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Submitted: 2015-09-18 19:49 UTC Modified: 2017-04-16 04:22 UTC
Avg. Score:3.7 ± 0.9
Reproduced:3 of 3 (100.0%)
Same Version:2 (66.7%)
Same OS:1 (33.3%)
From: infopassion at free dot fr Assigned:
Status: No Feedback Package: MySQL related
PHP Version: 5.6.13 OS: Debian Wheezy
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
Anyone can comment on a bug. Have a simpler test case? Does it work for you on a different platform? Let us know!
Just going to say 'Me too!'? Don't clutter the database with that please !
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 [2015-09-18 19:49 UTC] infopassion at free dot fr
I use Jeedom for domotic
And when after update PHP version, i want update Jeedom
But i have the error message

Test script:

/* This file is part of Jeedom.
 * Jeedom is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * Jeedom is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with Jeedom. If not, see <>.

/* ------------------------------------------------------------ Inclusions */

class DB {
	/*     * **************  Constantes  ***************** */

	const FETCH_TYPE_ROW = 0;
	const FETCH_TYPE_ALL = 1;

	/*     * **************  Attributs  ***************** */

	private $connection;
	private $lastConnection;
	private static $sharedInstance;

	/*     * **************  Fonctions statiques  ***************** */

	private function __construct() {
		global $CONFIG;
		try {
			$this->connection = new PDO('mysql:host=' . $CONFIG['db']['host'] . ';port=' . $CONFIG['db']['port'] . ';dbname=' . $CONFIG['db']['dbname'], $CONFIG['db']['username'], $CONFIG['db']['password'], array(PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND => 'SET NAMES utf8', PDO::ATTR_PERSISTENT => true));
		} catch (Exception $e) {
			if ($CONFIG['db']['host'] != '' && $CONFIG['db']['host'] != 'localhost') {
				throw $e;
			if (strpos($e->getMessage(), 'Can\'t connect to local MySQL server through socket') !== false || strpos($e->getMessage(), 'SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] No such file or directory') !== false) {
				if (!file_exists('/tmp/restart_mysql')) {
					shell_exec('sudo /etc/init.d/mysql restart  >> /dev/null 2>&1');
			$this->connection = new PDO('mysql:host=' . $CONFIG['db']['host'] . ';port=' . $CONFIG['db']['port'] . ';dbname=' . $CONFIG['db']['dbname'], $CONFIG['db']['username'], $CONFIG['db']['password'], array(PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND => 'SET NAMES utf8', PDO::ATTR_PERSISTENT => true));

	public static function getLastInsertId() {
		if (!isset(self::$sharedInstance)) {
			throw new Exception('DB : Aucune connection active - impossible d\'avoir le dernier ID inséré');
		return self::$sharedInstance->connection->lastInsertId();

	public static function getConnection() {
		if (!isset(self::$sharedInstance)) {
			self::$sharedInstance = new self();
		} else if (self::$sharedInstance->lastConnection + 59 < strtotime('now')) {
			try {
				if (!self::$sharedInstance->connection->query('select 1;')) {
					self::$sharedInstance = new self();
			} catch (Exception $e) {
				self::$sharedInstance = new self();
		self::$sharedInstance->lastConnection = strtotime('now');
		return self::$sharedInstance->connection;

	public static function &CallStoredProc($_procName, $_params, $_fetch_type, $_className = NULL, $_fetch_opt = NULL) {
		$bind_params = '';
		foreach ($_params as $value) {
			$bind_params .= '?, ';
		$bind_params = trim($bind_params, ', ');
		if ($_className != NULL && class_exists($_className)) {
			return self::Prepare("CALL $_procName($bind_params)", $_params, $_fetch_type, PDO::FETCH_CLASS, $_className);
		} else if ($_fetch_opt != NULL) {
			return self::Prepare("CALL $_procName($bind_params)", $_params, $_fetch_type, $_fetch_opt, $_className);
		} else {
			return self::Prepare("CALL $_procName($bind_params)", $_params, $_fetch_type);


	public static function &Prepare($_query, $_params, $_fetchType = self::FETCH_TYPE_ROW, $_fetch_param = PDO::FETCH_ASSOC, $_fetch_opt = NULL) {
		$stmt = self::getConnection()->prepare($_query);
		$res = NULL;

		if ($stmt != false && $stmt->execute($_params) != false) {
			if ($_fetchType == self::FETCH_TYPE_ROW) {
				if ($_fetch_opt == NULL) {
					$res = $stmt->fetch($_fetch_param);
				} else if ($_fetch_param == PDO::FETCH_CLASS) {
					$res = $stmt->fetchObject($_fetch_opt);
			} else {
				if ($_fetch_opt == NULL) {
					$res = $stmt->fetchAll($_fetch_param);
				} else {
					$res = $stmt->fetchAll($_fetch_param, $_fetch_opt);

		$errorInfo = $stmt->errorInfo();
		if ($errorInfo[0] != 0000) {
			if (strpos($errorInfo[2], 'Can\'t connect to local MySQL server through socket') !== false) {
				shell_exec('/bin/bash ' . dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../script/ >> ' . dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../log/watchdog 2>&1');
			throw new Exception('[MySQL] Error code : ' . $errorInfo[0] . ' (' . $errorInfo[1] . '). ' . $errorInfo[2]);
		return $res;

	public function __clone() {
		trigger_error('DB : Cloning this object is not permitted', E_USER_ERROR);

	public function optimize() {
		$tables = self::Prepare("SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM information_schema.TABLES WHERE Data_Free > 0", array(), DB::FETCH_TYPE_ALL);
		foreach ($tables as $table) {
			$table = array_values($table);
			$table = $table[0];
			self::Prepare('OPTIMIZE TABLE `' . $table . '`', array(), DB::FETCH_TYPE_ROW);

	 * Saves an entity inside the repository. If the entity is new a new row
	 * will be created. If the entity is not new the row will be updated.
	 * @param object $object
	 * @return boolean
	public static function save($object, $_direct = false, $_replace = false) {
		if (!$_direct && method_exists($object, 'preSave')) {
		if (!self::getField($object, 'id')) {
			//New object to save.
			if (!$_direct && method_exists($object, 'preInsert')) {
			list($sql, $parameters) = self::buildQuery($object);
			if ($_replace) {
				$sql = 'REPLACE INTO `' . self::getTableName($object) . '` SET ' . implode(', ', $sql);
			} else {
				$sql = 'INSERT INTO `' . self::getTableName($object) . '` SET ' . implode(', ', $sql);
			$res = self::Prepare($sql, $parameters, DB::FETCH_TYPE_ROW);
			$reflection = self::getReflectionClass($object);
			if ($reflection->hasProperty('id')) {
				self::setField($object, 'id', self::getLastInsertId());
			if (!$_direct && method_exists($object, 'postInsert')) {
		} else {
			//Object to update.
			if (!$_direct && method_exists($object, 'preUpdate')) {
			list($sql, $parameters) = self::buildQuery($object);
			if (!$_direct && method_exists($object, 'getId')) {
				$parameters['id'] = $object->getId(); //override if necessary
			$sql = 'UPDATE `' . self::getTableName($object) . '` SET ' . implode(', ', $sql) . ' WHERE id = :id';
			$res = self::Prepare($sql, $parameters, DB::FETCH_TYPE_ROW);
			if (!$_direct && method_exists($object, 'postUpdate')) {
		if (!$_direct && method_exists($object, 'postSave')) {
		return null !== $res && false !== $res;

	public static function refresh($object) {
		if (!self::getField($object, 'id')) {
			throw new Exception('DB cannot refresh object without id');
		$parameters = array('id' => self::getField($object, 'id'));
		$sql = 'SELECT ' . self::buildField(get_class($object)) .
		' FROM `' . self::getTableName($object) . '` ' .
		' WHERE ';
		foreach ($parameters as $field => $value) {
			if ($value != '') {
				$sql .= '`' . $field . '`=:' . $field . ' AND ';
			} else {
		$sql .= '1';
		$newObject = self::Prepare($sql, $parameters, DB::FETCH_TYPE_ROW, PDO::FETCH_CLASS, get_class($object));
		if (!is_object($newObject)) {
			return false;
		foreach (self::getFields($object) as $field) {
			$reflection = self::getReflectionClass($object);
			$property = $reflection->getProperty($field);
			if (!$reflection->hasProperty($field)) {
				throw new InvalidArgumentException('Unknown field ' . get_class($object) . '::' . $field);
			$property->setValue($object, self::getField($newObject, $field));
		return true;

	 * Retourne une liste d'objets ou un objet en fonction de filtres
	 * @param $_filters Filtres à appliquer
	 * @param $_object Objet sur lequel appliquer les filtres
	 * @return Objet ou liste d'objets correspondant à la requête
	public static function getWithFilter($_filters, $_object) {
		// check filters
		if (!is_array($_filters)) {
			throw new Exception('Filter sent isn\'t an array.');
		// operators have to remain in this order. If you put '<' before '<=', algorithm won't make the difference & will think a '<=' is a '<'
		$operators = array('!=', '<=', '>=', '<', '>', 'NOT LIKE', 'LIKE', '=');
		$fields = self::getFields($_object);
		$class = self::getReflectionClass($_object)->getName();
		// create query
		$query = 'SELECT ' . self::buildField($class) . ' FROM ' . $class . '';
		$values = array();
		$where = ' WHERE ';
		foreach ($fields as $property) {
			foreach ($_filters as $key => $value) {
				if ($property == $key && $value != '') {
					// traitement à faire sur value pour obtenir l'opérateur
					$thereIsOperator = false;
					$operatorInformation = array(
						'index' => -1,
						'value' => '=', // by default '='
						'length' => 0,
					foreach ($operators as $operator) {
						if (($index = strpos($value, $operator)) !== false) {
							$thereIsOperator = true;
							$operatorInformation['index'] = $index;
							$operatorInformation['value'] = $operator;
							$operatorInformation['length'] = strlen($operator);
					if ($thereIsOperator) {
						// extract operator from value
						$value = substr($value, $operatorInformation['length'] + 1); // +1 because of space
						// add % % to LIKE operator
						if (in_array($operatorInformation['value'], array('LIKE', 'NOT LIKE'))) {
							$value = '%' . $value . '%';

					$where .= $property . ' ' . $operatorInformation['value'] . ' :' . $property . ' AND ';
					$values[$property] = $value;
		if ($where != ' WHERE ') {
			$where = substr($where, 0, strlen($where) - 5); // on enlève le dernier ' AND '
			$query .= $where;
		// si values contient id, on sait qu'il n'y aura au plus qu'une valeur
		return self::Prepare($query . ';', $values, in_array('id', $values) ? self::FETCH_TYPE_ROW : self::FETCH_TYPE_ALL);

	 * Deletes an entity.
	 * @param object $object
	 * @return boolean
	public static function remove($object) {
		if (method_exists($object, 'preRemove')) {
			if ($object->preRemove() === false) {
				return false;
		list($sql, $parameters) = self::buildQuery($object);
		$sql = 'DELETE FROM `' . self::getTableName($object) . '` WHERE ';
		foreach ($parameters as $field => $value) {
			if ($value != '') {
				$sql .= '`' . $field . '`=:' . $field . ' AND ';
			} else {
		$sql .= '1';
		$res = self::Prepare($sql, $parameters, DB::FETCH_TYPE_ROW);
		$reflection = self::getReflectionClass($object);
		if ($reflection->hasProperty('id')) {
			self::setField($object, 'id', null);
		if (method_exists($object, 'postRemove')) {
		return null !== $res && false !== $res;

	public static function checksum($_table) {
		$sql = 'CHECKSUM TABLE ' . $_table;
		$result = self::Prepare($sql, array(), DB::FETCH_TYPE_ROW);
		return $result['Checksum'];

	 * Lock an entity.
	 * @param object $object
	 * @return boolean
	public static function lock($object) {
		if (method_exists($object, 'preLock')) {
			if ($object->preLock() === false) {
				return false;
		list($sql, $parameters) = self::buildQuery($object);
		$sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . self::getTableName($object) . ' WHERE ';
		foreach ($parameters as $field => $value) {
			if ($value != '') {
				$sql .= '`' . $field . '`=:' . $field . ' AND ';
			} else {
		$sql .= '1 LOCK IN SHARE MODE';
		$res = self::Prepare($sql, $parameters, DB::FETCH_TYPE_ROW);
		if (method_exists($object, 'postLock')) {
		return null !== $res && false !== $res;

	 * Returns the name of the table where to save entities.
	 * @return string
	private static function getTableName($object) {
		if (method_exists($object, 'getTableName')) {
			return $object->getTableName();
		return get_class($object);

	 * @param type $object
	 * @return type
	 * @throws RuntimeException
	private static function getFields($object) {
		if (is_object($object)) {
			$reflection = self::getReflectionClass($object);
		} else {
			$reflection = new ReflectionClass($object);
		$properties = $reflection->getProperties();
		$fields = array();
		foreach ($properties as $property) {
			$name = $property->getName();
			if ('_' !== $name[0]) {
				$fields[] = $name;
		if (empty($fields)) {
			//Edge case that can be critical in some cases.
			throw new RuntimeException('No fields found for class ' . get_class($object));
		return $fields;

	 * Forces the value of a field of a given object, even if this field is
	 * not accessible.
	 * @param object $object The entity to alter
	 * @param string $field The name of the member to alter
	 * @param mixed $value The value to give to the member
	private static function setField($object, $field, $value) {
		$method = 'set' . ucfirst($field);
		if (method_exists($object, $method)) {
		} else {
			$reflection = self::getReflectionClass($object);
			if ($reflection->hasProperty($field)) {
				throw new InvalidArgumentException('Unknown field ' . get_class($object) . '::' . $field);
			$property = $reflection->getProperty($field);
			$property->setValue($object, $value);

	 * Builds the elements for an SQL query. It will return two lists, the
	 * first being the list of parts "key=:key" to inject in the SQL, the
	 * second being the mapping of these parameters to the values.
	 * @param type $object
	 * @return type
	private static function buildQuery($object) {
		$parameters = array();
		$sql = array();
		foreach (self::getFields($object) as $field) {
			$sql[] = '`' . $field . '` = :' . $field;
			$parameters[$field] = self::getField($object, $field);
		return array($sql, $parameters);

	 * Returns the value of a field of a given object. It'll try to use a
	 * getter first if defined. If not defined, we'll use the reflection API.
	 * @param type $object
	 * @param type $field
	 * @return type
	 * @throws RuntimeException if the getter is not defined
	private static function getField($object, $field) {
		$retval = null;
		$method = 'get' . ucfirst($field);
		if (method_exists($object, $method)) {
			$retval = $object->$method();
		} else {
			$reflection = self::getReflectionClass($object);
			if ($reflection->hasProperty($field)) {
				$property = $reflection->getProperty($field);
				$retval = $property->getValue($object);
		if (is_array($retval) || is_object($retval)) {
			$retval = json_encode($retval, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE);
		return $retval;

	 * Returns the reflection class for the given object.
	 * @param  object $object
	 * @return ReflectionClass
	private static function getReflectionClass($object) {
		$reflections = array();
		$uuid = spl_object_hash($object);
		if (!isset($reflections[$uuid])) {
			$reflections[$uuid] = new ReflectionClass($object);
		return $reflections[$uuid];

	public static function buildField($_class, $_prefix = '') {
		$fields = array();
		foreach (self::getFields($_class) as $field) {
			if ('_' !== $field[0]) {
				if ($_prefix != '') {
					$fields[] = '`' . $_prefix . '`.' . '`' . $field . '`';
				} else {
					$fields[] = '`' . $field . '`';
		return implode(', ', $fields);



Expected result:
Update OK

Actual result:
Fatal error: Undefined class constant 'MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND' in /usr/share/nginx/www/jeedom/core/class/DB.class.php on line 38


Pull Requests


AllCommentsChangesGit/SVN commitsRelated reports
 [2015-10-06 14:42 UTC] stuckle dot jerry at gmail dot com
Did you enable the mysql-specific PDO extension?

Your php.ini file (ensure you're looking at the right one) should have:

    extension=php_pdo_mysql.dll on Windows on Linux/Mac
 [2017-04-06 13:43 UTC]
-Status: Open +Status: Feedback
 [2017-04-06 13:43 UTC]
Make sure you have PDO_MYSQL enabled.
 [2017-04-16 04:22 UTC] php-bugs at lists dot php dot net
No feedback was provided. The bug is being suspended because
we assume that you are no longer experiencing the problem.
If this is not the case and you are able to provide the
information that was requested earlier, please do so and
change the status of the bug back to "Re-Opened". Thank you.
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All rights reserved.
Last updated: Fri Oct 18 02:01:27 2024 UTC