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Bug #5802 mail() works with PHP3 but not PHP4
Submitted: 2000-07-26 23:33 UTC Modified: 2000-09-04 14:54 UTC
From: jswift at bindview dot com Assigned:
Status: Closed Package: Installation problem
PHP Version: 4.0.1pl2 OS: WinNT 4.0 SP 6
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
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Bug Type:
From: jswift at bindview dot com
New email:
PHP Version: OS:


 [2000-07-26 23:33 UTC] jswift at bindview dot com
This line works fine in PHP Version 3.0.16 but not in PHP Version 4.0.1pl2:
mail($email,'[WorkOrder]: New WO received',$msgText,"From:\r\n");

I have tried leaving the extra header information off:
mail($email,'[WorkOrder]: New WO received',$msgText);

php3.ini and php.ini both contain the same section:
SMTP           = ""
sendmail_from  = ""
;sendmail_path =

PHP4 seems to work well in other circumstances, such as retrieving info from the database, etc.  When I go to test PHP4, I rename index.php3 to index.php; the .php extension is set up to run via PHP4.

When I comment the mail() lines in the script, PHP4 executes it correctly.

This is with the CGI version of PHP4, not the ISAPI version. I'm running WinNT4.0 and IIS4.0.  I am loading the php_mssql70.dll.

Please let me know if you need more info or if I can help in any way.  (I'm really excited about getting 4.0 running so that I can implement its session support.)


Joel Swift


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 [2000-07-26 23:37 UTC] jswift at bindview dot com
The symptom:
the web page attempts to load, but the server never responds with information.  I do not receive an error message.

I have also tried using \n and \r\n in the message text and header info.  I have tried leaving them off altogether.

I have tried uncommenting the sendmail_path and leaving it empty.

Thanks again,
Joel Swift
 [2000-07-27 05:12 UTC]
please try latest cvs or snapshot, 

php 3 and 4 windows smtp code should be
in sync again ...
 [2000-08-20 02:16 UTC]
No feedback from user.

 [2000-08-21 14:33 UTC]
User feedback:

I downloaded and built the latest version from CVS but now
it won't read my php.ini file. No idea if the SMTP problem is fixed.


Please include your configure line here.

 [2000-09-04 14:54 UTC]
Please try latest CVS or snapshot from
and reopen this bug report if  mail() doesn't work. 

If something else is broken submit a new bug report. One bug per report.


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