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Bug #49719 ReflectionClass::hasProperty returns true for a private property in base class
Submitted: 2009-09-30 01:23 UTC Modified: 2009-11-01 15:12 UTC
From: atblock at gmail dot com Assigned: felipe (profile)
Status: Closed Package: Reflection related
PHP Version: 5.3SVN-2009-09-30 (snap) OS: Linux
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
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From: atblock at gmail dot com
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 [2009-09-30 01:23 UTC] atblock at gmail dot com
I have a class which inherits from another class. The base class has a 
private property. When I check if that property exists on the inherited 
class, it returns true.

Reproduce code:
class A {
	private $a;
class B extends A {
$a = new B;
$ref = new ReflectionClass($a);

Expected result:

Actual result:


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 [2009-10-01 11:20 UTC]
From the documentation of hasMethod(), it seems that private properties also count as properties. Why do you think this is a bug? Because the property is not defined in class B but in class A?
 [2009-10-01 12:22 UTC] atblock at gmail dot com
1) Because it's a member of the base class and it's private.
2) Because the equivalent $ref->getProperty('a') throws an error, of 
unknown property
 [2009-10-04 19:49 UTC]
You are right. It can be expected that if hasProperty('a') returns true, getProperty('a') works. This works correctly when reflecting on A, but not when reflecting on B.

Reflect on:  A B
hasProperty: y y
getProperty: y n

I am not sure what the expected behavior should be. I.e. whether hasProperty should return true or false on B.
 [2009-11-01 15:12 UTC]
Automatic comment from SVN on behalf of felipe
Log: - Fixed bug #49719 (ReflectionClass::hasProperty returns true for a private property in base class)
 [2009-11-01 15:12 UTC]
This bug has been fixed in SVN.

Snapshots of the sources are packaged every three hours; this change
will be in the next snapshot. You can grab the snapshot at
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Last updated: Mon Feb 03 14:01:30 2025 UTC