:
$x = new DOTNET('System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089', 'System.Windows.Forms.Form', CP_UTF8);
$y = $x->Controls;

Expected result:
$y = $x->Controls;

^^^^ $y must be Object

Actual result:
Warning: main(): variant->zval: conversion from 0xd ret=-1 in C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.5\ofg.php


accept-LPUNKNOWN (last revision 2013-02-20 14:36 UTC by user at kkdf2 dot sakura dot ne dot jp)

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 [2011-01-13 12:51 UTC] t33th4n at gmail dot com
Error is valid.
Trying to create a dialog with .NET, but basic functions are failing to proceed.

Reproduce code:
		$form1 = new DOTNET("System.Windows.Forms, Version=1.0.5000.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089", 'System.Windows.Forms.Form');
		$button1 = new DOTNET("System.Windows.Forms, Version=1.0.5000.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089", 'System.Windows.Forms.Button');
		$button1->Text = "Press me!";

Expected result:
Add a button control to the form.

Actual result:
Warning: main(): variant->zval: conversion from 0xd ret=-1 in D:\xampplite\php\form1.php on line 10
PHP Fatal error:  Call to a member function Add() on a non-object in D:\xampplite\php\form1.php on line 10
 [2011-01-14 08:40 UTC]
This means that the variant conversion (as the error says) failed, 0xD is the variant type value of the object being converted. 0xD evaluates to 13 which is VT_UNKNOWN, an object that implements the IUnknown interface.

I however doubt theres anyone who will look at fixing this anytime soon as COM/dotnet needs an active maintainer
 [2013-02-20 14:39 UTC] user at kkdf2 dot sakura dot ne dot jp
I've posted a patch.

I'm not sure whether it works well or not.
 [2013-10-18 02:41 UTC] eric at pby dot com
I'm not proficient enough in C to even compile PHP.  Until this bug is fixed in a stable release, is it possible to define a PHP class that mirrors the COM class and cast the object into that class so that I can access its functions and properties?
 [2020-02-07 10:48 UTC]
-Status: Open +Status: Assigned -Assigned To: +Assigned To: cmb
 [2020-02-07 10:48 UTC]
That COM object is supposed to implement IDispatch, but apparently
it does not; converting it to a PHP Variant (like in the attached
patch accept-LPUNKNOWN) would not solve the problem (while it
makes the OP's test script work, it still leaves a practically
unusable Controls object, because it only postpones the problem).
 [2020-06-16 16:52 UTC]
-Type: Bug +Type: Documentation Problem
 [2020-06-16 16:52 UTC]
Doesn't make sense to wait for a magic fix – changing to doc
 [2020-06-18 08:44 UTC]
Automatic comment on behalf of cmb
Log: Fix #50305: DOTNET Warning
 [2020-06-18 08:44 UTC]
-Status: Assigned +Status: Closed
 [2020-06-19 19:40 UTC]
Automatic comment on behalf of mumumu
Log: Fix #50305: DOTNET Warning
 [2020-12-30 11:59 UTC]
Automatic comment on behalf of mumumu
Log: Fix #50305: DOTNET Warning
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