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Bug #10930 Can't connect to mysql after running some code that crashes IIS 5
Submitted: 2001-05-17 12:08 UTC Modified: 2002-05-24 20:24 UTC
Avg. Score:5.0 ± 0.0
Reproduced:2 of 2 (100.0%)
Same Version:0 (0.0%)
Same OS:1 (50.0%)
From: tyler dot longren at midiowa dot net Assigned:
Status: Not a bug Package: IIS related
PHP Version: 4.0.5 OS: Windows 2000
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
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From: tyler dot longren at midiowa dot net
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 [2001-05-17 12:08 UTC] tyler dot longren at midiowa dot net
After running the code below, PHP 4.0.5 is no longer able to connecto to mysql.  I have tested this at 2 different locations, and the result is the same every time.  Also after visiting the website with this code in it, inetinfo.exe (IIS) crashes.

PHP was installed with php405-installer.exe.  The problem occurs on Windows 2000 Professional SP1 & SP2.  Windows 2000 server has not been tested.  Below is the code that should be pasted into a webpage, and then visited with any browser.  I accidentally caused inetinfo.exe to die with this:

This was written (accidentally) by Tyler Longren <>.
This was found on accident...thanks to my crappy coding.  :)
Date: 05-14-2001
Kills: Inetinfo.exe on Win2k
header("Location: $PHP_SELF");
if ($formusername) {
	$auth_sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM $mysql_user_table WHERE username =
'$formusername' AND password = '$formpassword'");
	$user_exists = mysql_num_rows($auth_sql);
	if ($user_exists == "1") {
		$username = $formusername;
		$password = $formpassword;

	else {
		$login_error = "<font face=Arial size=2><b>Error:</b></font><br><font
face=Arial size=1>Wrong<br>username/password</b></font>";

else {
	$auth_sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM $mysql_user_table WHERE username =
'$username' AND password = '$password'");
	$user_exists = mysql_num_rows($auth_sql);
	if ($user_exists == "1") {
		// blah blah blah!
	else {
		$login_error = "<font face=Arial size=2><b>Error:</b></font><br><font
face=Arial size=1><b>Wrong<Br>username/password</b></font>";
if ($login == "no") {
	header("Location: $PHP_SELF");


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 [2002-03-07 07:50 UTC] dean dot jenkins at onexamination dot com
I have experienced the same bug with PHP 4.1.1 (Win32 install build) and Windows 2000 server. It is really an IIS bug not a PHP bug. The crux of it is ...

header("Location: $PHP_SELF");

This sends a 'virtual' URI not an absolute URI. (see the <a href="">PHP manual for header function</a>). Why this should crash IIS is unclear since surely it should cope with a rogue CGI program.

If an absolute URI is sent in the header it does not crash IIS.

This would cause problems on Windows boxes running a number of PHP websites for end users. Sloppy header coding can cause all the websites to be unavailable until admin restarts IIS.

Phorum 3.3.2a ( uses the Location header with a virtual URI in the admin screens.
 [2002-05-24 20:24 UTC]
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