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Bug #14385 unable to show clobs
Submitted: 2001-12-08 10:58 UTC Modified: 2002-02-11 15:21 UTC
From: maaj at mart dot nl Assigned:
Status: Not a bug Package: OCI8 related
PHP Version: 4.0.6 OS: hp-ux
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
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From: maaj at mart dot nl
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 [2001-12-08 10:58 UTC] maaj at mart dot nl
I've made a php website that communicates with an Oracle database. The website reads and writes in Clob fields. On my server with php4.0.4pl1, Oracle server and oracle client 8.0.4 everything goes well. 
But when I try to run the website on my new server (php version 4.0.6, and version 8.0.6 of oracle client, Oracle server stays at the same server). 
I'm not able to read clob fields. But I am able to write in them. When I try to get data from clob fields, I get an empty string.

I think the version of oracle client creates the problem. But I don't have a clue how to solve this problem.
function that has the problem:

    function clsReleaseNote($id) {
      if ($id) {
        $connection = ocilogon("test", "test", "db.server");
        $query = "SELECT I.relid, I.commercialtxt, I.techtxt, I.testtxt, I.reference, TO_DATE(I.RELDATE,'dd-mm-yyyy'), F.relpos, F.filename, F.fileversion, F.filetype, F.relmainid FROM RELEASEINFO I, RELEASEFILES F WHERE (I.RELID = F.RELID) AND (F.RELID = " . $id . ") ORDER BY F.RELPOS ASC";

        $stmt = OCIParse($connection, $query);
        for($i=0;OCIFetchInto ($stmt, &$row ,OCI_RETURN_LOBS+OCI_RETURN_NULLS);$i++) {
            if($i==0) {
                $this->Id = rtrim($row[0]);
                $this->Reference = rtrim($row[4]);
                $this->Date = rtrim($row[5]);
                $this->Commercial = $row[1];
                $this->Technical = $row[2];
                $this->Test = $row[3];

            $this->Files[rtrim($row[6])] = array
                "POS" => rtrim($row[6]),
                "NAME" => rtrim($row[7]),
                "VERSION" => rtrim($row[8]),
                "TYPE" => rtrim($row[9]),
                "RELEASE" => rtrim($row[10])
                if($i == 0) {
                        ShowError("Niet gevonden","Deze releasenote is niet in de database gevonden");

modules php was compiled with: oci8, without-mysql


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 [2002-02-11 10:07 UTC] maaj at mart dot nl
The problem was caused by a different version of oracle client and the server.
 [2002-02-11 15:21 UTC]
No PHP Bug = Bogus.

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