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Bug #38834 pdo_odbc
Submitted: 2006-09-14 17:59 UTC Modified: 2006-10-11 13:42 UTC
Avg. Score:4.3 ± 0.9
Reproduced:3 of 3 (100.0%)
Same Version:3 (100.0%)
Same OS:3 (100.0%)
From: aspen dot olmsted at alliance dot biz Assigned: wez (profile)
Status: Closed Package: PDO related
PHP Version: 5.1.6 OS: Windows XP SP2
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
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Bug Type:
From: aspen dot olmsted at alliance dot biz
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PHP Version: OS:


 [2006-09-14 17:59 UTC] aspen dot olmsted at alliance dot biz
I am connecting to sql with and retrieving a single row with 3 columns.  One column is a 8000 varchar.  If I put the other two columns before the large varchar everything is fine.  If I put them after they come back empty.

Reproduce code:
$dbh = new PDO('odbc:lcpeo', 'user', 'password');
$sql = "SELECT scpFreeText, scpLastUpdate,scpName  FROM ScreenParts WHERE scpCode = 1541";
foreach($dbh->query($sql) as $row)
$dbh = null;

Here is the table definition:
CREATE TABLE [ScreenParts] (
	[scpCode] [int] NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_ScreenParts_scpCode] DEFAULT (0),
	[scpScreenCode] [int] NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_ScreenParts_scpScreenCode] DEFAULT (0),
	[scpScreenName] [varchar] (100) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_ScreenParts_scpScreenName] DEFAULT (''),
	[scpName] [varchar] (100) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_ScreenParts_scpName] DEFAULT (''),
	[scpType] [varchar] (50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_ScreenParts_scpType] DEFAULT (''),
	[scpFileName] [varchar] (150) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_ScreenParts_scpFileName] DEFAULT (''),
	[scpParameters] [varchar] (1000) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_ScreenParts_scpParameters] DEFAULT (0),
	[scpTOP] [int] NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_ScreenParts_scpTOP] DEFAULT (0),
	[scpLEFT] [int] NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_ScreenParts_scpLEFT] DEFAULT (0),
	[scpWIDTH] [varchar] (50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_ScreenParts_scpWIDTH] DEFAULT (''),
	[scpHEIGHT] [varchar] (50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_ScreenParts_scpHEIGHT] DEFAULT (''),
	[scpFreeText] [varchar] (8000) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_ScreenParts_scpFreeText] DEFAULT (''),
	[scpIncBefore] [varchar] (100) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_ScreenParts_scpIncBefore] DEFAULT (''),
	[scpIncAfter] [varchar] (100) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_ScreenParts_scpIncAfter] DEFAULT (''),
	[scpOrdinal] [int] NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_ScreenParts_scpOrdinal] DEFAULT (0),
	[scpStatus] [int] NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_ScreenParts_scpStatus] DEFAULT (1),
	[scpExtras] [varchar] (1000) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_ScreenParts_scpExtras] DEFAULT (''),
	[scpExtraLngCode] [int] NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_ScreenParts_scpExtraLngCode] DEFAULT (0),
	[scpLastUpdate] [datetime] NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_ScreenParts_scpLastUpdate] DEFAULT (getdate()),

Expected result:
Values in all 3 fields

Actual result:
scpLastUpdate and scpName are empty


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 [2006-09-15 02:56 UTC] aspen dot olmsted at alliance dot biz
I noticed that the array returned is actually duplicating the columns.  One for each name and then one per number:

array(6) {
  string(7895) "<UL class=ul3><B>$2,500?$4,999</B> 
<LI>2 x 4, Inc 
<LI>Alan Brasington Network 
<LI>Eleanor S. Applewhaite 
<LI>Martha and Thomas G. Armstrong 
<LI>Jody and John Arnhold 
<LI>Page Ashley 
<LI>In Memory of Betty L. Asiel 
<LI>Rosalind Case Avrett 
<LI>Susan Baker and Michael Lynch 
<LI>Lucy and Joel Banker 
<LI>Dave Barger 
<LI>Richard and Eslyn Bassuk 
<LI>Ginette and Joshua Becker 
<LI>Margaret and James Bernstein 
<LI>Leslie and George C. Biddle 
<LI>Marilyn Friedman and Thomas Block 
<LI>Harvi and Bob Bloom 
<LI>The Blythmour Corporation 
<LI>Brian R. Meara Public Relations Inc. 
<LI>The Brodsky Organization 
<LI>David Brown and Helen Gurley Brown 
<LI>Marian Culbertson Hvolbeck 
<LI>Mr. and Mrs. Willard C. Butcher 
<LI>Frank and Nancy Bynum 
<LI>Ms. Deborah Carmichael 
<LI>John K. Castle 
<LI>Elizabeth and Jay Chandler 
<LI>Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Chasanoff 
<LI>Citigroup Private Bank 
<LI>Connie and Richard W. Cohen 
<LI>Colgate-Palmolive Company 
<LI>Con Edison 
<LI>Peter and Julie Cummings 
<LI>Ms. Marjorie M. Curry 
<LI>Matthew J. Cvetic 
<LI>D. Ronald Daniel and Lise Scott 
<LI>Lucy and Mike Danziger 
<LI>Mr. and Mrs. J. Dennis Delafield 
<LI>Jamie deRoy 
<LI>Gayle and Dan Devin 
<LI>Valerie and Charles Diker 
<LI>Robert and Marti Dinerstein 
<LI>Discovery Communications, Inc. 
<LI>DMJM Harris 
<LI>Anthony Dolce 
<LI>Ms. Domitilia M. dos Santos 
<LI>In Memoriam - Mr. and Mrs. Gerald A. Dundon 
<LI>Edison Properties, LLC 
<LI>Lewis and Judy Eisenberg 
<LI>Nancy Donohue and Diane Elam 
<LI>Empire BlueCross BlueShield 
<LI>Paula S. Epsteen 
<LI>Stanley Epstein 
<LI>Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Fadem 
<LI>Roger N. Farah/Polo Ralph Lauren Foundation 
<LI>Fiona Morgan Fein 
<LI>Mr. and Mrs. Massimo Ferragamo 
<LI>Arlene and Robert Fischer 
<LI>Andrew Frackman and Emily Braun 
<LI>Juliet Frank 
<LI>Freedom Forum 
<LI>Cynthia and Eliot Fried 
<LI>The Barry Friedberg and Charlotte Moss Family Foundation 
<LI>Patrice and Louis Friedman 
<LI>In Memory of Ella and George Geiger 
<LI>Ms. Lynn Gilbert 
<LI>Mr. &amp; Mrs. Richard F. Goodman 
<LI>Ms. Beth S. Gould 
<LI>Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Gould, Jr. 
<LI>Gray Family Foundation 
<LI>Annette Green 
<LI>Mr. and Mrs. Maurice R. Greenberg/The Greenberg Foundation 
<LI>Naava and Sanford Grossman 
<LI>Doris Grzymski 
<LI>Ralph and Calla Guild 
<LI>Mr. and Mrs. John H. Gutfreund 
<LI>Gerry Harper 
<LI>Mary W. Harriman Foundation 
<LI>Ted &amp; Dina Merrill Hartley 
<LI>Mrs. Eva Hartman 
<LI>Linda and Mel Heineman 
<LI>Marian S. Heiskell 
<LI>David M. Helpern 
<LI>Buck Henry Charitable Fund Administered by the <BR>&nbsp; &nbsp; California Community Foundation 
<LI>John S. Herold, Inc. 
<LI>Ellen and David S. Hirsch 
<LI>Jacqueline and Robert Hochberg 
<LI>Will Holt 
<LI>Carol and Howard Holtzmann 
<LI>Ruth W. Houghton 
<LI>Mr. and Mrs. Charles O. Hoyt 
<LI>Jill and Ken Iscol 
<LI>Dr. and Mrs. Julius H. Jacobson II 
<LI>Linda and Morton Janklow 
<LI>Freda S. Johnson 
<LI>Marnee and Eric Kaltman 
<LI>The Kandell Fund 
<LI>Maury I. Kaplin 
<LI>Mr. and Mrs. John A. Kauffmann 
<LI>Stuart and Isabel Kessler 
<LI>Dr. Herry Kijner 
<LI>Kirkland &amp; Ellis LLP 
<LI>Victor and Sarah Kovner 
<LI>Alice and Dennis Krieger 
<LI>Linda L. and Benjamin V. Lambert 
<LI>Deborah and Peter Lamm 
<LI>Terese and Alvin Lane 
<LI>June Noble Larkin 
<LI>LeBouef, Lamb, Greene &amp; MacRae, LLP 
<LI>Joseph and Juanita Leff 
<LI>Linda and Sandy Lindenbaum 
<LI>Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Linton 
<LI>Liz Robbins Associates 
<LI>Eileen Josten Lowe 
<LI>James A. Macdonald Foundation 
<LI>Holly &amp; John Madigan 
<LI>Richard H.M. and Gail Lowe Maidman 
<LI>Flora Major 
<LI>The Mallah Group/ICON Parking Systems 
<LI>Matthew J. Mallow and Ellen Chesler 
<LI>Barbara and J. Robert Mann, Jr. 
<LI>Judith and Michael Margulies 
<LI>Ronald J. Marino and Christine E. Morrison 
<LI>Marion and Terry Martin 
<LI>Elaine and Eli Mattioli 
<LI>Prakash and Anjali Melwani 
<LI>Ellen and Lee Metzendorf 
<LI>Bruce Meyers 
<LI>Mr. and Mrs. Lewis A. Miller 
<LI>Marianne and Steve Mills 
<LI>Donald R. Mullen, Jr. 
<LI>Suzanne and Thomas Murphy 
<LI>The Netter Foundation 
<LI>Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Newhouse 
<LI>Elyse and Michael Newhouse 
<LI>Colleen and Roger Noall 
<LI>Bob O'Brien 
<LI>Nancy and Morris W. Offit 
<LI>Henna Ong and Peter D. Lawrence 
<LI>Herbert Pardes and Nancy Wexler 
<LI>Mr. and Mrs. Samuel P. Peabody 
<LI>Barbara and Victor Pelson 
<LI>Mr. and Mrs. W. Hollis Petersen 
<LI>Elaine and Charles Petschek 
<LI>In Memory of Nancy Pfifferling 
<LI>Mr. and Mrs. Joel I. Picket 
<LI>Mr. Evan Picoult 
<LI>Marnie and Don Pillsbury 
<LI>Ruth Porat and Anthony Paduano 
<LI>Nancy D. Portnoy 
<LI>Jeffrey and Judith Prussin 
<LI>In Memory of Adele S. Rebell 
<LI>Paula and Ira M. Resnick 
<LI>The Karl F. Reuling Fund 
<LI>Yvonne and John Rhea 
<LI>Mrs. Henry Hart Rice 
<LI>Allan and Reda R. Riley Foundation 
<LI>Barbara J. Riley 
<LI>Jonathan F. P. Rose 
<LI>Susan and Elihu Rose Foundation 
<LI>Jeffrey A. and Marjorie G. Rosen 
<LI>Robert Rosenkranz and Alexandra Munroe 
<LI>The Richard and Hinda Rosenthal Foundation 
<LI>Dr. Svetlana Salerno 
<LI>Helene and Maurice Saragoussi 
<LI>Elaine Sargent 
<LI>Robin and Arrien Schiltkamp 
<LI>Rudy and Elaine Schott 
<LI>Hannelore Schulhof 
<LI>Mrs. Richard Selle 
<LI>Joseph S. Shapiro 
<LI>Gil Shiva 
<LI>Ruth Lande Shuman 
<LI>Anne and Constantine Sidamon-Eristoff 
<LI>Adrianne and William Silver 
<LI>Patti and David Silver 
<LI>Stephen and Bonnie Simon 
<LI>Alan B. Slifka 
<LI>Annaliese Soros 
<LI>The Stainrook Foundation 
<LI>Burton B. Staniar 
<LI>Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stein 
<LI>Jean Stein, JKW Foundation 
<LI>Joshua L. Steiner 
<LI>Pavur R. Sundaresan, MD, PhD 
<LI>The Susman Family 
<LI>Gloria and Philip Talkow 
<LI>Marie Therese Taussi 
<LI>Margaretta Taylor 
<LI>Marilyn and Brainerd Taylor 
<LI>Bunny and Sid Todres 
<LI>Lee and Marvin S. Traub 
<LI>UBS Investment Bank 
<LI>Andrea and Paul Vizcarrondo 
<LI>Law Offices of Claudia Wagner 
<LI>John Wagner 
<LI>Mrs. James P. Warburg 
<LI>Dan K. Wassong 
<LI>Alan and Elaine Weiler 
<LI>Liz and Steve Weinstein 
<LI>Steve and Linda Weiss 
<LI>David Wertheimer 
<LI>Judy and Josh Weston 
<LI>Ms. Shelby White 
<LI>Mr. John C. Whitehead 
<LI>The Wien Family Fund 
<LI>Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wood 
<LI>Cecilia Blewer and Clayton Young 
<LI>Twelve Anonymous</LI></UL>
<P><EM>As of July 23, 2006</EM></P>
<P>Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, Inc. is deeply grateful to the government agencies and elected representatives listed below for their support for our 2006?07 season. 
<UL class=ul3>
<LI>City of New York, Michael R. Bloomberg, Mayor 
<LI>New York City Department of Cultural Affairs, Kate D. Levin, Commissioner 
<LI>New York City Department of Parks and Recreation,<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Adrian Benepe, Commissioner 
<LI>New York City Department of Education, Chancellor Joel Klein 
<LI>New York City Department of Youth and Community Development,<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Jeanne B. Mullgrav, Commissioner 
<LI>New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Thomas R. Frieden, MD, Commissioner 
<LI>Office of the Manhattan Borough President 
<LI>New York City Council, Speaker Christine C. Quinn 
<LI>The Honorable Gale A. Brewer, New York City Council 
<LI>The Honorable Sheldon Silver, Speaker, New York State Assembly 
<LI>The Honorable David A. Paterson, Minority Leader, New York State Senate 
<LI>The Honorable Jose M. Serrano, New York State Senate 
<LI>New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation 
<LI>New York State Council on the Arts 
<LI>National Endowment for the Arts</LI></UL>"
  string(7895) "<UL class=ul3><B>$2,500?$4,999</B> 
<LI>2 x 4, Inc 
<LI>Alan Brasington Network 
<LI>Eleanor S. Applewhaite 
<LI>Martha and Thomas G. Armstrong 
<LI>Jody and John Arnhold 
<LI>Page Ashley 
<LI>In Memory of Betty L. Asiel 
<LI>Rosalind Case Avrett 
<LI>Susan Baker and Michael Lynch 
<LI>Lucy and Joel Banker 
<LI>Dave Barger 
<LI>Richard and Eslyn Bassuk 
<LI>Ginette and Joshua Becker 
<LI>Margaret and James Bernstein 
<LI>Leslie and George C. Biddle 
<LI>Marilyn Friedman and Thomas Block 
<LI>Harvi and Bob Bloom 
<LI>The Blythmour Corporation 
<LI>Brian R. Meara Public Relations Inc. 
<LI>The Brodsky Organization 
<LI>David Brown and Helen Gurley Brown 
<LI>Marian Culbertson Hvolbeck 
<LI>Mr. and Mrs. Willard C. Butcher 
<LI>Frank and Nancy Bynum 
<LI>Ms. Deborah Carmichael 
<LI>John K. Castle 
<LI>Elizabeth and Jay Chandler 
<LI>Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Chasanoff 
<LI>Citigroup Private Bank 
<LI>Connie and Richard W. Cohen 
<LI>Colgate-Palmolive Company 
<LI>Con Edison 
<LI>Peter and Julie Cummings 
<LI>Ms. Marjorie M. Curry 
<LI>Matthew J. Cvetic 
<LI>D. Ronald Daniel and Lise Scott 
<LI>Lucy and Mike Danziger 
<LI>Mr. and Mrs. J. Dennis Delafield 
<LI>Jamie deRoy 
<LI>Gayle and Dan Devin 
<LI>Valerie and Charles Diker 
<LI>Robert and Marti Dinerstein 
<LI>Discovery Communications, Inc. 
<LI>DMJM Harris 
<LI>Anthony Dolce 
<LI>Ms. Domitilia M. dos Santos 
<LI>In Memoriam - Mr. and Mrs. Gerald A. Dundon 
<LI>Edison Properties, LLC 
<LI>Lewis and Judy Eisenberg 
<LI>Nancy Donohue and Diane Elam 
<LI>Empire BlueCross BlueShield 
<LI>Paula S. Epsteen 
<LI>Stanley Epstein 
<LI>Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Fadem 
<LI>Roger N. Farah/Polo Ralph Lauren Foundation 
<LI>Fiona Morgan Fein 
<LI>Mr. and Mrs. Massimo Ferragamo 
<LI>Arlene and Robert Fischer 
<LI>Andrew Frackman and Emily Braun 
<LI>Juliet Frank 
<LI>Freedom Forum 
<LI>Cynthia and Eliot Fried 
<LI>The Barry Friedberg and Charlotte Moss Family Foundation 
<LI>Patrice and Louis Friedman 
<LI>In Memory of Ella and George Geiger 
<LI>Ms. Lynn Gilbert 
<LI>Mr. &amp; Mrs. Richard F. Goodman 
<LI>Ms. Beth S. Gould 
<LI>Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Gould, Jr. 
<LI>Gray Family Foundation 
<LI>Annette Green 
<LI>Mr. and Mrs. Maurice R. Greenberg/The Greenberg Foundation 
<LI>Naava and Sanford Grossman 
<LI>Doris Grzymski 
<LI>Ralph and Calla Guild 
<LI>Mr. and Mrs. John H. Gutfreund 
<LI>Gerry Harper 
<LI>Mary W. Harriman Foundation 
<LI>Ted &amp; Dina Merrill Hartley 
<LI>Mrs. Eva Hartman 
<LI>Linda and Mel Heineman 
<LI>Marian S. Heiskell 
<LI>David M. Helpern 
<LI>Buck Henry Charitable Fund Administered by the <BR>&nbsp; &nbsp; California Community Foundation 
<LI>John S. Herold, Inc. 
<LI>Ellen and David S. Hirsch 
<LI>Jacqueline and Robert Hochberg 
<LI>Will Holt 
<LI>Carol and Howard Holtzmann 
<LI>Ruth W. Houghton 
<LI>Mr. and Mrs. Charles O. Hoyt 
<LI>Jill and Ken Iscol 
<LI>Dr. and Mrs. Julius H. Jacobson II 
<LI>Linda and Morton Janklow 
<LI>Freda S. Johnson 
<LI>Marnee and Eric Kaltman 
<LI>The Kandell Fund 
<LI>Maury I. Kaplin 
<LI>Mr. and Mrs. John A. Kauffmann 
<LI>Stuart and Isabel Kessler 
<LI>Dr. Herry Kijner 
<LI>Kirkland &amp; Ellis LLP 
<LI>Victor and Sarah Kovner 
<LI>Alice and Dennis Krieger 
<LI>Linda L. and Benjamin V. Lambert 
<LI>Deborah and Peter Lamm 
<LI>Terese and Alvin Lane 
<LI>June Noble Larkin 
<LI>LeBouef, Lamb, Greene &amp; MacRae, LLP 
<LI>Joseph and Juanita Leff 
<LI>Linda and Sandy Lindenbaum 
<LI>Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Linton 
<LI>Liz Robbins Associates 
<LI>Eileen Josten Lowe 
<LI>James A. Macdonald Foundation 
<LI>Holly &amp; John Madigan 
<LI>Richard H.M. and Gail Lowe Maidman 
<LI>Flora Major 
<LI>The Mallah Group/ICON Parking Systems 
<LI>Matthew J. Mallow and Ellen Chesler 
<LI>Barbara and J. Robert Mann, Jr. 
<LI>Judith and Michael Margulies 
<LI>Ronald J. Marino and Christine E. Morrison 
<LI>Marion and Terry Martin 
<LI>Elaine and Eli Mattioli 
<LI>Prakash and Anjali Melwani 
<LI>Ellen and Lee Metzendorf 
<LI>Bruce Meyers 
<LI>Mr. and Mrs. Lewis A. Miller 
<LI>Marianne and Steve Mills 
<LI>Donald R. Mullen, Jr. 
<LI>Suzanne and Thomas Murphy 
<LI>The Netter Foundation 
<LI>Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Newhouse 
<LI>Elyse and Michael Newhouse 
<LI>Colleen and Roger Noall 
<LI>Bob O'Brien 
<LI>Nancy and Morris W. Offit 
<LI>Henna Ong and Peter D. Lawrence 
<LI>Herbert Pardes and Nancy Wexler 
<LI>Mr. and Mrs. Samuel P. Peabody 
<LI>Barbara and Victor Pelson 
<LI>Mr. and Mrs. W. Hollis Petersen 
<LI>Elaine and Charles Petschek 
<LI>In Memory of Nancy Pfifferling 
<LI>Mr. and Mrs. Joel I. Picket 
<LI>Mr. Evan Picoult 
<LI>Marnie and Don Pillsbury 
<LI>Ruth Porat and Anthony Paduano 
<LI>Nancy D. Portnoy 
<LI>Jeffrey and Judith Prussin 
<LI>In Memory of Adele S. Rebell 
<LI>Paula and Ira M. Resnick 
<LI>The Karl F. Reuling Fund 
<LI>Yvonne and John Rhea 
<LI>Mrs. Henry Hart Rice 
<LI>Allan and Reda R. Riley Foundation 
<LI>Barbara J. Riley 
<LI>Jonathan F. P. Rose 
<LI>Susan and Elihu Rose Foundation 
<LI>Jeffrey A. and Marjorie G. Rosen 
<LI>Robert Rosenkranz and Alexandra Munroe 
<LI>The Richard and Hinda Rosenthal Foundation 
<LI>Dr. Svetlana Salerno 
<LI>Helene and Maurice Saragoussi 
<LI>Elaine Sargent 
<LI>Robin and Arrien Schiltkamp 
<LI>Rudy and Elaine Schott 
<LI>Hannelore Schulhof 
<LI>Mrs. Richard Selle 
<LI>Joseph S. Shapiro 
<LI>Gil Shiva 
<LI>Ruth Lande Shuman 
<LI>Anne and Constantine Sidamon-Eristoff 
<LI>Adrianne and William Silver 
<LI>Patti and David Silver 
<LI>Stephen and Bonnie Simon 
<LI>Alan B. Slifka 
<LI>Annaliese Soros 
<LI>The Stainrook Foundation 
<LI>Burton B. Staniar 
<LI>Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stein 
<LI>Jean Stein, JKW Foundation 
<LI>Joshua L. Steiner 
<LI>Pavur R. Sundaresan, MD, PhD 
<LI>The Susman Family 
<LI>Gloria and Philip Talkow 
<LI>Marie Therese Taussi 
<LI>Margaretta Taylor 
<LI>Marilyn and Brainerd Taylor 
<LI>Bunny and Sid Todres 
<LI>Lee and Marvin S. Traub 
<LI>UBS Investment Bank 
<LI>Andrea and Paul Vizcarrondo 
<LI>Law Offices of Claudia Wagner 
<LI>John Wagner 
<LI>Mrs. James P. Warburg 
<LI>Dan K. Wassong 
<LI>Alan and Elaine Weiler 
<LI>Liz and Steve Weinstein 
<LI>Steve and Linda Weiss 
<LI>David Wertheimer 
<LI>Judy and Josh Weston 
<LI>Ms. Shelby White 
<LI>Mr. John C. Whitehead 
<LI>The Wien Family Fund 
<LI>Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wood 
<LI>Cecilia Blewer and Clayton Young 
<LI>Twelve Anonymous</LI></UL>
<P><EM>As of July 23, 2006</EM></P>
<P>Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, Inc. is deeply grateful to the government agencies and elected representatives listed below for their support for our 2006?07 season. 
<UL class=ul3>
<LI>City of New York, Michael R. Bloomberg, Mayor 
<LI>New York City Department of Cultural Affairs, Kate D. Levin, Commissioner 
<LI>New York City Department of Parks and Recreation,<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Adrian Benepe, Commissioner 
<LI>New York City Department of Education, Chancellor Joel Klein 
<LI>New York City Department of Youth and Community Development,<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Jeanne B. Mullgrav, Commissioner 
<LI>New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Thomas R. Frieden, MD, Commissioner 
<LI>Office of the Manhattan Borough President 
<LI>New York City Council, Speaker Christine C. Quinn 
<LI>The Honorable Gale A. Brewer, New York City Council 
<LI>The Honorable Sheldon Silver, Speaker, New York State Assembly 
<LI>The Honorable David A. Paterson, Minority Leader, New York State Senate 
<LI>The Honorable Jose M. Serrano, New York State Senate 
<LI>New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation 
<LI>New York State Council on the Arts 
<LI>National Endowment for the Arts</LI></UL>"
  string(0) ""
  string(0) ""
  string(0) ""
  string(0) ""
 [2006-09-15 07:03 UTC]
Please try using this CVS snapshot:
For Windows:

 [2006-09-15 13:01 UTC] aspen dot olmsted at alliance dot biz
I tried on 5.2.0RC5-dev
and I have the same result as 5.1 duplicated columns in the array and everything after the large text field is blank
 [2006-10-09 23:30 UTC] mmatz at 2advanced dot com
Is there any workaround for this issue?  I'm trying to write a script that will migrate from an old MSSQL database (with arcane schema) to a new and improved MySQL 5 database.  Naturally, I'm going to need to get all of the data out of these long text fields.  Using mssql_* (or PDO_DBLIB mssql functions, or ADOdb mssql functions) I get the error:

Unicode data in a Unicode-only collation or ntext data cannot be sent to clients using DB-Library (such as ISQL) or ODBC version 3.7 or earlier.

So that's why I'm using ODBC, which will actually retrieve data, but I'm faced with the problem you describe.
 [2006-10-11 12:39 UTC]
This bug has been fixed in CVS.

Snapshots of the sources are packaged every three hours; this change
will be in the next snapshot. You can grab the snapshot at
Thank you for the report, and for helping us make PHP better.

Grab a PHP 5.2 snapshot from
 [2006-10-11 13:42 UTC] aspen dot olmsted at alliance dot biz
Works great.  Thanks
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Last updated: Wed Feb 05 14:01:32 2025 UTC