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Bug #10571 blank browser with Xitami
Submitted: 2001-05-01 00:32 UTC Modified: 2001-07-23 18:38 UTC
From: nigglefish at hotmail dot com Assigned:
Status: Closed Package: Other web server
PHP Version: 4.0.4pl1 OS: win2000
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
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 [2001-05-01 00:45 UTC]
Not enough information.


 [2001-05-01 01:02 UTC] nigglefish at hotmail dot com
I am running a Xitami (v2.4c1) server on win2000.
I used the install shield to install PHP 4.0.4.
All the filters and stuff seem to be set up right in Xitami. I have installed and used PHP 3 with the same server and followed the same steps to configure it for PHP 4.
I have set the "doc_root" in the php.ini file to "C:\Nigel\VWS".

However, when I run a script nothing happens: I get a blank browser screen. Setting the "display_startup_errors" in the php.ini file I get the message:
"Fatal error: Unable to open C:\Nigel\VWS\ in Unknown on line 0"

I tried commenting out the "doc_root" setting in the php.ini file and I get the same error only it's pointing to the cgi-bin directory of Xitami (even though I have told it to use "c:\Nigel\VSM\" for files). 
I tried pointing the "doc_root" to the complete path of the php script file including it's filename and that worked and processed the file normally... every time the server started up php for any page.

I really am stumped. Thanks in advance.

 [2001-05-01 01:04 UTC] nigglefish at hotmail dot com
I am running a Xitami (v2.4c1) server on win2000.
I used the install shield to install PHP 4.0.4.
All the filters and stuff seem to be set up right in Xitami. I have installed and used PHP 3 with the same server and followed the same steps to configure it for PHP 4.
I have set the "doc_root" in the php.ini file to "C:\Nigel\VWS".

However, when I run a script nothing happens: I get a blank browser screen. Setting the "display_startup_errors" in the php.ini file I get the message:
"Fatal error: Unable to open C:\Nigel\VWS\ in Unknown on line 0"

I tried commenting out the "doc_root" setting in the php.ini file and I get the same error only it's pointing to the cgi-bin directory of Xitami (even though I have told it to use "c:\Nigel\VSM\" for files). 
I tried pointing the "doc_root" to the complete path of the php script file including it's filename and that worked and processed the file normally... every time the server started up php for any page.

I really am stumped. Thanks in advance.

 [2001-06-23 14:55 UTC]
Does this happen with PHP 4.0.6 ?

 [2001-07-23 18:38 UTC]
no feedback after 30 days.
 [2002-10-01 13:32 UTC] costati at tin dot it
I had the same problem. This is how I solved.
If your PHP has been compiled with FORCE_CGI_DIRECT, you have to leave blank doc_root in php.ini and uncomment the line:


In php.ini set cgi.redirect_status_env to an environment variable name, eg PHPON.

In autoexec.bat set the environment var to any value. 
eg add the line:

set PHPON yes

Also in autoexec.bat remember to add your PHP installation (eg c:\php) to the path.

 [2002-12-04 11:36 UTC] jeanmarcvdlinden at chello dot nl
I followed Tito's advice and finally I got PHP running with Xitami, but not in the way I want it to:

PHP files can only be run whith XITAMI\WEBPAGES\ as document root directory!!!! (setting doc_root doesn't work!!!!)

My Xitami is installed on D:\Xitami, my webfiles are on D:\web-filez. Now I have to move all PHP content from D:\web-filez to D:\xitami\webpages in order to make them work :o( so I guess this is still a BUG and will be fixed in the future.

Chau, JM.
 [2002-12-08 08:11 UTC] jeanmarcvdlinden at chello dot nl
My problem is solved. I know this subject is closed, but thought would be worth mentioning since others, newbies like me might run into the same problem.
I downloaded and installed latest snapshot of PHP (v4.4.0dev), and used php-cgi.exe for Xitami, and now php documents also work in other folders than xitami\webpages
(I didn't test php.exe, only php-cgi.exe)
It works fine now :o)
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