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Bug #13053 oci8 error, this kill oracle-prosseces in the oracle-instance.
Submitted: 2001-08-30 05:34 UTC Modified: 2003-01-29 02:13 UTC
Avg. Score:5.0 ± 0.0
Reproduced:1 of 1 (100.0%)
Same Version:1 (100.0%)
Same OS:1 (100.0%)
From: jsun at basefarm dot no Assigned:
Status: Not a bug Package: OCI8 related
PHP Version: 4.0.6 OS: sun solaris 64 bits
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
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From: jsun at basefarm dot no
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 [2001-08-30 05:34 UTC] jsun at basefarm dot no
Oci statement faild:

My error is: 
Warning: OCISessionBegin: ORA-24327: need explicit attach before authenticating a user 


Supplied argument is not a valid OCI8-Connection resource 


some rollback error as well.


Jan Arve


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 [2002-04-13 08:51 UTC]
The version of PHP that this bug was reported in is too old. Please
try to reproduce this bug in the latest version of PHP (available

If you are still able to reproduce the bug with one of the latest
versions of PHP, please change the PHP version on this bug report
to the version you tested and change the status back to "Open".

 [2002-11-26 04:22 UTC] ccourtoi at istar dot fr
I have exactly the same problem with PHP 4.1.1
Do I need to change the php version to solve this bug ?
 [2002-11-26 10:37 UTC]
Yes. Try the lastest CVS from and, if this still happens, give us some more details.
 [2002-12-02 09:48 UTC] ccourtoi at istar dot fr

The last news about our ORA-24327 error....
We changed the version of php into 4.2.3 and it seems that the connection failed problem has disappeared.
Thanx for your advice,

Caroline :o)
 [2003-01-28 11:48 UTC]

ORA-03113: end-of-file on communication channel

is relevant, but close because duplicated.

This one seems to be "bogus", though i hpe to see whether the bug can still be encountered and have some more details to trace it down.

Maxim Maletsky
 [2003-01-29 02:13 UTC]
latest infos:
Our customer said, that this problem still exists with php4.2.3, but we could not reproduce it yesterday (we made stress-tests, killed the Oracle connections via Oracle).

We upgradet to php4.3.0 and the customer will also upgrade their Oracle client from to (at the moment only the Oracle server is running

Now I'm waiting for feedback from the customer.
 [2003-07-03 04:13 UTC] mmi at uhb-consulting dot de
We have the same problem with 
php4.3.2/Apache/1.3.26 on Linux SUSE 7.2 with Kernel 2.4.4-4GB, Oracle doing a lot of Selects,
we tried to update from 4.2.2 to 4.2.3 to 4.3.2 to solve the problem but it didn't.

Errors are mixed between 
Warning: OCISessionBegin: ORA-24327: need explicit attach before authenticating a user 
Warning:  Unknown(): _oci_close_session: OCISessionEnd: Error while trying to retrieve text for error ORA-03113

The Problem is not really reproduceable, but apears only after a long runtime of apache, after restarting apache the problem doesnt't appear for a time, then suddenly it appears again.
 [2003-11-20 13:49 UTC] gid at gifpaste dot net
We're also periodically getting this, running php 4.3.4, oracle 9i enterprise edition release

We have a daemon that runs 24/7 written in php, we get the error when the oracle server goes down for backup, and then the php detects the connection is lost, and tries to reconnect, blammo, we get this error.  Any ideas?

The connection code seems to work alright, since if I manually reset the $connection handle to a null string, it reconnects just fine.

Even a work-around would be appreciated, since ocilogoff doesn't seem to actually do anything I CAN'T actually close the oracle connection to attempt a real reconnection.

After looking a bit longer, I may want to be using OCINLogon()  to force a NEW connection to oracle, hopefully this should solve my problem.
 [2004-08-23 04:32 UTC] dlan at areschina dot com
I use PHP5 + Apache 1.3.31 + Oracle8.1.17, but this bug not solved still.
restart apache is a good idea!
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