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Bug #18282 imap_open return doesn't return FALSE when mailbox doesn't exist
Submitted: 2002-07-11 14:12 UTC Modified: 2002-07-12 20:10 UTC
From: valerio at dei dot unipd dot it Assigned:
Status: Not a bug Package: IMAP related
PHP Version: 4.2.1 OS: Linux
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
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 [2002-07-11 14:12 UTC] valerio at dei dot unipd dot it
imap_open($server_strings.$mailbox, $username,$passwd,$options)
should return FALSE when username/password are correct
but mailbox doesn't exist.


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 [2002-07-11 14:21 UTC]
Please give us a short but complete example script
which can be used to reproduce this..

 [2002-07-12 04:22 UTC] valerio at dei dot unipd dot it
This script output nothing (I mean _nothing_) when mailbox
with name "this_file_doesnt_exist" isn't there.

print "BEFORE IMAP_OPEN<br>";
$my_stream=imap_open("{localhost:143}this_file_doesnt_exist","realusername", "rightpassword",OP_READONLY);
if ($my_stream) {
/* uncomment me if you want to see $my_stream value */
/*print $my_stream; */
print $barney;
print "AFTER IMAP_OPEN<br>";

My current workaround is a imap_open("{localhost:143}",...,OP_HALFOPEN), imap_listmailbox and comparison on all values to check the existence of a particular mailbox name before opening it.
 [2002-07-12 04:32 UTC]
Your 'workaround' really is the correct way to do it..
In your test script, the connection is established,
just the mailbox select fails.

Try add this right after the imap_open() line:

  echo imap_last_error();

 [2002-07-12 05:20 UTC] valerio at dei dot unipd dot it
Sorry, but I don't think so.
The function names are imap_open() and imap_reopen not imap_connect().
If mailbox doesn't exist imap_lasterror() return an useless nil.
During an IMAP transaction when you act a "SELECT" on a
unexisting mailbox you get an error:
. select alskj
. NO SELECT failed: Can't open mailbox alskj: no such mailbox

Probably there is a weakness in how open_mail() in lib c-client return streams.
Talking about my workaround ... suppose you have thousands
of's not so optimized to check all of them just to open one.
Then suppose that between imap_listbox and imap_reopen the file vanished. What would you get? The script output an empty page.
 [2002-07-12 20:10 UTC]
Yes, it's c-client thing. Not much we can do about that.

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