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Bug #42443 PDO SQLite3 lacks integer type support
Submitted: 2007-08-27 10:42 UTC Modified: 2008-03-07 17:16 UTC
Avg. Score:5.0 ± 0.0
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Status: Closed Package: SQLite related
PHP Version: 6CVS-2007-08-27 (CVS) OS: *
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
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 [2007-08-27 10:42 UTC]
PDO SQLite3 calls sqlite3_bind_text() for all non-blob and non-null parameter types regardless of whether integer data is provided. Integer data can be bound with sqlite3_bind_int(), which saves memory space and improves efficiency, as well as storing the intended type in a database which uses SQLite3's value typing. Patch is at:

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Actual result:
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 [2008-01-14 22:27 UTC] lapo at lapo dot it
Even worse than the integer case (which leads to inefficience) is the case of BLOBs, which leads to corruption of data: text values can't contain \0, while blob data can.

E.g. from command line sqlite3:
sqlite> SELECT LENGTH(X'12000000');
sqlite> SELECT LENGTH(CAST(X'12000000' AS text));

Because "case PDO_PARAM_LOB" falls through to "case PDO_PARAM_STR", which uses sqlite3_bind_text... using PDO is impossible to store BLOB data in Sqlite3.
 [2008-01-15 15:30 UTC]
I have a patch to deal with both of these issues here, just waiting to here back from Wez about adding it.
 [2008-01-16 14:43 UTC] lapo at lapo dot it
Thanks, I'll try it this evening. =)

The only remaining inconvenience may be that PHP strings can contain "\0" while SQLite texts apparently do not... but for short binary values in PHP strings are more common, such as in the result of serialize(), while PARAM_LOB *must* be used as a stream. On the other hand I really wouldn't know how to solve the problem otherwise (except creating a PARAM_BINARY that acts like PARAM_LOG but is used like PARAM_STR, but that would "break" the PDO API...).
 [2008-03-07 17:16 UTC]
This bug has been fixed in CVS.

Snapshots of the sources are packaged every three hours; this change
will be in the next snapshot. You can grab the snapshot at
Thank you for the report, and for helping us make PHP better.

In 5.3+ at the moment.
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