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Bug #30294 GregorianToJD returning value for date that does not exist
Submitted: 2004-09-30 22:05 UTC Modified: 2004-10-01 20:10 UTC
From: garrettblits at yahoo dot com Assigned:
Status: Not a bug Package: Calendar related
PHP Version: 5.0.2 OS: RedHat 8.0
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
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From: garrettblits at yahoo dot com
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 [2004-09-30 22:05 UTC] garrettblits at yahoo dot com
This function (GregorianToJD) will return a value for a date that does not exist.

Reproduce code:
$x = GregorianToJD(02,29,1998);
$y = JDToGregorian($x);

echo "$x - $y";

Expected result:
Nothing or an error: 02/29/1998 does not exist

Actual result:
2450874 - 3/1/1998


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 [2004-10-01 09:04 UTC]
Thank you for taking the time to write to us, but this is not
a bug. Please double-check the documentation available at and the instructions on how to report
a bug at

This is consistent with how the other date functions handle overflows.
 [2004-10-01 20:10 UTC] garrettblits at yahoo dot com
I have checked the documentation and no where in it does it say anything about how overflows are handled. Including such advisments in the documentation could be usefull.

Opinion: I do understand there are other functions to check dates prior to using a function like this one. However, it seems wrong to have a calendar function which returns anything but an error(false) when given a "bogus" date as input.
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