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Bug #18642 mbfilter.c, php_mbregex.c give compiler warnings
Submitted: 2002-07-30 08:41 UTC Modified: 2002-08-07 07:58 UTC
From: Assigned:
Status: Closed Package: Compile Warning
PHP Version: 4CVS-2002-07-30 OS: Compaq Tru64, Debian
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
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 [2002-07-30 08:41 UTC]
cc  -Iext/mbstring/ -I/usr/users/nohn/php4-200207292100/ext/mbstring/ -DPHP_ATOM
_INC -I/usr/users/nohn/php4-200207292100/include -I/usr/users/nohn/php4-20020729
2100/main -I/usr/users/nohn/php4-200207292100 -I/usr/users/nohn/php4-20020729210
0/Zend -I/usr/users/nohn/php4-200207292100/ext/xml/expat  -I/usr/users/nohn/php4
-200207292100/TSRM -g  -c /usr/users/nohn/php4-200207292100/ext/mbstring/mbfilte
r.c -o ext/mbstring/mbfilter.o  && echo > ext/mbstring/mbfilter.lo
cc: Warning: /usr/users/nohn/php4-200207292100/ext/mbstring/mbfilter.c, line 135
: In the initializer for mbfl_language_uni.aliases, & before array "mbfl_languag
e_uni_aliases" is ignored. (addrarray)
        (const char *(*)[])&mbfl_language_uni_aliases,
cc: Warning: /usr/users/nohn/php4-200207292100/ext/mbstring/mbfilter.c, line 394
: In the initializer for mbfl_encoding_pass.aliases, & before array "mbfl_encodi
ng_pass_aliases" is ignored. (addrarray)
        (const char *(*)[])&mbfl_encoding_pass_aliases,
cc: Warning: /usr/users/nohn/php4-200207292100/ext/mbstring/mbfilter.c, line 405
: In the initializer for mbfl_encoding_auto.aliases, & before array "mbfl_encodi
ng_auto_aliases" is ignored. (addrarray)
        (const char *(*)[])&mbfl_encoding_auto_aliases,
cc: Warning: /usr/users/nohn/php4-200207292100/ext/mbstring/mbfilter.c, line 479

: In the initializer for mbfl_encoding_qprint.aliases, & before array "mbfl_enco
ding_qprint_aliases" is ignored. (addrarray)
        (const char *(*)[])&mbfl_encoding_qprint_aliases,
cc: Warning: /usr/users/nohn/php4-200207292100/ext/mbstring/mbfilter.c, line 508
: In the initializer for mbfl_encoding_ucs2.aliases, & before array "mbfl_encodi
ng_ucs2_aliases" is ignored. (addrarray)
        (const char *(*)[])&mbfl_encoding_ucs2_aliases,
cc: Warning: /usr/users/nohn/php4-200207292100/ext/mbstring/mbfilter.c, line 537
: In the initializer for mbfl_encoding_ucs4.aliases, & before array "mbfl_encodi
ng_ucs4_aliases" is ignored. (addrarray)
        (const char *(*)[])&mbfl_encoding_ucs4_aliases,
cc: Warning: /usr/users/nohn/php4-200207292100/ext/mbstring/mbfilter.c, line 566
: In the initializer for mbfl_encoding_utf32.aliases, & before array "mbfl_encod
ing_utf32_aliases" is ignored. (addrarray)
        (const char *(*)[])&mbfl_encoding_utf32_aliases,
cc: Warning: /usr/users/nohn/php4-200207292100/ext/mbstring/mbfilter.c, line 595
: In the initializer for mbfl_encoding_utf16.aliases, & before array "mbfl_encod
ing_utf16_aliases" is ignored. (addrarray)
        (const char *(*)[])&mbfl_encoding_utf16_aliases,
cc: Warning: /usr/users/nohn/php4-200207292100/ext/mbstring/mbfilter.c, line 624
: In the initializer for mbfl_encoding_utf8.aliases, & before array "mbfl_encodi
ng_utf8_aliases" is ignored. (addrarray)
        (const char *(*)[])&mbfl_encoding_utf8_aliases,
cc: Warning: /usr/users/nohn/php4-200207292100/ext/mbstring/mbfilter.c, line 635
: In the initializer for mbfl_encoding_utf7.aliases, & before array "mbfl_encodi
ng_utf7_aliases" is ignored. (addrarray)
        (const char *(*)[])&mbfl_encoding_utf7_aliases,
cc: Warning: /usr/users/nohn/php4-200207292100/ext/mbstring/mbfilter.c, line 665: In the initializer for mbfl_encoding_euc_jp.aliases, & before array "mbfl_enco
ding_euc_jp_aliases" is ignored. (addrarray)
        (const char *(*)[])&mbfl_encoding_euc_jp_aliases,
cc: Warning: /usr/users/nohn/php4-200207292100/ext/mbstring/mbfilter.c, line 676
: In the initializer for mbfl_encoding_sjis.aliases, & before array "mbfl_encodi
ng_sjis_aliases" is ignored. (addrarray)
        (const char *(*)[])&mbfl_encoding_sjis_aliases,
cc: Warning: /usr/users/nohn/php4-200207292100/ext/mbstring/mbfilter.c, line 687
: In the initializer for mbfl_encoding_eucjp_win.aliases, & before array "mbfl_e
ncoding_eucjp_win_aliases" is ignored. (addrarray)
        (const char *(*)[])&mbfl_encoding_eucjp_win_aliases,
cc: Warning: /usr/users/nohn/php4-200207292100/ext/mbstring/mbfilter.c, line 698
: In the initializer for mbfl_encoding_sjis_win.aliases, & before array "mbfl_en
coding_sjis_win_aliases" is ignored. (addrarray)
        (const char *(*)[])&mbfl_encoding_sjis_win_aliases,
cc: Warning: /usr/users/nohn/php4-200207292100/ext/mbstring/mbfilter.c, line 822
: In the initializer for mbfl_encoding_cp1252.aliases, & before array "mbfl_enco
ding_cp1252_aliases" is ignored. (addrarray)
        (const char *(*)[])&mbfl_encoding_cp1252_aliases,
cc: Warning: /usr/users/nohn/php4-200207292100/ext/mbstring/mbfilter.c, line 833
: In the initializer for mbfl_encoding_8859_1.aliases, & before array "mbfl_enco
ding_8859_1_aliases" is ignored. (addrarray)
        (const char *(*)[])&mbfl_encoding_8859_1_aliases,
cc: Warning: /usr/users/nohn/php4-200207292100/ext/mbstring/mbfilter.c, line 844
: In the initializer for mbfl_encoding_8859_2.aliases, & before array "mbfl_enco
ding_8859_2_aliases" is ignored. (addrarray)
        (const char *(*)[])&mbfl_encoding_8859_2_aliases,
cc: Warning: /usr/users/nohn/php4-200207292100/ext/mbstring/mbfilter.c, line 855: In the initializer for mbfl_encoding_8859_3.aliases, & before array "mbfl_enco
ding_8859_3_aliases" is ignored. (addrarray)
        (const char *(*)[])&mbfl_encoding_8859_3_aliases,
cc: Warning: /usr/users/nohn/php4-200207292100/ext/mbstring/mbfilter.c, line 866
: In the initializer for mbfl_encoding_8859_4.aliases, & before array "mbfl_enco
ding_8859_4_aliases" is ignored. (addrarray)
        (const char *(*)[])&mbfl_encoding_8859_4_aliases,
cc: Warning: /usr/users/nohn/php4-200207292100/ext/mbstring/mbfilter.c, line 877
: In the initializer for mbfl_encoding_8859_5.aliases, & before array "mbfl_enco
ding_8859_5_aliases" is ignored. (addrarray)
        (const char *(*)[])&mbfl_encoding_8859_5_aliases,
cc: Warning: /usr/users/nohn/php4-200207292100/ext/mbstring/mbfilter.c, line 888
: In the initializer for mbfl_encoding_8859_6.aliases, & before array "mbfl_enco
ding_8859_6_aliases" is ignored. (addrarray)
        (const char *(*)[])&mbfl_encoding_8859_6_aliases,
cc: Warning: /usr/users/nohn/php4-200207292100/ext/mbstring/mbfilter.c, line 899
: In the initializer for mbfl_encoding_8859_7.aliases, & before array "mbfl_enco
ding_8859_7_aliases" is ignored. (addrarray)
        (const char *(*)[])&mbfl_encoding_8859_7_aliases,
cc: Warning: /usr/users/nohn/php4-200207292100/ext/mbstring/mbfilter.c, line 910
: In the initializer for mbfl_encoding_8859_8.aliases, & before array "mbfl_enco
ding_8859_8_aliases" is ignored. (addrarray)
        (const char *(*)[])&mbfl_encoding_8859_8_aliases,
cc: Warning: /usr/users/nohn/php4-200207292100/ext/mbstring/mbfilter.c, line 921
: In the initializer for mbfl_encoding_8859_9.aliases, & before array "mbfl_enco
ding_8859_9_aliases" is ignored. (addrarray)
        (const char *(*)[])&mbfl_encoding_8859_9_aliases,
cc: Warning: /usr/users/nohn/php4-200207292100/ext/mbstring/mbfilter.c, line 932: In the initializer for mbfl_encoding_8859_10.aliases, & before array "mbfl_enc
oding_8859_10_aliases" is ignored. (addrarray)
        (const char *(*)[])&mbfl_encoding_8859_10_aliases,
cc: Warning: /usr/users/nohn/php4-200207292100/ext/mbstring/mbfilter.c, line 943
: In the initializer for mbfl_encoding_8859_13.aliases, & before array "mbfl_enc
oding_8859_13_aliases" is ignored. (addrarray)
        (const char *(*)[])&mbfl_encoding_8859_13_aliases,
cc: Warning: /usr/users/nohn/php4-200207292100/ext/mbstring/mbfilter.c, line 954
: In the initializer for mbfl_encoding_8859_14.aliases, & before array "mbfl_enc
oding_8859_14_aliases" is ignored. (addrarray)
        (const char *(*)[])&mbfl_encoding_8859_14_aliases,
cc: Warning: /usr/users/nohn/php4-200207292100/ext/mbstring/mbfilter.c, line 965
: In the initializer for mbfl_encoding_8859_15.aliases, & before array "mbfl_enc
oding_8859_15_aliases" is ignored. (addrarray)
        (const char *(*)[])&mbfl_encoding_8859_15_aliases,
cc: Warning: /usr/users/nohn/php4-200207292100/ext/mbstring/mbfilter.c, line 287
0: In this statement, the referenced type of the pointer value "psrc" is "const 
signed char", which is not compatible with "const unsigned char". (ptrmismatch)
        p = psrc;
cc: Warning: /usr/users/nohn/php4-200207292100/ext/mbstring/mbfilter.c, line 288
7: In this statement, the referenced type of the pointer value "psrc" is "const 
signed char", which is not compatible with "const unsigned char". (ptrmismatch)
        p = psrc;
cc: Warning: /usr/users/nohn/php4-200207292100/ext/mbstring/mbfilter.c, line 666
9: In this statement, the referenced type of the pointer value ""U+"" is "signed
 char", which is not compatible with "const unsigned char". (ptrmismatch)
                                ret = mbfl_convert_filter_strcat(filter, "U+" TS
cc: Warning: /usr/users/nohn/php4-200207292100/ext/mbstring/mbfilter.c, line 667
5: In this statement, the referenced type of the pointer value ""JIS+"" is "sign
ed char", which is not compatible with "const unsigned char". (ptrmismatch)
                                                ret = mbfl_convert_filter_strcat
(filter, "JIS+" TSRMLS_CC);
cc: Warning: /usr/users/nohn/php4-200207292100/ext/mbstring/mbfilter.c, line 667
8: In this statement, the referenced type of the pointer value ""JIS2+"" is "sig
ned char", which is not compatible with "const unsigned char". (ptrmismatch)
                                                ret = mbfl_convert_filter_strcat
(filter, "JIS2+" TSRMLS_CC);
cc: Warning: /usr/users/nohn/php4-200207292100/ext/mbstring/mbfilter.c, line 668
1: In this statement, the referenced type of the pointer value ""W932+"" is "sig
ned char", which is not compatible with "const unsigned char". (ptrmismatch)
                                                ret = mbfl_convert_filter_strcat
(filter, "W932+" TSRMLS_CC);
cc: Warning: /usr/users/nohn/php4-200207292100/ext/mbstring/mbfilter.c, line 668
4: In this statement, the referenced type of the pointer value ""I8859_1+"" is "
signed char", which is not compatible with "const unsigned char". (ptrmismatch)
                                                ret = mbfl_convert_filter_strcat
(filter, "I8859_1+" TSRMLS_CC);
cc: Warning: /usr/users/nohn/php4-200207292100/ext/mbstring/mbfilter.c, line 668
7: In this statement, the referenced type of the pointer value ""?+"" is "signed
 char", which is not compatible with "const unsigned char". (ptrmismatch)
                                                ret = mbfl_convert_filter_strcat
(filter, "?+" TSRMLS_CC);
cc: Warning: /usr/users/nohn/php4-200207292100/ext/mbstring/mbfilter.c, line 669
2: In this statement, the referenced type of the pointer value ""BAD+"" is "sign
ed char", which is not compatible with "const unsigned char". (ptrmismatch)
                                        ret = mbfl_convert_filter_strcat(filter,
cc: Warning: /usr/users/nohn/php4-200207292100/ext/mbstring/mbfilter.c, line 747
1: In this statement, the referenced type of the pointer value "pc->needle.buffe
r" is "unsigned int", which is not compatible with "int". (ptrmismatch)
                        h = pc->needle.buffer;
cc: Warning: /usr/users/nohn/php4-200207292100/ext/mbstring/mbfilter.c, line 747
6: In this statement, the referenced type of the pointer value "pc->needle.buffe
r" is "unsigned int", which is not compatible with "int". (ptrmismatch)
                                m = pc->needle.buffer;
cc: Warning: /usr/users/nohn/php4-200207292100/ext/mbstring/mbfilter.c, line 885
1: In this statement, the referenced type of the pointer value "&pd->tmpdev.buff
er[pd->cspos]" is "unsigned char", which is not compatible with "const signed ch
ar". (ptrmismatch)
                        encoding = mbfl_name2encoding(&pd->tmpdev.buffer[pd->csp
cc  -Iext/mbstring/ -I/usr/users/nohn/php4-200207292100/ext/mbstring/ -DPHP_ATOM
_INC -I/usr/users/nohn/php4-200207292100/include -I/usr/users/nohn/php4-20020729
2100/main -I/usr/users/nohn/php4-200207292100 -I/usr/users/nohn/php4-20020729210
0/Zend -I/usr/users/nohn/php4-200207292100/ext/xml/expat  -I/usr/users/nohn/php4
-200207292100/TSRM -g  -c /usr/users/nohn/php4-200207292100/ext/mbstring/mbstrin
g.c -o ext/mbstring/mbstring.o  && echo > ext/mbstring/mbstring.lo
cc: Warning: /usr/users/nohn/php4-200207292100/ext/mbstring/mbstring.c, line 164
0: In this statement, the referenced type of the pointer value "str_list[n]" is 
"signed char", which is not compatible with "unsigned char". (ptrmismatch)
                                string.val = str_list[n];
--------------------------------^cc: Warning: /usr/users/nohn/php4-200207292100/ext/mbstring/mbstring.c, line 167
9: In this statement, the referenced type of the pointer value "str_list[n]" is 
"signed char", which is not compatible with "unsigned char". (ptrmismatch)
                string.val = str_list[n];
cc: Warning: /usr/users/nohn/php4-200207292100/ext/mbstring/mbstring.c, line 168
2: In this statement, the referenced type of the pointer value "resvar.val" is "
unsigned char", which is not compatible with "signed char". (ptrmismatch)
                        var = resvar.val;
cc: Warning: /usr/users/nohn/php4-200207292100/ext/mbstring/mbstring.c, line 168
8: In this statement, the referenced type of the pointer value "str_list[n]" is 
"signed char", which is not compatible with "unsigned char". (ptrmismatch)
                string.val = str_list[n];
cc: Warning: /usr/users/nohn/php4-200207292100/ext/mbstring/mbstring.c, line 169
1: In this statement, the referenced type of the pointer value "resval.val" is "
unsigned char", which is not compatible with "signed char". (ptrmismatch)
                        val = resval.val;
cc: Warning: /usr/users/nohn/php4-200207292100/ext/mbstring/mbstring.c, line 180
1: In this statement, the referenced type of the pointer value "arg_string" is "
signed char", which is not compatible with "unsigned char". (ptrmismatch)
        string.val = arg_string;
cc: Warning: /usr/users/nohn/php4-200207292100/ext/mbstring/mbstring.c, line 180
9: In the initializer for __s, the referenced type of the pointer value "(result
.val)" is "unsigned char", which is not compatible with "signed char". (ptrmisma
        RETVAL_STRINGL(result.val, result.len, 0);              /* the string is
 already strdup()'ed */
cc: Warning: /usr/users/nohn/php4-200207292100/ext/mbstring/mbstring.c, line 185
2: In this statement, the referenced type of the pointer value "(**arg1).value.s
tr.val" is "signed char", which is not compatible with "unsigned char". (ptrmismatch)
        string.val = Z_STRVAL_PP(arg1);
cc: Warning: /usr/users/nohn/php4-200207292100/ext/mbstring/mbstring.c, line 193
5: In this statement, the referenced type of the pointer value "(**arg1).value.s
tr.val" is "signed char", which is not compatible with "unsigned char". (ptrmism
        haystack.val = Z_STRVAL_PP(arg1);
cc: Warning: /usr/users/nohn/php4-200207292100/ext/mbstring/mbstring.c, line 193
7: In this statement, the referenced type of the pointer value "(**arg2).value.s
tr.val" is "signed char", which is not compatible with "unsigned char". (ptrmism
        needle.val = Z_STRVAL_PP(arg2);
cc: Warning: /usr/users/nohn/php4-200207292100/ext/mbstring/mbstring.c, line 201
9: In this statement, the referenced type of the pointer value "(**arg1).value.s
tr.val" is "signed char", which is not compatible with "unsigned char". (ptrmism
        haystack.val = Z_STRVAL_PP(arg1);
cc: Warning: /usr/users/nohn/php4-200207292100/ext/mbstring/mbstring.c, line 202
1: In this statement, the referenced type of the pointer value "(**arg2).value.s
tr.val" is "signed char", which is not compatible with "unsigned char". (ptrmism
        needle.val = Z_STRVAL_PP(arg2);
cc: Warning: /usr/users/nohn/php4-200207292100/ext/mbstring/mbstring.c, line 207
5: In this statement, the referenced type of the pointer value "(**arg1).value.s
tr.val" is "signed char", which is not compatible with "unsigned char". (ptrmism
        string.val = Z_STRVAL_PP(arg1);
cc: Warning: /usr/users/nohn/php4-200207292100/ext/mbstring/mbstring.c, line 211
5: In the initializer for __s, the referenced type of the pointer value "(ret->val)" is "unsigned char", which is not compatible with "signed char". (ptrmismatc
                RETVAL_STRINGL(ret->val, ret->len, 0);          /* the string is
 already strdup()'ed */
cc: Warning: /usr/users/nohn/php4-200207292100/ext/mbstring/mbstring.c, line 216
5: In this statement, the referenced type of the pointer value "(**arg1).value.s
tr.val" is "signed char", which is not compatible with "unsigned char". (ptrmism
        string.val = Z_STRVAL_PP(arg1);
cc: Warning: /usr/users/nohn/php4-200207292100/ext/mbstring/mbstring.c, line 219
9: In the initializer for __s, the referenced type of the pointer value "(ret->v
al)" is "unsigned char", which is not compatible with "signed char". (ptrmismatc
                RETVAL_STRINGL(ret->val, ret->len, 0);          /* the string is
 already strdup()'ed */
cc: Warning: /usr/users/nohn/php4-200207292100/ext/mbstring/mbstring.c, line 222
6: In this statement, the referenced type of the pointer value "(**arg1).value.s
tr.val" is "signed char", which is not compatible with "unsigned char". (ptrmism
        string.val = Z_STRVAL_PP(arg1);
cc: Warning: /usr/users/nohn/php4-200207292100/ext/mbstring/mbstring.c, line 229
5: In this statement, the referenced type of the pointer value "(**arg1).value.s
tr.val" is "signed char", which is not compatible with "unsigned char". (ptrmism
        string.val = Z_STRVAL_PP(arg1);
cc: Warning: /usr/users/nohn/php4-200207292100/ext/mbstring/mbstring.c, line 231
7: In this statement, the referenced type of the pointer value "(**arg4).value.s
tr.val" is "signed char", which is not compatible with "unsigned char". (ptrmism
                marker.val = Z_STRVAL_PP(arg4);
cc: Warning: /usr/users/nohn/php4-200207292100/ext/mbstring/mbstring.c, line 232
3: In the initializer for __s, the referenced type of the pointer value "(ret->v
al)" is "unsigned char", which is not compatible with "signed char". (ptrmismatc
                RETVAL_STRINGL(ret->val, ret->len, 0);          /* the string is
 already strdup()'ed */
cc: Warning: /usr/users/nohn/php4-200207292100/ext/mbstring/mbstring.c, line 236
3: In this statement, the referenced type of the pointer value "input" is "signe
d char", which is not compatible with "unsigned char". (ptrmismatch)
        string.val = input;
cc: Warning: /usr/users/nohn/php4-200207292100/ext/mbstring/mbstring.c, line 241
1: In this statement, the referenced type of the pointer value "ret->val" is "un
signed char", which is not compatible with "signed char". (ptrmismatch)
                output = ret->val;
cc: Warning: /usr/users/nohn/php4-200207292100/ext/mbstring/mbstring.c, line 248
4: In this statement, the referenced type of the pointer value "&size" is "int",
 which is not compatible with "unsigned long". (ptrmismatch)
        ret = php_mb_convert_encoding( Z_STRVAL_PP(arg_str), Z_STRLEN_PP(arg_str
), Z_STRVAL_PP(arg_new), _from_encodings, &size TSRMLS_CC);
cc: Warning: /usr/users/nohn/php4-200207292100/ext/mbstring/mbstring.c, line 255
8: In this statement, the referenced type of the pointer value "(**arg_str).valu
e.str.val" is "signed char", which is not compatible with "unsigned char". (ptrm
        string.val = Z_STRVAL_PP(arg_str);
cc: Warning: /usr/users/nohn/php4-200207292100/ext/mbstring/mbstring.c, line 263
3: In this statement, the referenced type of the pointer value "(**argv[0]).valu
e.str.val" is "signed char", which is not compatible with "unsigned char". (ptrm
        string.val = Z_STRVAL_PP(argv[0]);
cc: Warning: /usr/users/nohn/php4-200207292100/ext/mbstring/mbstring.c, line 263
7: In the initializer for __s, the referenced type of the pointer value "(ret->v
al)" is "unsigned char", which is not compatible with "signed char". (ptrmismatc
                RETVAL_STRINGL(ret->val, ret->len, 0)   /* the string is already
 strdup()'ed */
cc: Warning: /usr/users/nohn/php4-200207292100/ext/mbstring/mbstring.c, line 266
1: In this statement, the referenced type of the pointer value "(**arg_str).valu
e.str.val" is "signed char", which is not compatible with "unsigned char". (ptrm
        string.val = Z_STRVAL_PP(arg_str);
cc: Warning: /usr/users/nohn/php4-200207292100/ext/mbstring/mbstring.c, line 266
5: In the initializer for __s, the referenced type of the pointer value "(ret->v
al)" is "unsigned char", which is not compatible with "signed char". (ptrmismatc
                RETVAL_STRINGL(ret->val, ret->len, 0)   /* the string is already
 strdup()'ed */
cc: Warning: /usr/users/nohn/php4-200207292100/ext/mbstring/mbstring.c, line 269
7: In this statement, the referenced type of the pointer value "(**arg1).value.s
tr.val" is "signed char", which is not compatible with "unsigned char". (ptrmism
        string.val = Z_STRVAL_PP(arg1);
cc: Warning: /usr/users/nohn/php4-200207292100/ext/mbstring/mbstring.c, line 278
2: In the initializer for __s, the referenced type of the pointer value "(ret->v
al)" is "unsigned char", which is not compatible with "signed char". (ptrmismatc
                RETVAL_STRINGL(ret->val, ret->len, 0);          /* the string is
 already strdup()'ed */
cc: Warning: /usr/users/nohn/php4-200207292100/ext/mbstring/mbstring.c, line 289
9: In this statement, the referenced type of the pointer value "(**hash_entry).v
alue.str.val" is "signed char", which is not compatible with "unsigned char". (p
al = Z_STRVAL_PP(hash_entry);
cc: Warning: /usr/users/nohn/php4-200207292100/ext/mbstring/mbstring.c, line 290
8: In this statement, the referenced type of the pointer value "(**var)
r.val" is "signed char", which is not compatible with "unsigned char". (ptrmisma
                                                string.val = Z_STRVAL_PP(var);
cc: Warning: /usr/users/nohn/php4-200207292100/ext/mbstring/mbstring.c, line 298
8: In this statement, the referenced type of the pointer value "(**hash_entry).v
alue.str.val" is "signed char", which is not compatible with "unsigned char". (p
                                                                string.val = Z_S
cc: Warning: /usr/users/nohn/php4-200207292100/ext/mbstring/mbstring.c, line 299
3: In this statement, the referenced type of the pointer value "ret->val" is "un
signed char", which is not compatible with "signed char". (ptrmismatch)
_PP(hash_entry) = ret->val;
cc: Warning: /usr/users/nohn/php4-200207292100/ext/mbstring/mbstring.c, line 300
0: In this statement, the referenced type of the pointer value "(**var)
r.val" is "signed char", which is not compatible with "unsigned char". (ptrmisma
                                        string.val = Z_STRVAL_PP(var);
cc: Warning: /usr/users/nohn/php4-200207292100/ext/mbstring/mbstring.c, line 300
5: In this statement, the referenced type of the pointer value "ret->val" is "un
signed char", which is not compatible with "signed char". (ptrmismatch)
                                                Z_STRVAL_PP(var) = ret->val;
cc: Warning: /usr/users/nohn/php4-200207292100/ext/mbstring/mbstring.c, line 304
8: In this statement, the referenced type of the pointer value "(**arg1).value.s
tr.val" is "signed char", which is not compatible with "unsigned char". (ptrmism
        string.val = Z_STRVAL_PP(arg1);
cc: Warning: /usr/users/nohn/php4-200207292100/ext/mbstring/mbstring.c, line 309
5: In the initializer for __s, the referenced type of the pointer value "(ret->v
al)" is "unsigned char", which is not compatible with "signed char". (ptrmismatc
                RETVAL_STRINGL(ret->val, ret->len, 0);
cc: Warning: /usr/users/nohn/php4-200207292100/ext/mbstring/mbstring.c, line 317
9: In this statement, the referenced type of the pointer value "(**argv[1]).valu
e.str.val" is "signed char", which is not compatible with "unsigned char". (ptrm
                orig_str.val = Z_STRVAL_PP(argv[1]);
cc: Warning: /usr/users/nohn/php4-200207292100/ext/mbstring/mbstring.c, line 318
7: In this statement, the referenced type of the pointer value "pstr->val" is "u
nsigned char", which is not compatible with "signed char". (ptrmismatch)
                        subject_buf = subject = pstr->val;
cc: Warning: /usr/users/nohn/php4-200207292100/ext/mbstring/mbstring.c, line 320
1: In this statement, the referenced type of the pointer value "(**argv[2]).valu
e.str.val" is "signed char", which is not compatible with "unsigned char". (ptrm
                orig_str.val = Z_STRVAL_PP(argv[2]);
cc: Warning: /usr/users/nohn/php4-200207292100/ext/mbstring/mbstring.c, line 320
9: In this statement, the referenced type of the pointer value "pstr->val" is "u
nsigned char", which is not compatible with "signed char". (ptrmismatch)
                        message_buf = message = pstr->val;
cc: Warning: /usr/users/nohn/php4-200207292100/ext/mbstring/mbstring.c, line 324
6: In this statement, the referenced type of the pointer value "device.buffer" i
s "unsigned char", which is not compatible with "signed char". (ptrmismatch)
        headers = device.buffer;
cc  -Iext/mbstring/ -I/usr/users/nohn/php4-200207292100/ext/mbstring/ -DPHP_ATOM
_INC -I/usr/users/nohn/php4-200207292100/include -I/usr/users/nohn/php4-20020729
2100/main -I/usr/users/nohn/php4-200207292100 -I/usr/users/nohn/php4-20020729210
0/Zend -I/usr/users/nohn/php4-200207292100/ext/xml/expat  -I/usr/users/nohn/php4
-200207292100/TSRM -g  -c /usr/users/nohn/php4-200207292100/ext/mbstring/mbregex
.c -o ext/mbstring/mbregex.o  && echo > ext/mbstring/mbregex.lo
cc  -Iext/mbstring/ -I/usr/users/nohn/php4-200207292100/ext/mbstring/ -DPHP_ATOM
_INC -I/usr/users/nohn/php4-200207292100/include -I/usr/users/nohn/php4-20020729
2100/main -I/usr/users/nohn/php4-200207292100 -I/usr/users/nohn/php4-20020729210
0/Zend -I/usr/users/nohn/php4-200207292100/ext/xml/expat  -I/usr/users/nohn/php4
-200207292100/TSRM -g  -c /usr/users/nohn/php4-200207292100/ext/mbstring/php_mbr
egex.c -o ext/mbstring/php_mbregex.o  && echo > ext/mbstring/php_mbregex.lo
cc: Warning: /usr/users/nohn/php4-200207292100/ext/mbstring/php_mbregex.c, line 
49: In this statement, the referenced type of the pointer value "(char ...)0" is
 "signed char", which is not compatible with "unsigned char". (ptrmismatch)
                pd->buffer = (char*)0;
cc: Warning: /usr/users/nohn/php4-200207292100/ext/mbstring/php_mbregex.c, line 
432: In this statement, the referenced type of the pointer value "&string[pos]" 
is "signed char", which is not compatible with "const unsigned char". (ptrmismat
                        php_mbregex_strbuf_ncat(&outdev, &string[pos], regs.beg[
0] - pos);
cc: Warning: /usr/users/nohn/php4-200207292100/ext/mbstring/php_mbregex.c, line 
443: In this statement, the referenced type of the pointer value "&string[regs.b
eg[n]]" is "signed char", which is not compatible with "const unsigned char". (p
                                                php_mbregex_strbuf_ncat(pdevice, &string[regs.beg[n]], regs.end[n] - regs.beg[n]);
cc: Warning: /usr/users/nohn/php4-200207292100/ext/mbstring/php_mbregex.c, line 
448: In this statement, the referenced type of the pointer value "p" is "signed 
char", which is not compatible with "const unsigned char". (ptrmismatch)
                                        php_mbregex_strbuf_ncat(pdevice, p, 1);
cc: Warning: /usr/users/nohn/php4-200207292100/ext/mbstring/php_mbregex.c, line 
455: In this statement, the referenced type of the pointer value """ is "signed 
char", which is not compatible with "const unsigned char". (ptrmismatch)
                                php_mbregex_strbuf_ncat(&evaldev, "\0", 1);
cc: Warning: /usr/users/nohn/php4-200207292100/ext/mbstring/php_mbregex.c, line 
457: In this statement, the referenced type of the pointer value "evaldev.buffer
" is "unsigned char", which is not compatible with "signed char". (ptrmismatch)
                                zend_eval_string(evaldev.buffer, &retval, descri
ption TSRMLS_CC);
cc: Warning: /usr/users/nohn/php4-200207292100/ext/mbstring/php_mbregex.c, line 
460: In this statement, the referenced type of the pointer value "retval.value.s
tr.val" is "signed char", which is not compatible with "const unsigned char". (p
r.val, retval.value.str.len);
cc: Warning: /usr/users/nohn/php4-200207292100/ext/mbstring/php_mbregex.c, line 
473: In this statement, the referenced type of the pointer value "&string[pos]" 
is "signed char", which is not compatible with "const unsigned char". (ptrmismat
                        php_mbregex_strbuf_ncat(&outdev, &string[pos], string_le
n - pos);
cc: Warning: /usr/users/nohn/php4-200207292100/ext/mbstring/php_mbregex.c, line 
485: In this statement, the referenced type of the pointer value """ is "signed 485: In this statement, the referenced type of the pointer value """ is "signed 
char", which is not compatible with "const unsigned char". (ptrmismatch)
        php_mbregex_strbuf_ncat(&outdev, "\0", 1);
cc: Warning: /usr/users/nohn/php4-200207292100/ext/mbstring/php_mbregex.c, line 
492: In the initializer for __s, the referenced type of the pointer value "(outd
ev.buffer)" is "unsigned char", which is not compatible with "signed char". (ptr


Pull Requests


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 [2002-08-03 14:21 UTC]
Verified on Debian/Intel:

gcc  -Iext/mbstring/ -I/home/verena/_sebastian/php4-200208030900/ext/mbstring/ -DPHP_ATOM_INC -I/home/verena/_sebastian/php4-200208030900/include -I/home/verena/_sebastian/php4-200208030900/main -I/home/verena/_sebastian/php4-200208030900 -I/home/verena/_sebastian/php4-200208030900/Zend -I/home/verena/_sebastian/php4-200208030900/ext/xml/expat  -I/home/verena/_sebastian/php4-200208030900/TSRM -g -O2  -c /home/verena/_sebastian/php4-200208030900/ext/mbstring/mbstring.c -o ext/mbstring/mbstring.o  && echo > ext/mbstring/mbstring.lo
/home/verena/_sebastian/php4-200208030900/ext/mbstring/mbstring.c: In function `zm_startup_mbstring':
/home/verena/_sebastian/php4-200208030900/ext/mbstring/mbstring.c:733: warning: passing arg 1 of `sapi_unregister_post_entry' discards qualifiers from pointer target type
/home/verena/_sebastian/php4-200208030900/ext/mbstring/mbstring.c:734: warning: passing arg 1 of `sapi_register_post_entries' discards qualifiers from pointer target type
 [2002-08-05 17:44 UTC]
is this still true with the latest commits?
 [2002-08-07 07:58 UTC]
Don't bother with warnings. New fileter is under develpment and commits for killing warnings just make merge difficult.

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All rights reserved.
Last updated: Sat Feb 08 01:01:30 2025 UTC