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Bug #33856 $this shining through
Submitted: 2005-07-25 23:46 UTC Modified: 2005-07-26 00:14 UTC
From: sr at brightlight dot ch Assigned:
Status: Not a bug Package: Class/Object related
PHP Version: 5.* OS: *
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
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Bug Type:
From: sr at brightlight dot ch
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 [2005-07-25 23:46 UTC] sr at brightlight dot ch
If a method is called via object::method(); from within a 
class method, then inside of the object::method(); the $this 
from the calling class method is visible.
This makes it almost impossible to tell if a method was 
invoked via -> or ::

Reproduce code:
	$test	= new testclass();

	class testclass	{
		function test() {
	class otherclass {
		function staticFunction() {
			echo "staticFunction: ".(isset($this) ? "set and of class: ".get_class($this)."\n" : "not set\n");

	function normalFunction() {
		echo "normalFunction: ".(isset($this) ? "set and of class: ".get_class($this)."\n" : "not set\n");

Expected result:
staticFunction: not set
normalFunction: not set

Actual result:
staticFunction: set and of class: testclass
normalFunction: not set


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 [2005-07-25 23:50 UTC]
Thank you for taking the time to write to us, but this is not
a bug. Please double-check the documentation available at and the instructions on how to report
a bug at

Mark the function as static. It is only possible to call non static methods as static methods for BC reasons.
 [2005-07-26 00:14 UTC] sr at brightlight dot ch
Well, maybe it is not intended that way anymore, but as long 
as calling a function that way does not result in an error-
message it should be done correctly. A function opens a new 
scope and within that scope, $this should not be visible (as 
any other variable from the calling scope).
It is clear to me that this problem does not appear for pure 
static functions, but I happen to have some hybrid 
functions, that's why I discovered this problem at all.
But a question besides this: if calling via :: is only 
possible with static functions in future - is there still a 
way for developing hybrid functions that can be called 
either via -> or :: or is the only possible solution to have 
two different functions for the same?
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