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Bug #7005 'make test' fails several tests
Submitted: 2000-10-04 02:42 UTC Modified: 2000-12-04 08:32 UTC
From: long at kestrel dot cc dot ukans dot edu Assigned:
Status: Closed Package: Compile Warning
PHP Version: 4.0.2 OS: Tru64 5.0
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
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From: long at kestrel dot cc dot ukans dot edu
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 [2000-10-04 02:42 UTC] long at kestrel dot cc dot ukans dot edu
'env CC=cc ./configure' was used to configure, then a make was done.

'make test' produces:

Running tests in /home/long/src/php-4.0.2/ext/db/tests
DBM File Creation Test                                               ... passed
DBM Insert/Fetch Test                                                ... passed
DBM Insert/Replace/Fetch Test                                        ... passed
DBM Multiple Insert/Fetch Test                                       ... passed
DBM FirstKey/NextKey Loop Test With 5 Items                          ... passed
DBM FirstKey/NextKey with 2 deletes                                  ... passed

Running tests in /home/long/src/php-4.0.2/ext/interbase/tests
(all skipped)

Running tests in /home/long/src/php-4.0.2/ext/standard/tests/file
File type functions (001.phpt)                                       ... failed

Running tests in /home/long/src/php-4.0.2/ext/standard/tests/general_functions
sprintf() function                                                   ... passed

Running tests in /home/long/src/php-4.0.2/ext/standard/tests/math
Simple math tests                                                    ... passed

Running tests in /home/long/src/php-4.0.2/ext/standard/tests/reg
RegReplace test 1                                                    ... passed
RegReplace test 2                                                    ... passed
ereg_replace single-quote test (003.phpt)                            ... failed
simple ereg test                                                     ... passed
Test Regular expression register support in ereg                     ... passed
Test ereg_replace of start-of-line                                   ... passed
Test empty result buffer in reg_replace (007.phpt)                   ... failed
Test back-references in regular expressions                          ... passed
Test split()                                                         ... passed
Long back references                                                 ... passed
\0 back reference                                                    ... passed
nonexisting back reference                                           ... passed
escapes in replace string                                            ... passed
backreferences not replaced recursively                              ... passed
replace empty matches                                                ... passed
test backslash handling in regular expressions                       ... passed

Running tests in /home/long/src/php-4.0.2/pear/tests
DB_Error/DB_Warning test (DB_Error.phpt)                             ... failed
DB::factory test (DB_factory.phpt)                                   ... failed
DB::parseDSN test (DB_parseDSN.phpt)                                 ... failed

Running tests in /home/long/src/php-4.0.2/tests/basic
Trivial "Hello World" test                                           ... passed
Simple POST Method test                                              ... passed
GET and POST Method combined                                         ... passed
Two variables in POST data                                           ... passed
Three variables in POST data                                         ... passed
Add 3 variables together and print result                            ... passed
Multiply 3 variables and print result                                ... passed
Divide 3 variables and print result                                  ... passed
Subtract 3 variables and print result                                ... passed
Testing | and & operators                                            ... passed
Testing $argc and $argv handling                                     ... passed

Running tests in /home/long/src/php-4.0.2/tests/classes
Classes general test (class_example.phpt)                            ... failed
Classes inheritance test                                             ... passed

Running tests in /home/long/src/php-4.0.2/tests/func
Strlen() function test                                               ... passed
Static variables in functions                                        ... passed
General function test                                                ... passed
General function test                                                ... passed
Testing register_shutdown_function()                                 ... passed

Running tests in /home/long/src/php-4.0.2/tests/lang
Simple If condition test                                             ... passed
Simple While Loop Test                                               ... passed
Simple Switch Test                                                   ... passed
Simple If/Else Test                                                  ... passed
Simple If/ElseIf/Else Test                                           ... passed
Nested If/ElseIf/Else Test                                           ... passed
Function call with global and static variables                       ... passed
Testing recursive function                                           ... passed
Testing function parameter passing                                   ... passed
Testing function parameter passing with a return value               ... passed
Testing nested functions                                             ... passed
Testing stack after early function return                            ... passed
Testing eval function                                                ... passed
Testing eval function inside user-defined function                   ... passed
Testing include                                                      ... passed
Testing user-defined function in included file                       ... passed
Testing user-defined function falling out of an If into another      ... passed
eval() test                                                          ... passed
eval() test                                                          ... passed
Switch test 1                                                        ... passed
Switch test 2                                                        ... passed
Switch test 3                                                        ... passed
Regression test (023.phpt)                                           ... failed
Looped regression test (may take a while) (024.phpt)                 ... failed
Mean recursion test                                                  ... passed
Testing string scanner confirmance                                   ... passed
Testing do-while loop                                                ... passed
Testing calling user-level functions from C (028.phpt)               ... failed

Running tests in /home/long/src/php-4.0.2/tests/strings
String functions                                                     ... passed
Formatted print functions                                            ... passed
HTML entities                                                        ... passed

Number of tests:    83
Tests skipped:       6 (7.2%)
Tests failed:       10 ( 12%)
Tests passed:       67 ( 81%)

the contents of ext/standard/tests/file/001.out:

test.file does not exist
test.file exists exists
test.file is not a symlink is a symlink
test.file exists lstat and stat differ at element 1 lstat and stat differ at element 2 lstat and stat differ at element 7 lstat and stat differ at element 8 lstat and stat differ at element 9 lstat and stat differ at element 10
test.file is file is link
test.file permissions are 0654
test.file size is 0
test.file is writeable
test.file is readable
test.file is not executable
test.file is a regular file is a regular file is not a directory
file is not a directory
test.file is not a directory
test.file does not exist
test.file does not exist

the contents of ext/tests/reg/003.out:


the contents of  ext/tests/reg/007.out:


the contents of pear/tests/DB_Error.out:

<b>Fatal error</b>:  Failed opening required 'DB.php' (include_path='.:/usr/local/lib/php') in <b>/home/long/src/php-4.0.2/pear/tests/phpt.FGAabyHLa</b> on line <b>6</b><br>

the contents of pear/tests/DB_factory.out:

<b>Fatal error</b>:  Failed opening required 'DB.php' (include_path='.:/usr/local/lib/php') in <b>/home/long/src/php-4.0.2/pear/tests/phpt.LGAabyHLa</b> on line <b>6</b><br>

the contents of pear/test/DB_parseDSN.out:

<b>Fatal error</b>:  Failed opening required 'DB.php' (include_path='.:/usr/local/lib/php') in <b>/home/long/src/php-4.0.2/pear/tests/phpt.RGAabyHLa</b> on line <b>6</b><br>

the contents of tests/classes/class_example.out:

<blank line>
User information

First name:	  Zeev
Family name:	  Suraski
Address:	  Ben Gourion 3, Kiryat Bialik, Israel
Phone:		  +972-4-8713139

User information

First name:	  Andi
Family name:	  Gutmans
Address:	  Haifa, Israel
Phone:		  +972-4-8231621

User information

First name:	  Andi
Family name:	  Gutmans
Address:	  Haifa, Israel
Phone:		  +972-4-8231621

User information

First name:	  Andi
Family name:	  Gutmans
Address:	  New address...
Phone:		  +972-4-8231621
<blank line>
<blank line>

the contents of tests/lang/023.out:

PHP Regression Test


*** Testing assignments and variable aliasing: ***<br>
This should read "blah": blah<br>
This should read "this is nifty": this is nifty<br>

*** Testing integer operators ***<br>
Correct result - 8:  8<br>
Correct result - 8:  8<br>
Correct result - 2:  2<br>
Correct result - -2:  -2<br>
Correct result - 15:  15<br>
Correct result - 15:  15<br>
Correct result - 2:  2<br>
Correct result - 3:  3<br>

*** Testing real operators ***<br>
Correct result - 8:  8<br>
Correct result - 8:  8<br>
Correct result - 2:  2<br>
Correct result - -2:  -2<br>
Correct result - 15:  15<br>
Correct result - 15:  15<br>
Correct result - 2:  2<br>
Correct result - 3:  3<br>

*** Testing if/elseif/else control ***<br>

This  works<br>

*** Seriously nested if's test ***<br>
** spelling correction by kluzz **
Only two lines of text should follow:<br>
this should be displayed. should be:  $i=1, $j=0.  is:  $i=1, $j=0<br>
this is supposed to be displayed. should be:  $i=2, $j=4.  is:  $i=2, $j=4<br>
3 loop iterations should follow:<br>
2 4<br>
3 4<br>
4 4<br>

*** C-style else-if's ***<br>
This should be displayed<br>

*** WHILE tests ***<br>
0 is smaller than 20<br>
1 is smaller than 20<br>
2 is smaller than 20<br>
3 is smaller than 20<br>
4 is smaller than 20<br>
5 is smaller than 20<br>
6 is smaller than 20<br>
7 is smaller than 20<br>
8 is smaller than 20<br>
9 is smaller than 20<br>
10 is smaller than 20<br>
11 is smaller than 20<br>
12 is smaller than 20<br>
13 is smaller than 20<br>
14 is smaller than 20<br>
15 is smaller than 20<br>
16 is smaller than 20<br>
17 is smaller than 20<br>
18 is smaller than 20<br>
19 is smaller than 20<br>
20 equals 20<br>
21 is greater than 20<br>
22 is greater than 20<br>
23 is greater than 20<br>
24 is greater than 20<br>
25 is greater than 20<br>
26 is greater than 20<br>
27 is greater than 20<br>
28 is greater than 20<br>
29 is greater than 20<br>
30 is greater than 20<br>
31 is greater than 20<br>
32 is greater than 20<br>
33 is greater than 20<br>
34 is greater than 20<br>
35 is greater than 20<br>
36 is greater than 20<br>
37 is greater than 20<br>
38 is greater than 20<br>
39 is greater than 20<br>

*** Nested WHILEs ***<br>
Each array variable should be equal to the sum of its indices:<br>
${test00}[0] = 0<br>
${test00}[1] = 1<br>
${test00}[2] = 2<br>
${test01}[0] = 1<br>
${test01}[1] = 2<br>
${test01}[2] = 3<br>
${test02}[0] = 2<br>
${test02}[1] = 3<br>
${test02}[2] = 4<br>
${test10}[0] = 1<br>
${test10}[1] = 2<br>
${test10}[2] = 3<br>
${test11}[0] = 2<br>
${test11}[1] = 3<br>
${test11}[2] = 4<br>
${test12}[0] = 3<br>
${test12}[1] = 4<br>
${test12}[2] = 5<br>
${test20}[0] = 2<br>
${test20}[1] = 3<br>
${test20}[2] = 4<br>
${test21}[0] = 3<br>
${test21}[1] = 4<br>
${test21}[2] = 5<br>
${test22}[0] = 4<br>
${test22}[1] = 5<br>
${test22}[2] = 6<br>

*** hash test... ***<br>
commented out...

*** Hash resizing test ***<br>

*** break/continue test ***<br>
$i should go from 0 to 2<br>
$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4<br>
$j should go from 0 to 2<br>
$k should go from 0 to 2<br>
$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4<br>
$j should go from 0 to 2<br>
$k should go from 0 to 2<br>
$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4<br>
$j should go from 0 to 2<br>
$k should go from 0 to 2<br>

*** Nested file include test ***<br>
This is Finish.phtml.  This file is supposed to be included 
from regression_test.phtml.  This is normal HTML.
and this is PHP code, 2+2=4

Tests completed.<br>
Limor Ullmann is now Limor Baruch :I

the contents of tests/lang/024.out:

(skipped, this was a large output file, email if interested in it)

the contents of tests/lang/028.out:

(skipped, this was a large output file, email if interested in it)


Pull Requests


AllCommentsChangesGit/SVN commitsRelated reports
 [2000-11-23 18:44 UTC]
At the time you did this test, those tests weren't working right.
Please grab latest snapshot from  and try again.

 [2000-12-04 08:32 UTC]
You shouldn't worry about these tests.
They are meant more to be regression tests ie.
for developers of PHP to check that things still
work..some of the tests fail on some systems.

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Last updated: Sat Dec 21 17:01:58 2024 UTC