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Bug #16023 php4apache.dll 4.1.2 for Windows misreporting its version via phpinfo()
Submitted: 2002-03-12 13:22 UTC Modified: 2002-03-12 14:08 UTC
From: fseesink at usa dot net Assigned:
Status: Not a bug Package: Apache related
PHP Version: 4.1.2 OS: Windows 2000 SP2 w/ all updates
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
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 [2002-03-12 13:22 UTC] fseesink at usa dot net
Quick note:  this is a minor issue, but thought it best to report it since others may be confused when they do the traditional <? phpinfo(); ?> script to test their setup.

I have been running Apache for Windows v1.3.23 with PHP v4.1.1 (Apache module) as a service.  All works well, with \WINNT\PHP.INI configured, PHP located in "\PHP".

* Downloaded PHP v4.1.2 for Windows today (12Mar2002)...the .ZIP file.
* Decompressed the .ZIP file.
* Noted differences in php.ini-recommended vs. my current php.ini file (copied the cgi.* entries to my php.ini file, etc.).
* Once ready, renamed my current "\PHP" directory to "\PHP v4.1.1", then renamed the decompressed directory from "\php-4.1.2-Win32" to "\PHP".  Effectively swapped PHP 4.1.2 into place.
* Shutdown Apache service, then started it again.
* In webbrowser, loaded a php file containing
<?php phpinfo(); ?>

* Loading this webpage shows "PHP Version 4.1.1", NOT "PHP Version 4.1.2" as one might expect.
* Using GRC.COM's ID Serve program, I get the following response:  
   "Server: Apache/1.3.23 (Win32) PHP/4.1.3-dev"
* Using's "What's that site running?" feature, I get the following response:  
   "Apache/1.3.23 (Win32) PHP/4.1.3-dev on Windows 2000"

In a nutshell, it appears that the Apache for Windows PHP SAPI module is listing itself as both v4.1.1 and v4.1.3-dev, but NOT v4.1.2.  Again, minor issue.  But thought you should be aware, in case many people start contacting you about this.

P.S.  From the Command Prompt, if I enter 'php -v' in the \PHP directory, the CGI version accurately reports "4.1.2", so this issue may only involve the Apache SAPI module.  I can't speak for any of the other SAPI modules.


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 [2002-03-12 13:42 UTC]
Works fine for me. Maybe your browser (or a proxy) cached the page. Try shift-F5. 
 [2002-03-12 14:08 UTC] fseesink at usa dot net
Nope, that didn't do it.  Tried flushing browser caches, used a different browser, etc.  Always the same.  Then it hit me:  I'm running PHP Apache SAPI module, which requires the php4ts.dll file in %SYSTEMROOT%\SYSTEM32\.  I had that file from v4.1.1 there.  Did not think to replace it.

Copied v4.1.2 php4ts.dll into %SYSTEMROOT%\SYSTEM32, shutdown/restarted Apache, and voila!

Thanks for the reminder.  Consider this issue dead.

Question:  What is the "preferred" location for php4ts.dll?  Is it better to simply keep it in the same directory with php4apache.dll (e.g., \PHP\SAPI\), or is it best to copy it to %SYSTEMROOT%\SYSTEM32?  Is there really any difference, or is it purely personal preference?
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