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Bug #15143 Large loop doesn't work.
Submitted: 2002-01-21 09:37 UTC Modified: 2002-01-28 09:29 UTC
From: bkirk at uss dot com Assigned:
Status: Closed Package: Apache related
PHP Version: 4.1.1 OS: Win 2K
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
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From: bkirk at uss dot com
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 [2002-01-21 09:37 UTC] bkirk at uss dot com
This code doesn't seem to work with more than 20 people.  I had it working great with 12 and then I added all 61 and the page just sits there and doesn't load.  On IE or Netscape so it is the Apache or PHP.  I am using the php.exe in apache not the module.  I couldn't get the module to work correctly.  I am using the latest stable versions of apache, mysql, and php.  I also am using the mysql-nt-max.  I don't think it is a problem with mysql cause I had a simular problem with a calendar program, yet when I didn't have tables (loop in a loop, just listed it straight out) it worked fine.

When I eliminate the tables in this program I get up to about line 20 before it just hangs forever.  I waited about 3 hours to see if it loaded and it never stops trying.

    <title>Football Playoff Picks Standings</title>
  <body bgcolor=#ffffff>
	$select="select a.nickname, round(sum(pow(2,a.round+1))),sum(1) from user_picks a, actual_wins b where a.round=b.round and a.division=b.division and a.winner=b.winner group by nickname order by 2 desc, 1 desc";
	$select_tot="select sum(1) from actual_wins";
	$result = mysql_db_query("football",$select);
	$result_tot = mysql_db_query("football",$select_tot);
	$row_tot = mysql_fetch_array($result_tot);
	echo "<center><table border=1>";
	echo "<tr><td></td><th><font size=+2>Place</font></th><th><font size=+2>Nickname</font></th><th><font size=+2>Points</font></th><th><font size=+2>Percentage</font></th></tr>";
	$cnt = 1;
	while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
	  $select="select winner from user_picks where round=3 and nickname='".$row["nickname"]."'";
	  $result2 = mysql_db_query("football",$select);
	  $row2 = mysql_fetch_array($result2);
        $nickname = urlencode($row["nickname"]);
	  echo "<tr><td><center><img src=\"images/icons/".$row2["winner"].".gif\"></center></td>";
	  echo "<td><font size=+1><center>".$cnt."</center></font></td>";
	  echo "<td><font size=+1><center><a href=\"picks.php?nickname=".$nickname."\">".$row["nickname"]."</a></center></font></td>";
	  echo "<td align=right><font size=+1>".$row[1]."</font></td>";
	  echo "<td align=right><font size=+1>".$percentage." %</font></td></tr>";
	echo "</table></center>";


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 [2002-01-21 09:46 UTC]
Can you simplify the code and track down the problem to only a few lines of code?
 [2002-01-21 11:54 UTC] bkirk at uss dot com
The selects in a loop is what does it.  If I remove the select statement it seems to work fine in this program.  Is there some kind of limit to how many selects on php page can handle?  or am I not releasing the sql functions correctly?  I also notice that everytime I have a page loading I see a new process for php.exe in the process tab under task manager.  

	while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
	  $select="select winner from user_picks where round=3 and nickname='".$row["nickname"]."'";
	  $result2 = mysql_db_query("football",$select);
	  $row2 = mysql_fetch_array($result2);
        $nickname = urlencode($row["nickname"]);
	  echo "<tr><td><center><img src=\"images/icons/".$row2["winner"].".gif\"></center></td>";
	  echo "<td><font size=+1><center>".$cnt."</center></font></td>";
	  echo "<td><font size=+1><center><a href=\"picks.php?nickname=".$nickname."\">".$row["nickname"]."</a></center></font></td>";
	  echo "<td align=right><font size=+1>".$row[1]."</font></td>";
	  echo "<td align=right><font size=+1>".$percentage."%</font></td></tr>";

 [2002-01-22 15:32 UTC] bkirk at uss dot com
This same problem doesn't occur on Redhat with Apache, php, and mysql.  Are there limitations to php.exe on win2k?
 [2002-01-26 00:32 UTC] webmaster at lxtype dot com, try executing the script via the command prompt in Win2k, ex:

start->run: "cmd"

cd web\php

php.exe -f myscript.php

If that hangs, something is amiss indeed. If it just keeps spitting out HTML, the loop is going on forever, which is bad. :-)

Also a totally off the topic thought, if you are going to be using subqueries, look into other databases that allow recursive queries.
 [2002-01-28 09:29 UTC] bkirk at uss dot com
PHP Warning:  mysql_db_query is deprecated; use mysql_select_db() and mysql_query() instead in C:\Program Files\Apache Group\PHP\standingAll.php on line 19

This is a warning that I was getting.  Thanks for the command line info it allowed me to see this and I was able to fix it with this warning info.  Now the page loads fine.
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