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Bug #15600 ifx_fetch_row return the same tuple more than once
Submitted: 2002-02-18 11:01 UTC Modified: 2002-07-08 22:58 UTC
Avg. Score:4.3 ± 0.9
Reproduced:2 of 2 (100.0%)
Same Version:1 (50.0%)
Same OS:0 (0.0%)
From: keeper at fly dot srk dot fer dot hr Assigned:
Status: Closed Package: Informix related
PHP Version: 4.1.1 OS: Solaris 7
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
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From: keeper at fly dot srk dot fer dot hr
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 [2002-02-18 11:01 UTC] keeper at fly dot srk dot fer dot hr
ifx_fetch_row return the same tuple more than once.

This bug is also present in php 4.1.0.

In php 4.0.5 everything works just fine.


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 [2002-02-18 11:32 UTC]
Not enough information was provided for us to be able
to handle this bug. Please re-read the instructions at

If you can provide more information, feel free to add it
to this bug and change the status back to "Open".

 [2002-02-19 03:25 UTC] keeper at fly dot srk dot fer dot hr
I wanted to list the reseults from the query from the database. I got one tuple as a result.
ifx_num_rows returns 1 at the end of the listing the results.
But, I got 4 same tuples on the output. I used the structure for ifx_fetch_row as described in the example in documantation.
The structure:
$row = ifx_fetch_row ($rid, "FIRST");
 while (is_array($row)) ...

is not working properly...

As I already pointed out, it was all working just fine in php 4.0.5
 [2002-02-19 14:09 UTC]
Can you provide a simple, self-contained (byt complete) sample script?
 [2002-02-20 04:17 UTC] keeper at fly dot srk dot fer dot hr
Of course. Here it is:

        $conn_id=ifx_connect ("prirodo2@nippurtcp", "user", "password");

        if (! $conn_id) {
                echo "<b>Ne mogu se spojiti na bazu</b>";

        $rid = ifx_prepare ($select, $conn_id);

        if (! $rid) {
                printf("Do&#353lo je do pogre&#353ke u radu\n");

        if (! ifx_do ($rid)) {
                printf("Ne mogu izvr&#353iti upit nad bazom podataka\n");

        $row = ifx_fetch_row ($rid, "FIRST");

        while (is_array($row)) {
                for (reset($row); $fieldname = key($row); next($row)) {
                        $rez = array_values($row);

                        echo $rez[0];
                $row = ifx_fetch_row ($rid, "NEXT");

        $rowcount = ifx_num_rows($rid);

        ifx_free_result ($rid);
        ifx_close ($conn_id);
 [2002-06-20 06:55 UTC] keeper at fly dot srk dot fer dot hr
php 4.2.1 has the same problem.
 [2002-06-20 07:31 UTC]
From the manual:

 position is an optional parameter for a "fetch" operation on "scroll" cursors: "NEXT", "PREVIOUS", "CURRENT", "FIRST", "LAST" or a number. If you specify a number, an "absolute" row fetch is executed. This parameter is optional, and only valid for SCROLL cursors.

You're not using a SCROLL cursor (no parameter to ifx_prepare).

Just use ifx_fetch_row($rid) (without NEXT) and it should work fine.

Please test this, and report back.

 [2002-06-20 08:28 UTC] keeper at fly dot srk dot fer dot hr
I tried using ifx_fetch_row($rid) (without NEXT or FIRST) but the problem remains.
 [2002-07-08 14:30 UTC] danny dot heijl at cevi dot be
According to Daniel Musante ( this is the fix:

<quote> in the last version of php is missing in the
function "ifx_query" the line:

EXEC SQL set connection :ifx;

after the line 777

775         sprintf(descrpid, "descrp%x", IFXG(cursorid));
777         PHP_IFX_CHECK_CONNECTION(ifx);
779         EXEC SQL PREPARE :statemid FROM :statement;


I don't know who removed it, or why.

 [2002-07-08 22:58 UTC]
This bug has been fixed in CVS. You can grab a snapshot of the
CVS version at In case this was a documentation 
problem, the fix will show up soon at
In case this was a website problem, the change will show
up on the site and on the mirror sites.
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