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Bug #18662 unserialize returns false if some element is empty
Submitted: 2002-07-31 06:30 UTC Modified: 2002-08-02 06:05 UTC
From: to at andybutkaj dot com Assigned:
Status: Closed Package: Strings related
PHP Version: 4.2.2 OS: Windows 2000 and Windows XP
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
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 [2002-07-31 06:30 UTC] to at andybutkaj dot com
I try unserialize array and everything goes nice when the array has all elements filled. When one of element is empty unserialize returns false

More specific:

PHP 4.0.6

unserialize returns array where empty elements are replaced by 0


PHP 4.2.2

unserialize returns false (if no empty elements, unserialize returns correct array)


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 [2002-07-31 07:03 UTC]
Could verify this with PHP 4.3.0-dev 2002-07-31 on Compaq Tru64:

  $test_array = 'a:1:{s:12:"fas";a:6:{s:10:"mkey_index";s:12:"fas";s:9:"save_typ

  $result_array = unserialize($test_array);

Returns nothing.

On the same machine this works:

  $array = array(1,2,3,9,7,4,5,12,"lala"=>array("test"=>1,2,3,3));

  $serialized_array = serialize($array);


  $result_array = unserialize($serialized_array);


Results as expected in:

    [0] => 1
    [1] => 2
    [2] => 3
    [3] => 9
    [4] => 7
    [5] => 4
    [6] => 5
    [7] => 12
    [lala] => Array
            [test] => 1
            [0] => 2
            [1] => 3
            [2] => 3


    [0] => 1
    [1] => 2
    [2] => 3
    [3] => 9
    [4] => 7
    [5] => 4
    [6] => 5
    [7] => 12
    [lala] => Array
            [test] => 1
            [0] => 2
            [1] => 3
            [2] => 3


Are you shure, your serialized Array is correct?
 [2002-07-31 08:14 UTC] to at andybutkaj dot com
sorry, my serialized array is not correct (i edit this array to not to be so long), your example work for me, but still some differences in work with serialized string

I found this in serialized string. 

php 4.0.6
...array_key;s:3:"txt"   -> serialized string - work
...array_key;s:0:""      -> string withour value - work
...array_key;i:1;        -> serialized integer - work
...array_key;i:;         -> integer without value - work

php 4.2.2
...array_key;s:3:"txt"   -> serialized string - work
...array_key;s:0:""      -> string withour value - work
...array_key;i:1;        -> serialized integer - work
...array_key;i:;         -> integer without value - FALSE

this correspond to this unworking array (4.2.2), working (4.0.6) with integer without values:



I don't know if this is bug, now. I can't create this array with declaration array( ... ). In strict rules it is not bug, it is correct work. 
Only backwards compatibility maybe. 

Thank you for solve this problem!
 [2002-07-31 18:08 UTC]
Please attach the full example, in which you serialize and unserialize the variables. Just adding some random, supposedly serialized string is not very helpful.

 [2002-08-01 19:46 UTC] to at andybutkaj dot com
i cannot attach full example, it is client-server communication, where client make the serialized string in php rules for php. Serialized string in earlier versions of php (e.g 4.0.6) may contain wrong sequenction (i:; what mean integer with nothing value), while this version (4.2.2) dont support this. You cannot make php serialized string with something like this, integer is followed by number always. Everything what i wanted  is explain the differences. When i was opening the bug i dont know them.
(i think it is helpful)

For me, it is more bug for earlier version than bug for this version php. My question is, can i close the status? This is no bug for me anymore...
 [2002-08-02 02:56 UTC]
You don't need to give your full Arrays. What we need is a working example.
 [2002-08-02 03:52 UTC] to at andybutkaj dot com
Client side function to serialize an array [JScript]:

1	function serialize (toSerialize)
2	{
3		var fill = '';
5		/** chcek argument type */
6		var argType = typeof (toSerialize);
8		/** decide by type, how to serialize */
9		if (argType == 'number')
10			return 'i:' + toSerialize + ';';
11		else if (argType == 'boolean')
12		    return 'b:' + (toSerialize == true ? '1' : '0') + ';';
13		else if (argType == 'string')
14		{
15			/** check if string doesn't be repesented as number */
16			if (!isNaN (toSerialize))
17				return 'i:' + toSerialize + ';';
18			else
19				return 's:' + toSerialize.length + ':"' + toSerialize + '";';
20		}
21		else if (argType == 'object')
22		{
23			/** serialize object usualy array */
24			var noItems = 0
25			for (var i in toSerialize)
26			{
27				var itemKey = serialize (i);
28				var itemValue = serialize (toSerialize [i]);
30				fill += itemKey + itemValue;
31				noItems = noItems + 1;
32			}
33			fill = 'a:' + noItems + ':{' + fill + '}';
34		}
36		/** return serialized string */
37		return fill;
38	}


Making an array at client-side (JScript). 

if (save_array[i] != "undefined")                    {
  save_array[i] = new Array();
  save_array[i]["mkey_index"] = new Array();
  save_array[i]["save_type"] = new Array();
  save_array[i]["integer"] = new Array();

save_array[i]["mkey_index"] = text;          // some text
save_array[i]["save_type"]  = integer;       // 1
save_array[i]["integer"]    = empty_string;  // ''


Server-side (PHP 4.0.6):

JScript serialized string we can unserialize with php 4.0.6 without lost any information and array looks like this:

array (0 => array("mkey_index" => "some text", "save_type" => 1, "integer" => 0), ...);

So you can see this: 
Part of a serialized string 'i:;' is after unserialize under php406 INTEGER VALUE 0!;


Server-side 4.2.2:

Unserialize return bool(false), unserialize "crashed" on sequence 'i:;' in serialized string (correct work).


Client side function 'patch': (JScript)

Above (line 17):

I changed this line this way to correct serialize in JScript:

17     return (toSerialize == '') ? 's:0:"";' : 'i:' + toSerialize + ';';

PHP422 returns an array with empty string now.
 [2002-08-02 05:41 UTC]
Fix your jscript. Not PHP problem.

 [2002-08-02 06:05 UTC] to at andybutkaj dot com
Please read, read, read solid and properly SNIPER, i still talking about helpful (maybe not for you) differences between earlier versions of php and actual versions. 

It is not a PHP problem? Pleas try read two times, before you something write. Everybody knows it is Jscript error.

Thank you for serious interest about.
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