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Bug #502 regular expressions with php3 and apache 1.3.0 (not automatically correct!)
Submitted: 1998-07-02 10:25 UTC Modified: 1998-11-02 10:35 UTC
From: rbock at physik dot uni-kiel dot de Assigned:
Status: Closed Package: Installation problem
PHP Version: 3.0 Final Release OS: Linux 2.0.25 i586
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
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From: rbock at physik dot uni-kiel dot de
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 [1998-07-02 10:25 UTC] rbock at physik dot uni-kiel dot de
I had the problem described in FAQ, concerning regular expression core dump with apache.
configure did NOT configure correctly. I had to add the option
myself. It therefore seems to me, that the text from FAQ is wrong.

Thank you for your time and of course for PHP3! It is great!


Roland Bock

PS: Here is the mentioned text from FAQ

I installed PHP3, but every time I load a document, I get the message 'Document Contains No Data'! What's going on here? 
   This probably means that PHP3 is having some sort of problem and is core-dumping. Look in your server error log to see if this is the
   case, and then try to reproduce the problem with a small test case. If you know how to use 'gdb', it is very helpful when you can
   provide a backtrace with your bug report to help the developers pinpoint the problem. 

   If your script uses the regular expression functions (ereg() and friends), you should make sure that you compiled PHP3 and Apache
   with the same regular expression package. (This should happen automatically with PHP3 and Apache 1.3.) 


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 [1998-11-02 10:35 UTC] rasmus
I can't reproduce this problem.  It shouldn't be an issue with any recent Apache-1.3.x
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Last updated: Wed Jan 22 04:01:30 2025 UTC