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Bug #18351 socket_read() on closed sock crashed OS and forced instant warm boot of machine
Submitted: 2002-07-15 09:05 UTC Modified: 2002-10-08 21:42 UTC
Avg. Score:5.0 ± 0.0
Reproduced:1 of 1 (100.0%)
Same Version:1 (100.0%)
Same OS:1 (100.0%)
From: administrator at zinious dot com Assigned:
Status: No Feedback Package: Sockets related
PHP Version: 4.2.1 OS: Windows 2000 Server sp2, IIS 5.0
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
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From: administrator at zinious dot com
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 [2002-07-15 09:05 UTC] administrator at zinious dot com
Used the standard W32 build of PHP.EXE (I did not compile it).

Wrote a PHP script that acts as a relay server (client connects to me, I connect to the destination server and act as a proxy/gateway to that server for the client).

The destination server had closed the connection and my script socket_select()'ed on it.  However, due to a bug in my script that returned the wrong value, I proceeded to try and socket_read() from the socket instead of closing the client connection and ending the script.

The result of a socket_read() after failing on a socket_select() caused Windows 2000 Server s.p. 2 running IIS 5.0 to die immediately, forced a warm boot of the machine (no GPF, just immediate warm boot).

I reproduced it 3 times, totalling 4 sucessful warm-boots before finding my bug and fixing it.  I have not encountered the problem since.

Incidently, my bug was returning "ZSC_LOSTCONNECTION" from a function that polls the socket, but I was testing for "ZSC_CONNECTIONLOST" instead.

Here is my full relay script, the fixed version (it's very simple to "unfix it" and modify it to act as a normal relay instead of the special service requests that I wrote in).

Hope this helps guys,
Peter Souza IV
Zinious Software corporation

-----script here-----
#!/usr/bin/php -q


function SocketCheck($socket_to_check)
	$readsocks = array($socket_to_check);

	$readsocks = array($socket_to_check);
	$num_changed_sockets = socket_select($readsocks, $writesocks = NULL, $exceptsocks = NULL, 0);

	if ($num_changed_sockets > 0)
		if (($indata = socket_read($socket_to_check, 1024)) !== false)
			if ($indata == "")

			return $indata;

	return "ZSC_NOCHANGE";

function DoServer( )
	error_reporting (E_ALL);
	set_time_limit (0);
	ob_implicit_flush ();

	$socket = socket_create( AF_INET , SOCK_STREAM , SOL_TCP);
	$player_socket = socket_create( AF_INET , SOCK_STREAM , SOL_TCP);
	$unused_socket = socket_create( AF_INET , SOCK_STREAM , SOL_TCP);

	$isbind = socket_bind($socket, "", 23);

	if (!($isbind))
		print "Error binding.\r\n";
		return 0;

	print "--- Z.S.C. Relay Server: port 23 ---\r\n\r\n";


	while (true)
		$newsock = socket_accept($socket);
		if ($newsock)
			socket_getpeername($newsock, $host_from);
			$host_from = $host_from." (".gethostbyaddr($host_from).")";
			print "[CONNECTION] connection from $host_from\r\n";

			$xdata = "";
			for ($indata = "ZSC_NOCHANGE"; ((!strstr($xdata,"\n"))&&($indata != "ZSC_LOSTCONNECTION")); $indata = SocketCheck($newsock))
				if (($indata != "ZSC_LOSTCONNECTION") && ($indata != "ZSC_NOCHANGE"))
					$xdata .= $indata;

			if ($indata == "ZSC_LOSTCONNECTION")
				print "[CONNECTION] lost connection to $host_from\r\n";

			$indata = $xdata;

			if (strstr($indata, "master end relay"))
				socket_write($newsock, "\r\n--- Z.S.C. Relay Server: shutdown ---\r\n");
				print "\r\n--- Z.S.C. Relay Server: shutdown ---\r\n";
				return 0;

			$szCharacterKey = substr($indata, 0, 32);
			$szGameServiceCode = substr($indata, 33, 3);
			$szGamePort = substr($indata, 37, 5);
			$szGameHost = substr($indata, 43);
			while (strstr($szGameHost, "\r") || strstr($szGameHost, "\n"))
				$szGameHost = substr($szGameHost, 0, strlen($szGameHost) - 1);

			print "[CONNECTION] KEY=$indata";

			if (!strstr($indata, "/FE:"))
				$xdata = "";
				for ($indata = "ZSC_NOCHANGE"; ((!strstr($xdata,"\n"))&&($indata != "ZSC_LOSTCONNECTION")); $indata = SocketCheck($newsock))
					if (($indata != "ZSC_LOSTCONNECTION") && ($indata != "ZSC_NOCHANGE"))
						$xdata .= $indata;

				if ($indata == "ZSC_LOSTCONNECTION")
					print "[CONNECTION] lost connection to $host_from\r\n";
					print "[CONNECTION] had received >$xdata<\r\n";

				$indata = $xdata;

			$text_out = sprintf("%cGSBZSC-Relay%cGSA0000000000ZSC-Relay\r\n%cGSD\r\n%c---%c %cWelcome to Z.S.C. relay server%c %c---%c\r\n%cGSP\r\n\r\n%c---%c %cRelay will begin momentarily%c %c---%c\r\n\r\n", 28, 28, 28, 139, 160, 143, 160, 139, 160, 28, 139, 160, 143, 160, 139, 160);
			socket_write($newsock, $text_out);

			$xdata = "";
			for ($indata = "ZSC_NOCHANGE"; ((!strstr($xdata,"\n"))&&($indata != "ZSC_LOSTCONNECTION")); $indata = SocketCheck($newsock))
				if (($indata != "ZSC_LOSTCONNECTION") && ($indata != "ZSC_NOCHANGE"))
					$xdata .= $indata;
			if ($indata == "ZSC_LOSTCONNECTION")
				print "[CONNECTION] lost connection to $host_from\r\n";
			$indata = $xdata;

			//  LOG IN!  //

			$r_ip = $szGameHost;
			$r_hostname = $r_ip; // gethostbyaddr($r_ip);
			if ($r_hostname == $r_ip)
				$r_ip = gethostbyname($r_hostname);
				$r_hostname2 = gethostbyaddr($r_ip);
				$r_hostname2 = $r_hostname;

			print "[CONNECTION] conecting to $r_hostname ($r_ip / $r_hostname2)...\r\n";

			if (!socket_connect($player_socket, $r_ip, $szGamePort))
				print "[CONNECTION] Error: could not establish connection\r\n";
				$text_out = sprintf("\r\n\r\n%c---%c %cRelay session is over.  Goodbye!%c %c---%c\r\n\r\n", 139, 160, 143, 160, 139, 160);
				socket_write($newsock, $text_out);
				print "[CONNECTION] closed connection with $host_from\r\n";
				$text_out = sprintf("%s\n", $szCharacterKey);
				socket_write($player_socket, $text_out);
				socket_write($player_socket, "/FE:WIZARD /V:2.03 /P:WIN32\n");

				$shutdown_version = 0;
				$remote_shutdown_version = 0;

				for (;;)
					$indata = SocketCheck($player_socket);
					if ($indata != "ZSC_NOCHANGE")
						if ($indata == "ZSC_LOSTCONNECTION")
							print "[CONNECTION] Connection to $r_hostname lost\r\n";
							$remote_shutdown_version = 5;
							if ($shutdown_version == 0)
								socket_write($newsock, $indata);
	//						print "[RELAY-GAME] $indata";

					$indata = SocketCheck($newsock);
					if ($indata != "ZSC_NOCHANGE")
						if ($indata == "ZSC_LOSTCONNECTION")
							print "[CONNECTION] Connection to $host_from lost\r\n";
							$shutdown_version = 5;
							if ($remote_shutdown_version == 0)
								socket_write($player_socket, $indata);
	//						print "[RELAY-PLAYER] $indata";

				if ($remote_shutdown_version != 5)
					socket_write($player_socket, "QUIT\n");
					print "[CONNECTION] closing connection to $r_hostname...\r\n";
				$player_socket = socket_create( AF_INET , SOCK_STREAM , SOL_TCP);

				if ($shutdown_version != 5)
					$text_out = sprintf("\r\n\r\n%c---%c %cRelay session is over.  Goodbye!%c %c---%c\r\n\r\n", 139, 160, 143, 160, 139, 160);
					socket_write($newsock, $text_out);
					print "[CONNECTION] closing connection to $host_from...\r\n";
			print "[SYSERR] Error on call to accept().\r\n";
			return 0;

	print "--- This line should never display ---\r\n";

DoServer( );

-----script here-----


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 [2002-09-17 21:24 UTC]
Please try using this CVS snapshot:
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 [2002-10-08 21:42 UTC]
No feedback was provided. The bug is being suspended because
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If this is not the case and you are able to provide the
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