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Bug #9065 Openlink4 connections worthless under Redhat
Submitted: 2001-02-02 01:12 UTC Modified: 2001-05-31 17:15 UTC
From: antiphobo at paradise dot net dot nz Assigned:
Status: Closed Package: ODBC related
PHP Version: 4.0.3pl1 OS: Redhat Linux (MIPS)
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
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From: antiphobo at paradise dot net dot nz
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 [2001-02-02 01:12 UTC] antiphobo at paradise dot net dot nz
When I connect from Linux Redhat (COBALT RAQ2)
PHP403sp1/Apache1.3.12 to a database on Win2000 using Openlink version *4*:

(PHP './configure' '--with-openlink=/usr/local/openlink' '--with-mysql' '--with-apache=../apache_1.3.12' '--enable-track-vars' )

Openlink(Linux) -> AccessDB(Win2k): Connects to database, SQL queries fail with "Not Capable" error (see below). Retreiving list of tables fails with odbc_tables(); (complains that odbc_tables($con, "%"); doesn't have the correct number of parameters.

Openlink(Linux) -> MyODBC(W2K) -> MySQL(W2K)
Connects to database, SELECTs return columns, but not rows.
Retriving list of tables "fails" (as can only see columns, such as TableName, TableType, but no data)

When I connect from Win2000 PHP403sp1/IIS5 to database on Win2000 using Openlink:

Openlink -> Access: Works okay, except cannot retrieve TYPE of field. (This is of little concern.).

Openlink -> MyODBC -> MySQL: as above.

When doing not using Openlink at all and connecting directly to Access all on the same W2k Machine, everything works perfectly.

Errors Under Linux:

SELECT * FROM TABLE produces: SQL error: [OpenLink][ODBC][Driver]Driver not capable, SQL state S1C00 in SQLExecDirect

I am using odbc_connect() and odbc_exec(). (not prepare() ). Have tested differenet cursor types with odbc_connect; nothing helps.

Using ODBCTEST (the testing utility with Openlink software), everything works fine - i have access to all tables, databases, can perform complex SELECT and other queries without any hassle.

Thus, this is a problem not specific to Access, because I can connect to Access from Win2000 PHP/Openlink

It is not really a problem with openlink, because ODBCTEST works fine.

Thus it means it is to do with the Openlink and PHP403sp1 cooperating (on redhat). I tried compiling PHP404 with Openlink4, but it failed (possibly due to Apache1.3.17).


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 [2001-02-02 01:14 UTC] antiphobo at paradise dot net dot nz
Here is the script I used to test all connections with. Ensure php.ini is setup so that errors are passed back to $php_errormsg;


<FONT FACE=Tahoma>
<FONT COLOR=0099FF><B>ODBCTEST. By Sigurd Magnusson. </B></FONT>
<FONT COLOR=555555 SIZE=-2><B>(PHP <? echo phpversion()," on $SERVER_SOFTWARE)" ?></B></FONT>
DSN: <INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME=odbc_dsn VALUE="<? echo $odbc_dsn ?>">
Username: <INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME=odbc_username VALUE="<? echo $odbc_username ?>">
Password: <INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME=odbc_password VALUE="<? echo $odbc_password ?>">
Table: <INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME=odbc_tablename VALUE="<? echo $odbc_tablename ?>">
<DIV ALIGN=RIGHT>(If no table is specified, odbctest will search for them).</DIV>


if ($odbc_dsn == "") die("<B>No DSN specified</B>");

Echo "<OL>";

Echo "<LI><B>Connecting...</B><BR>odbc_connect($odbc_dsn, $odbc_username, $odbc_password); "; flush;

$connect = @odbc_connect($odbc_dsn, $odbc_username, $odbc_password, SQL_CUR_USE_ODBC); 
if ($connect) echo "<B>connected.</B><P>"; else ExitDying ("Connect Failed", $php_errormsg);

if ($odbc_tablename) QueryTable($odbc_tablename); else ShowTables();
echo "</OL><HR>";
echo "<FONT COLOR=0099FF><B>ODBC Test Finished!</B></FONT>";

function QueryTable($tablename) {
	global $connect;
	$maxdisplayrows= 10;

	$query ="SELECT * FROM $tablename";
	Echo "<LI><B>Querying $tablename...</B><BR>odbc_exec($connect, $query); ";

	$result = @odbc_exec($connect, $query);      // perform the query

	if ($result) echo "<B>ok.</B><P>"; else ExitDying ("Query Failed", $php_errormsg);

	Echo "<LI><B>Retrieving Data...</B><BR>odbc_fetchrow($result); ";

	// get column names
	$NumODBCFields = (int)odbc_num_fields($result);
	echo "<table cellpadding=5 bgcolor=BLACK><tr bgcolor=yellow>";
	for ($i=1; $i <= $NumODBCFields; $i++) {
		echo "<TD><FONT SIZE=2><B>".odbc_field_name($result,$i)."</B><BR>".odbc_field_type($result,$i), " ", odbc_field_len($result,$i), "</TD>";
	echo "</tr>";

	while(@odbc_fetch_row($result)) {
		if ($rowcount++ < $maxdisplayrows) {
			echo "<tr bgcolor=22BBFF>";
			for ($i=1; $i <= $NumODBCFields; $i++) {
				$txt = @odbc_result($result, $i);
				echo "<TD><FONT SIZE=1>$txt</FONT></TD>";
			echo "</tr>";
	echo "</table>";

	if ($rowcount > $maxdisplayrows) $msg = "(only first $maxdisplayrows shown above)";

	// if search is narrowing the rows down, we need to tally that instead ;(
	echo "<BR>Found <B>".(int)$rowcount." Rows</B> $msg, <B>".odbc_num_fields($result)." Columns</B> in table <B>$tablename</B>";

function ShowTables() {
	global $connect;

	Echo "<LI><B>Finding Tables...</B><BR>odbc_exec($connect, $query); "; flush();
	$result = @odbc_tables($connect,"%");

	if ($result) echo "<B>ok</B><P>"; else ExitDying("Table Searching Not Permitted?", $php_errormsg);

	// get column names
	$NumODBCFields = (int)odbc_num_fields($result);
	echo "<table cellpadding=5 bgcolor=BLACK><tr bgcolor=white>";
	for ($i=1; $i <= $NumODBCFields; $i++) {
		echo "<TD><FONT SIZE=2><B>".odbc_field_name($result,$i)."</B><BR>".odbc_field_type($result,$i), " ", odbc_field_len($result,$i), "</TD>";
	echo "</tr>";

	while(@odbc_fetch_row($result)) {
		echo "<tr bgcolor=white>";
		for ($i=1; $i <= $NumODBCFields; $i++) {
			echo "<TD><FONT SIZE=1>".odbc_result($result, $i), "</FONT></TD>";
		echo "</tr>";

		if (odbc_result($result, "TABLE_TYPE") == "TABLE") {
			$querytablename = odbc_result($result, "TABLE_NAME");
			echo "<TR bgcolor=white><TD COLSPAN=$NumODBCFields>";
			echo "</TD></TR>";
	echo "</table>";

	if (!$numtables) $numtables = "<B>no</B>";
	echo "Found $numtables tables...";

function ExitDying ($msg, $errormsg) {
	Echo "<FONT COLOR=RED><B>$msg</B></FONT><TT><P>$errormsg</TT>";
	Echo "</TD></TR><TABLE>";

 [2001-05-07 21:31 UTC]
A) simpliest form for each test script please
B) still happen under PHP 4.0.5?  There might be a need to
tweak the php_odbc.h file (remove the #include <iodbc.h> line).
 [2001-05-31 17:15 UTC]
no feedback from user.  considered fixed in current.  if this is untrue, please reopen the bug.
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