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Bug #42247 missing ldap_parse_result
Submitted: 2007-08-08 13:05 UTC Modified: 2007-08-10 13:02 UTC
Avg. Score:5.0 ± 0.0
Reproduced:5 of 5 (100.0%)
Same Version:5 (100.0%)
Same OS:5 (100.0%)
From: comet at ourplanet dot at Assigned:
Status: Closed Package: LDAP related
PHP Version: 5.2.4RC1 OS: Windows XP
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
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From: comet at ourplanet dot at
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 [2007-08-08 13:05 UTC] comet at ourplanet dot at
I am wondering where the function ldap_parse_result is gone ?!

All functions within ldap are working fine but ldap_parse_result is unknown.

Anyone an idea why this function is not longer implemented and why this fact is not documentated ?!

Why i need this function ? : I need the ServerControls from an result to implement paging for Active Directory queries( active directory returns only 1000 entries by default ). ( ldap_get_option( $connection, LDAP_OPT_SERVER_CONTROLS, $returnValue ) -> does not work too ). 


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 [2007-08-09 08:43 UTC]
This bug has been fixed in CVS.

Snapshots of the sources are packaged every three hours; this change
will be in the next snapshot. You can grab the snapshot at
Thank you for the report, and for helping us make PHP better.

 [2007-08-09 15:27 UTC] comet at ourplanet dot at
Hi, sorry but now i get the following message:

Warning: Wrong parameter count for ldap_parse_result() 
I am using the following parameters:

ldap_parse_result( $connection, $search, &$errcode, &$matcheddn, &$errmsg, &$referrals, &$serverctrls );

Is there a way to get this 7th parameter working, without this parameter the function makes no sense ?

Thanks a lot
 [2007-08-10 13:02 UTC]
There is no 7th parameter in this function:

And don't use same report for different bugs. The function does exist now. If you have other complaints, open separate report.
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