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Request #41190 Two proposed patches for sybase_ct module
Submitted: 2007-04-25 20:11 UTC Modified: 2015-02-18 07:44 UTC
Avg. Score:4.9 ± 0.3
Reproduced:13 of 13 (100.0%)
Same Version:10 (76.9%)
Same OS:9 (69.2%)
From: nick at marden dot org Assigned:
Status: Wont fix Package: Sybase-ct (ctlib) related
PHP Version: 5.3 OS: *
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
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From: nick at marden dot org
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 [2007-04-25 20:11 UTC] nick at marden dot org
I have two patches that I would like to propose for the PHP5 Sybase-CT module.

The first adds the (very useful) functions sybase_output_params() and sybase_return_status() functions. The patch is here:

and the documentation is here:

The second patch corrects (IMO) the behavior of sybct.hostname to default to the hostname of the current system. It also supports {HOSTNAME} as a substitution variable in the sybct.hostname parameter, a feature that I have found useful in our server farm. The patch is here:


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 [2007-04-30 06:56 UTC]
Assigning to myself, I like the first patch but am not sure about the second - I'd rather like to see a gethostname() function in PHP with which one could accomplish this in userland.
 [2007-04-30 14:58 UTC] nick at marden dot org
The point of the second patch (specifically the {HOSTNAME} part) isn't to be a substitute for a gethostname() function - although it would be nice to have one.

The point is to have the sybct.hostname default to the local hostname *without any user intervention*, something that is not currently the case.

The reason I added the {HOSTNAME} support is that in our production environment we often have multiple servers running PHP and it's nice to know which one is connecting to Sybase in the case of long-running queries, etc. So by putting




I give myself a shorthand to determine which process is causing trouble on the Sybase database.
 [2007-05-22 11:40 UTC]
Phew, finally got PHP to compile on Windows. Have just fixed some of the .phpt tests to also work there and will look into integrating your patches shortly.
 [2007-05-22 12:14 UTC]
Unfortunately your patch doesn't apply against current CVS (PHP_5_2)

$ patch < php5-sybase_ct.return_status-and-output_params.patch 
patching file php_sybase_ct.h
patching file php_sybase_ct.c
Hunk #3 succeeded at 177 with fuzz 2 (offset 16 lines).
Hunk #4 FAILED at 1044.
Hunk #5 succeeded at 1147 (offset 5 lines).
Hunk #6 succeeded at 1224 (offset 2 lines).
Hunk #7 succeeded at 1265 (offset 2 lines).
Hunk #8 succeeded at 1366 (offset 2 lines).
Hunk #9 succeeded at 1375 (offset 2 lines).
Hunk #10 succeeded at 1520 (offset 2 lines).
Hunk #11 succeeded at 1547 (offset 2 lines).
Hunk #12 succeeded at 1726 (offset 2 lines).
Hunk #13 succeeded at 1849 (offset 2 lines).
Hunk #14 succeeded at 1886 (offset 2 lines).
Hunk #15 succeeded at 2003 (offset 2 lines).
Hunk #16 succeeded at 2129 (offset 2 lines).
Hunk #17 succeeded at 2164 (offset 2 lines).
Hunk #18 succeeded at 2368 (offset 2 lines).
1 out of 18 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file php_sybase_ct.c.rej

I tried to correct the affected places manually but that lead to segfaults all over the place.

I'll keep trying:)
 [2007-07-24 21:06 UTC] nick at marden dot org
I've spiffed up the patch to make it patch 100% cleanly with PHP 5.2.3.

The patch is still at:
 [2008-11-10 12:05 UTC]
Not enough information was provided for us to be able
to handle this bug. Please re-read the instructions at

If you can provide more information, feel free to add it
to this bug and change the status back to "Open".

Thank you for your interest in PHP.

Sorry, finally been able to take care of ext/sybase_ct again. New box, can't find the patch anymore. Unfortunately, the URLs yield a "File not found" page and even Google doesn't hold a cached version.
 [2009-04-09 17:06 UTC] e dot vinot at cegetel dot net

Is there any chance to get these 2 Fixes included in close releases of PHP 5 ?

In my case I'm very interested by the function sybase_return_status() 
The sybase_output_params() will very useful as well


 [2009-04-10 07:56 UTC] remi dot astier at bnpparibas dot com
That fix would make my life easier !

How soon can it be implemented ?
 [2009-04-10 08:19 UTC] karim dot garchi at bnpparibas dot com
this issue is very important for our developpment, if we don't have solution we are going to migrate to jsp
 [2009-04-10 14:58 UTC] nick at marden dot org
Here is a patch against PHP 5.2.0. I have only run some very basic tests against it, so please do testing of your own before using this in production.

--- php-5.2.0-orig/ext/sybase_ct/php_sybase_ct.h	2006-01-01 04:50:16.000000000 -0800
+++ php-5.2.0/ext/sybase_ct/php_sybase_ct.h	2007-04-24 12:55:36.000000000 -0700
@@ -56,6 +56,8 @@
@@ -96,11 +98,15 @@
 } sybase_field;
 typedef struct {
-	zval **data;
+	pval **data;
 	sybase_field *fields;
 	sybase_link *sybase_ptr;
 	int cur_row,cur_field;
 	int num_rows,num_fields;
+        int return_status;
+        int return_status_set;
+        int num_output_params;
+        pval *output_params;
 	/* For unbuffered reads */
 	CS_INT *lengths;
--- php-5.2.0-orig/ext/sybase_ct/php_sybase_ct.c	2006-07-25 02:20:32.000000000 -0700
+++ php-5.2.0/ext/sybase_ct/php_sybase_ct.c	2007-04-24 12:55:36.000000000 -0700
@@ -61,6 +61,8 @@
 	PHP_FE(sybase_field_seek, NULL)
 	PHP_FE(sybase_result, NULL)
 	PHP_FE(sybase_affected_rows, NULL)
+	PHP_FE(sybase_return_status, NULL)
+	PHP_FE(sybase_output_params, NULL)
 	PHP_FE(sybase_min_client_severity, NULL)
 	PHP_FE(sybase_min_server_severity, NULL)
 	PHP_FE(sybase_set_message_handler, NULL)
@@ -86,6 +88,8 @@
 	PHP_FALIAS(mssql_field_seek, sybase_field_seek, NULL)
 	PHP_FALIAS(mssql_result, sybase_result, NULL)
 	PHP_FALIAS(mssql_affected_rows, sybase_affected_rows, NULL)
+	PHP_FALIAS(mssql_return_status, sybase_return_status, NULL)
+	PHP_FALIAS(mssql_output_params, sybase_output_params, NULL)
 	PHP_FALIAS(mssql_min_client_severity,   sybase_min_client_severity, NULL)
 	PHP_FALIAS(mssql_min_server_severity, sybase_min_server_severity, NULL)
 	PHP_FALIAS(mssql_set_message_handler, sybase_set_message_handler, NULL)
@@ -157,6 +161,10 @@
+        if( result->output_params ) {
+            pval_destructor( result->output_params );
+        }
@@ -1020,24 +1028,32 @@
 /* }}} */
-static int php_sybase_finish_results(sybase_result *result TSRMLS_DC) 
+void _cleanup_sybase_result_temp( sybase_result *result ) {
+    int i;
+    efree(result->datafmt);
+    efree(result->lengths);
+    efree(result->indicators);
+    efree(result->numerics);
+    efree(result->types);
+    for (i=0; i<result->num_fields; i++) {
+        efree(result->tmp_buffer[i]);
+    }
+    efree(result->tmp_buffer);
+    /* Indicate we have read all rows */
+    result->sybase_ptr->active_result_index= 0;
+static int php_sybase_finish_results (sybase_result *result TSRMLS_DC) 
 	int i, fail;
 	CS_RETCODE retcode;
 	CS_INT restype;
-	efree(result->datafmt);
-	efree(result->lengths);
-	efree(result->indicators);
-	efree(result->numerics);
-	efree(result->types);
-	for (i=0; i<result->num_fields; i++) {
-		efree(result->tmp_buffer[i]);
-	}
-	efree(result->tmp_buffer);
-	/* Indicate we have read all rows */
-	result->sybase_ptr->active_result_index= 0;
+        /* Clear up any temporary space used during query processing */	
+        _cleanup_sybase_result_temp( result );
 	/* The only restype we should get now is CS_CMD_DONE, possibly
@@ -1126,7 +1142,7 @@
 		ZVAL_STRINGL(&result, buf, length- 1, 1);       \
-static int php_sybase_fetch_result_row (sybase_result *result, int numrows)
+static int php_sybase_fetch_result_row (sybase_result *result, int numrows, int cleanup ) 
 	int i, j;
 	CS_INT retcode;
@@ -1206,7 +1222,9 @@
 	result->last_retcode= retcode;
 	switch (retcode) {
 		case CS_END_DATA:
-			retcode = php_sybase_finish_results(result TSRMLS_CC);
+                        if( cleanup ) {
+			    retcode = php_sybase_finish_results(result TSRMLS_CC);
+                        }
 		case CS_ROW_FAIL:
@@ -1245,6 +1263,10 @@
 	result->sybase_ptr = sybase_ptr;
 	result->num_fields = num_fields;
+        result->num_output_params = 0;
+        result->output_params = NULL;
+        result->return_status = 0;
+        result->return_status_set = 0;
 	result->last_retcode = 0;
 	result->store= store;
 	result->blocks_initialized= 1;
@@ -1342,7 +1364,7 @@
 	if (buffered) {
 		retcode = CS_SUCCEED;
 	} else {
-		if ((retcode = php_sybase_fetch_result_row(result, -1)) == CS_FAIL) {
+		if ((retcode = php_sybase_fetch_result_row(result, -1, 0)) == CS_FAIL) {
 			return NULL;
@@ -1351,20 +1373,72 @@
 	return result;
+/* Adds the data[0] row in source to the output_params hash in dest */
+static void _copy_output_params(sybase_result *source, sybase_result *dest) {
+    zval* new_param;
+    int i;
+    if(!dest->output_params) {
+        MAKE_STD_ZVAL(dest->output_params);
+        if(array_init(dest->output_params) != SUCCESS) {
+            php_error(E_WARNING, "Sybase-ct _copy_output_params(): Unable to initialize output_params array");
+            return;
+        }
+    }
+    /* Add source->fields[i] as the name and source->data[0][i] as the value */
+    for(i=0; i<source->num_fields; i++) {
+        switch( source->data[0][i].type ) {
+            case( IS_LONG ):
+                add_assoc_long(dest->output_params,
+                               source->fields[i].name,
+                               source->data[0][i].value.lval );
+                break;
+            case( IS_DOUBLE ):
+                add_assoc_double(dest->output_params,
+                                 source->fields[i].name,
+                                 source->data[0][i].value.dval );
+                break;
+            case( IS_BOOL ):
+                add_assoc_bool(dest->output_params,
+                               source->fields[i].name,
+                               source->data[0][i].value.lval );
+                break;
+            case( IS_STRING ):
+                add_assoc_string(dest->output_params,
+                                 source->fields[i].name,
+                                 source->data[0][i].value.str.val,
+                                 1 /* Copy the string to avoid double-free()ing */ );
+                break;
+            case( IS_NULL ):
+                add_assoc_unset(dest->output_params, source->fields[i].name);
+                break;
+            default:
+                php_error(E_WARNING, "Sybase-ct _copy_output_params(): Can't elide data type into hash");
+                break;
+        }
+    }
+    return;
 static void php_sybase_query (INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, int buffered)
 	zval **query, **sybase_link_index=NULL;
 	zval **store_mode= NULL;
 	int id, deadlock_count, store;
 	sybase_link *sybase_ptr;
-	sybase_result *result;
+	sybase_result *result = NULL;
+	sybase_result *output_params_result = NULL;
+	sybase_result *return_status_result = NULL;
 	CS_INT restype;
-	CS_RETCODE retcode;
+        sybase_result *temp;
+        int i;
 	enum {
 		Q_RESULT,				/* Success with results. */
 		Q_SUCCESS,				/* Success but no results. */
 		Q_FAILURE,				/* Failure, no results. */
-	} status;
+	} status = Q_SUCCESS;
 	store= 1;
 	switch(ZEND_NUM_ARGS()) {
@@ -1444,6 +1518,8 @@
 	deadlock_count= 0;
 	for (;;) {
 		result = NULL;
+                output_params_result = NULL;
+                return_status_result = NULL;
 		sybase_ptr->deadlock = 0;
 		sybase_ptr->affected_rows = 0;
@@ -1469,120 +1545,153 @@
-		/* Use the first result set or succeed/fail status and discard the
-		 * others.  Applications really shouldn't be making calls that
-		 * return multiple result sets, but if they do then we need to
-		 * properly read or cancel them or the connection will become
-		 * unusable.
-		 */
-		if (ct_results(sybase_ptr->cmd, &restype)!=CS_SUCCEED) {
-			ct_cancel(NULL, sybase_ptr->cmd, CS_CANCEL_ALL);
-			sybase_ptr->dead = 1;
-			php_error_docref(NULL TSRMLS_CC, E_WARNING, "Sybase:  Cannot read results");
-		}
-		switch ((int) restype) {
-			case CS_CMD_FAIL:
-			default:
+                /* Do only one fetch cycle for buffered queries, otherwise fetch everything */
+                int fetch_cycles = 0;
+                int still_fetching = 1;
+                CS_INT row_count;
+                for( fetch_cycles=0; still_fetching && !(buffered && fetch_cycles); fetch_cycles++ ) {
+                    int ct_result_val = ct_results( sybase_ptr->cmd, &restype );
+                    if( CS_SUCCEED == ct_result_val ) {
+		        switch ((int) restype) {
+			    case CS_CMD_SUCCEED:
+                                status = Q_SUCCESS;
+                                /* Fall through */
+			    case CS_CMD_DONE:
+				    if (ct_res_info(sybase_ptr->cmd, CS_ROW_COUNT, &row_count, CS_UNUSED, NULL)==CS_SUCCEED) {
+				        sybase_ptr->affected_rows = (long)row_count;
+				    }
+                                buffered = 0;
+                                break;
+			    case CS_ROWFMT_RESULT:
+			    case CS_DESCRIBE_RESULT:
+			    case CS_MSG_RESULT:
+				    buffered = 0;				/* These queries have no need for buffering */
+				    status = Q_SUCCESS;
+				    break;
+			    case CS_PARAM_RESULT:
+                                if( NULL == output_params_result ) {
+				    output_params_result = php_sybase_fetch_result_set(sybase_ptr, buffered, store);
+				    if( NULL == output_params_result ) {
+					    ct_cancel(NULL, sybase_ptr->cmd, CS_CANCEL_ALL);
+					    RETURN_FALSE;
+                                    }
+                                } else {
+			            ct_cancel(NULL, sybase_ptr->cmd, CS_CANCEL_ALL);
+			            sybase_ptr->dead = 1;
+			            php_error_docref(NULL TSRMLS_CC, E_WARNING, "Sybase: Multiple sets of output parameters returned!");
+			            RETURN_FALSE;
+                                }
+                                status = Q_RESULT;
+                                retcode = output_params_result->last_retcode;
+                                break;
+			    case CS_STATUS_RESULT:
+                                if( NULL == return_status_result ) {
+                                    return_status_result = php_sybase_fetch_result_set(sybase_ptr, buffered, store);
+				    if( NULL == return_status_result ) {
+					    ct_cancel(NULL, sybase_ptr->cmd, CS_CANCEL_ALL);
+					    RETURN_FALSE;
+                                    }
+                                } else {
+			            ct_cancel(NULL, sybase_ptr->cmd, CS_CANCEL_ALL);
+			            sybase_ptr->dead = 1;
+			            php_error_docref(NULL TSRMLS_CC, E_WARNING, "Sybase: Multiple return() values!");
+			            RETURN_FALSE;
+                                }
+                                status = Q_RESULT;
+                                retcode = return_status_result->last_retcode;
+                                break;
+			    case CS_COMPUTE_RESULT:
+			    case CS_CURSOR_RESULT:
+			    case CS_ROW_RESULT:
+				    result = php_sybase_fetch_result_set(sybase_ptr, buffered, store);
+				    if (result == NULL) {
+					    ct_cancel(NULL, sybase_ptr->cmd, CS_CANCEL_ALL);
+					    RETURN_FALSE;
+                                    }
+				    status = Q_RESULT;
+                                    retcode = result->last_retcode;
+				    break;
+			    case CS_CMD_FAIL:
+			    default:
 				status = Q_FAILURE;
-			case CS_CMD_SUCCEED:
-			case CS_CMD_DONE: {
-					CS_INT row_count;
-					if (ct_res_info(sybase_ptr->cmd, CS_ROW_COUNT, &row_count, CS_UNUSED, NULL)==CS_SUCCEED) {
-						sybase_ptr->affected_rows = (long)row_count;
-					}
-				}
-				/* Fall through */
-			case CS_MSG_RESULT:
-				buffered= 0;				/* These queries have no need for buffering */
-				status = Q_SUCCESS;
-				break;
-			case CS_ROW_RESULT:
-				result = php_sybase_fetch_result_set(sybase_ptr, buffered, store);
-				if (result == NULL) {
-					ct_cancel(NULL, sybase_ptr->cmd, CS_CANCEL_ALL);
-				}
-				status = Q_RESULT;
-				break;
-		}
-		/* Check for left-over results */
-		if (!buffered && status != Q_RESULT) {
-			while ((retcode = ct_results(sybase_ptr->cmd, &restype))==CS_SUCCEED) {
-				switch ((int) restype) {
-					case CS_CMD_SUCCEED:
-					case CS_CMD_DONE:
-						break;
-					case CS_CMD_FAIL:
-						status = Q_FAILURE;
-						break;
-					case CS_CURSOR_RESULT:
-					case CS_PARAM_RESULT:
-					case CS_ROW_RESULT:
-						if (status != Q_RESULT) {
-							result = php_sybase_fetch_result_set(sybase_ptr, buffered, store);
-							if (result == NULL) {
-								ct_cancel(NULL, sybase_ptr->cmd, CS_CANCEL_ALL);
-								sybase_ptr->dead = 1;
-								RETURN_FALSE;
-							}
-							status = Q_RESULT;
-							retcode = result->last_retcode; 
-						} else {
-							/* Unexpected results, cancel them. */
-							ct_cancel(NULL, sybase_ptr->cmd, CS_CANCEL_CURRENT);
-						}
-						break;
-					case CS_STATUS_RESULT:
-						/* Unexpected results, cancel them. */
-						ct_cancel(NULL, sybase_ptr->cmd, CS_CANCEL_CURRENT);
-						break;
-					default:
-						status = Q_FAILURE;
-						break;
-				}
-				if (status == Q_FAILURE) {
-					ct_cancel(NULL, sybase_ptr->cmd, CS_CANCEL_ALL);
-				}
-				if (retcode == CS_END_RESULTS) {
-					break;
-				}
-			}
-			switch (retcode) {
-				case CS_END_RESULTS:
-					/* Normal. */
-					break;
-				case CS_FAIL:
-					/* Hopefully this either cleans up the connection, or the
-					 * connection ends up marked dead so it will be reopened
-					 * if it is persistent.  We may want to do
-					 * ct_close(CS_FORCE_CLOSE) if ct_cancel() fails; see the
-					 * doc for ct_results()==CS_FAIL.
-					 */
-					ct_cancel(NULL, sybase_ptr->cmd, CS_CANCEL_ALL);
-					/* Don't take chances with the vagaries of ct-lib.  Mark it
-					 * dead ourselves.
-					 */
-					sybase_ptr->dead = 1;
-				case CS_CANCELED:
-				default:
-					status = Q_FAILURE;
-					break;
-			}
+                        }
+                    } else {
+                        still_fetching = 0;
+                        if( 0 == fetch_cycles ) {
+			    ct_cancel(NULL, sybase_ptr->cmd, CS_CANCEL_ALL);
+			    sybase_ptr->dead = 1;
+			    php_error_docref(NULL TSRMLS_CC, E_WARNING, "Sybase:  Cannot read results");
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                /* Data rows, output params, and return status are all different
+                   fields within the sybase_result struct. However, multiple calls
+                   to the php_sybase_fetch_result_set() function may have left us
+                   with multiple sybase_result* structures laying about.
+                   Depending on which result sets are actually non-NULL, once we
+                   have finished iterating through all of the ct_results(), populate
+                   the "results" variable with a valid sybase_result and then pour
+                   all the relevant data into it.
+                */
+                if( output_params_result && ( NULL == result ) ) {
+                    result = output_params_result;
+                } else if( return_status_result && ( NULL == result ) ) {
+                    result = return_status_result;
+                    result->num_rows = 0;
+                    result->num_fields = 0;
+                }
+                /* Once we get to this point, we should definitely have a non-NULL "result" */
+                if( output_params_result && (output_params_result->num_fields>0) ) {
+                    _copy_output_params( output_params_result, result );
+                    if( result == output_params_result ) {
+                        result->num_rows = 0;
+                        result->num_fields = 0;
+                    } else {
+                        _free_sybase_result( output_params_result );
+                    }
+                }
+                if( return_status_result ) {
+                    result->return_status = return_status_result->data[0][0].value.lval;
+                    result->return_status_set = 1;
+                    if( result != return_status_result ) {
+                        _free_sybase_result( return_status_result );
+                    }
+                }
+                if( Q_FAILURE == status ) {
+                    ct_cancel( NULL, sybase_ptr->cmd, CS_CANCEL_ALL );
+                }
+                if( CS_FAIL == retcode ) {
+                    /* Hopefully this either cleans up the connection, or the
+                     * connection ends up marked dead so it will be reopened
+                     * if it is persistent.  We may want to do
+                     * ct_close(CS_FORCE_CLOSE) if ct_cancel() fails; see the
+                     * doc for ct_results()==CS_FAIL.
+                     */
+                     ct_cancel(NULL, sybase_ptr->cmd, CS_CANCEL_ALL);
+                    /* Don't take chances with the vagaries of ct-lib.  Mark it
+                     * dead ourselves.
+                     */
+                     sybase_ptr->dead = 1;
+                } else if( ( CS_END_RESULTS == retcode ) ||     
+                           ( CS_END_DATA == retcode ) ) {
+                    /* We have gotten all the data we are going to get out of
+                       this query, but there is no need to call the
+                       php_sybase_finish_results() function, because it will
+                       be confused that there is no CS_END_RESULTS retcode
+                       to be processed, and report an error. So just call
+                       the internal function of php_sybase_finish_results()
+                       that actually does the cleanup work */
+                    _cleanup_sybase_result_temp( result );
+                    status = Q_RESULT;
 		/* Retry deadlocks up until deadlock_retry_count times */		
@@ -1615,18 +1724,18 @@
 	if (status == Q_SUCCESS) {
+            RETURN_TRUE;
 	if (status == Q_FAILURE) {
-		if (result != NULL) {
-			_free_sybase_result(result);
-		}
+            if (result != NULL) {
+                _free_sybase_result(result);
+            }
+            RETURN_FALSE;
 	/* Indicate we have data in case of buffered queries */
-	id= ZEND_REGISTER_RESOURCE(return_value, result, le_result);
+	id = ZEND_REGISTER_RESOURCE(return_value, result, le_result);
 	sybase_ptr->active_result_index= buffered ? id : 0;
@@ -1738,7 +1847,7 @@
 	/* Unbuffered? */
 	if (result->last_retcode != CS_END_DATA && result->last_retcode != CS_END_RESULTS) {
-		php_sybase_fetch_result_row(result, 1);
+		php_sybase_fetch_result_row(result, 1, 1);
 	/* At the end? */
@@ -1775,7 +1884,7 @@
 	/* Unbuffered ? Fetch next row */
 	if (result->last_retcode != CS_END_DATA && result->last_retcode != CS_END_RESULTS) {
-		php_sybase_fetch_result_row(result, 1);
+		php_sybase_fetch_result_row(result, 1, 1);
 	/* At the end? */
@@ -1892,7 +2001,7 @@
 	/* Unbuffered ? */
 	if (result->last_retcode != CS_END_DATA && result->last_retcode != CS_END_RESULTS && Z_LVAL_PP(offset)>=result->num_rows) {
-		php_sybase_fetch_result_row(result, Z_LVAL_PP(offset)+ 1);
+		php_sybase_fetch_result_row(result, Z_LVAL_PP(offset)+ 1, 1);
 	if (Z_LVAL_PP(offset)<0 || Z_LVAL_PP(offset)>=result->num_rows) {
@@ -2018,6 +2127,11 @@
 	field_offset = Z_LVAL_PP(offset);
+	/* Unbuffered ? */
+	if (result->last_retcode != CS_END_DATA && result->last_retcode != CS_END_RESULTS && field_offset>=result->num_rows) {
+		php_sybase_fetch_result_row(result, field_offset, 1);
+	}
 	if (field_offset<0 || field_offset >= result->num_fields) {
 		php_error_docref(NULL TSRMLS_CC, E_WARNING, "Sybase:  Bad column offset");
@@ -2048,7 +2162,7 @@
 	/* Unbuffered ? */
 	if (result->last_retcode != CS_END_DATA && result->last_retcode != CS_END_RESULTS && Z_LVAL_PP(row) >= result->num_rows) {
-		php_sybase_fetch_result_row(result, Z_LVAL_PP(row));
+		php_sybase_fetch_result_row(result, Z_LVAL_PP(row), 1);
 	if (Z_LVAL_PP(row) < 0 || Z_LVAL_PP(row) >= result->num_rows) {
@@ -2252,6 +2366,50 @@
 /* }}} */
+/* {{{ proto pval* sybase_return_status (int result)
+   Returns the return() value of the most recent SQL */
+PHP_FUNCTION(sybase_return_status) {
+    pval *sybase_result_index;
+    int i;
+    sybase_result *result;
+    if (ZEND_NUM_ARGS()!=1 || getParameters(ht, 1, &sybase_result_index)==FAILURE) {
+    }
+    ZEND_FETCH_RESOURCE(result, sybase_result *, &sybase_result_index, -1, "Sybase result", le_result);
+    if( 0 == result->return_status_set ) {
+        RETURN_FALSE;
+    } else {
+        return_value->value.lval = result->return_status;
+        return_value->type = IS_LONG;
+    }
+/* }}} */
+/* {{{ proto pval* sybase_output_params (int result)
+   Returns an associative array of output parameters from the SQL call */
+PHP_FUNCTION(sybase_output_params) {
+    pval *sybase_result_index;
+    sybase_result *result;
+    if (ZEND_NUM_ARGS()!=1 || getParameters(ht, 1, &sybase_result_index)==FAILURE) {
+    }
+    ZEND_FETCH_RESOURCE(result, sybase_result *, &sybase_result_index, -1, "Sybase result", le_result);
+    if( NULL == result->output_params ) {
+        RETURN_FALSE;
+    } else {
+        /* Copy output_params to return_value */
+        *return_value = *(result->output_params);
+        zval_copy_ctor(return_value);
+    }
+/* }}} */
 [2011-02-21 21:06 UTC]
-Package: Feature/Change Request +Package: Sybase-ct (ctlib) related -Operating System: (any) +Operating System: *
 [2014-04-27 11:32 UTC]
-Status: Assigned +Status: Analyzed -Assigned To: thekid +Assigned To:
 [2014-04-27 11:32 UTC]
For a long time, I have been absent from the PHP project, partially because all I needed PHP to do could be done with it, mostly as of PHP 5.3. Until recently, when I regained some interest after briefly being involved in HHVM and other competing implementations. I've discovered this bug still being assigned to me and would like to take the chance to update it. 

With all the improvements made to PHP in the past years, the fact that Debian moved to ext/mssql as default, the unwillingness of our IT department to deviate from that standard, the complexity of the existing codebase and a couple of free weekends, I've decided to develop a userland protocol implementation for the underlying TDS protocol, version 5 (Sybase) and 7 (MSSQL). You can find it here, as part of the XP Framework, all of which is under BSD licence (so feel free to use as you wish):

Its performance is comparable to that of ext/sybase_ct. The small overhead for string and socket handling introduced by PHP is really no longer measurable, there are not many heavy computation tasks inside the protocol.

For all the reasons above and the fact that I'd like to focus my energy means I will no longer actively work on ext/sybase_ct. I'll hand over this bug back to the "pool" of bugs; if anyone wants to take over ownership for this extension, feel free to do so.
 [2015-02-18 07:44 UTC]
-Status: Analyzed +Status: Wont fix
 [2015-02-18 07:44 UTC]
The sybase maintainer has backed away from the project, since nobody new has come forward it has been removed in version 7 of PHP.

For this reason, I'm marking the bug as won't fix, it can still be found by any maintainer that might come along and revive sybase as a PECL project.
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Last updated: Tue Feb 11 23:01:32 2025 UTC