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Bug #12625 (latest) php_oci8.dll can not be loaded
Submitted: 2001-08-07 12:15 UTC Modified: 2006-07-17 08:12 UTC
From: cshih05 at utopia dot poly dot edu Assigned:
Status: Not a bug Package: OCI8 related
PHP Version: 4.0.6 OS: win2000
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
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From: cshih05 at utopia dot poly dot edu
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 [2001-08-07 12:15 UTC] cshih05 at utopia dot poly dot edu

I download 4.06 install files yesterday.

I have tried a lot of ways to config php.ini in order to load php_oci8.dll functions.  
but I had "php_oci8.dll" can not be load information.

These are several tests I did 
(1) uncomment other dll (oracle) one
    and it can be loaded  (working)

(2) download the binary code again and re-put the php_oci8.dll into current extensions dir  ( not working)

(3) download the Previous version binary code and 
"only" take out (V4.05) php_oci8.dll and put it into current extensions dir ( it's working)

so is there any thing wrong with the latest "php_oci8.dll"? 

tks !! 



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 [2001-08-07 13:00 UTC] cshih05 at utopia dot poly dot edu
Dear Sir,

just FYI.

the same setup in "php.ini" 

(version 4.06)-52Mb php_oci8.dll can not be loaded.
(version 4.05)-44Mb php_oci8.dll can be loaded with other version 4.06 files.

 [2001-08-07 13:43 UTC] cshih05 at utopia dot poly dot edu
sorry I mean 44Kb not Mb
Dear Sir,

just FYI.

the same setup in "php.ini" 

(version 4.06)-52Mb php_oci8.dll can not be loaded.
(version 4.05)-44Mb php_oci8.dll can be loaded with other version 4.06 files.

 [2004-05-26 17:31 UTC] bernerma at nswccd dot navy dot mil
I had the same problem many times. The reason is that php_oci8.dll loads another oracle DLL, and you will get the error message when that load fails. To solve the problem, you must install Oracle client tools on your server, and make sure you have a good version of them. I am using version of the Oracle client tools, and that solved the problem. In Win2000, you will need to reboot after installing Oracle client tools before PHP will be able to load the DLL properly.
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