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Bug #46437 data leakage because of nonexisting boundary checking in statements for MySQL41
Submitted: 2008-10-31 17:50 UTC Modified: 2009-04-27 11:11 UTC
Avg. Score:4.0 ± 1.0
Reproduced:2 of 2 (100.0%)
Same Version:1 (50.0%)
Same OS:1 (50.0%)
From: hostmaster at uuism dot net Assigned: mysql (profile)
Status: Not a bug Package: MySQL related
PHP Version: 5.2CVS-2008-10-31 OS: Fedora Core 4
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
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From: hostmaster at uuism dot net
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 [2008-10-31 17:50 UTC] hostmaster at uuism dot net
When I run ext/mysqli/tests/bug38710.phpt with PHP 5.2.6 and MySQL 4.1.20, the scripts fails in a manner not anticipated by the test script.

The $text consists of 8240 a's followed by a string of non-printable characters (cat -v shows "^@^@^@^Y^@^@^@^M ^@^@M-t^OM-TM-7M-0LM-TM-7M-^@WM^H^@^@^@^@M--M-^F^A^@^Y^@^@^@"), followed by more a's with the non-printable characters repeated every 8000 a's or so.

The string $text is not equal to str_repeat('a', 8191) for mysqli_get_server_version($db)=401020, so the ACTUAL output is:




Reproduce code:
include "";

$db = new mysqli($host, $user, $passwd, "test");
$qry->prepare("SELECT REPEAT('a',100000)");
if ($text !== str_repeat('a', mysqli_get_server_version($db) > 50110? 100000:(mysqli_get_server_version($db)>=50000? 8193:8191))) {
echo "Done";

Expected result:
It should pass since this is expected behavior for MySQL prior to version 5.1

Actual result:
It failed


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 [2008-11-01 03:30 UTC] hostmaster at uuism dot net
I compiled php5.2-200810312330 and ran test script ext/mysqli/tests/bug38710.phpt with the same results.

The resulting $text does not match str_repeat('a', 8191) for MySQL version 40120.  The length of $text is 100000.  It consists of groups of 8240 a's with mostly non-printing characters between each group.

The non-printing characters always seem to start with zeros (^@), so if you could truncate $text before the first binary zero, it would match str_repeat('a', 8240) 

Thanks for looking into this problem.

 [2009-04-27 11:11 UTC]
This is a libmysql issue, libmysql 4.1 isn'T supported anymore, later versions are fixed.
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